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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2021 in Posts

  1. Hiya! I'm HazySeer, or just Hazy for short! I recently have gotten into SS13 and have been having a lot of fun on Paradise Station. I am definitley new to the game, I recently just stopped being an assistant, and switched to cargo tech. I recently played my first round as botanist as well! (I sucked) Baby steps. I look forward to meeting you all and someday, I swear, I will be a goopy boi. Bye! :D
    5 points
  2. I've seen all 3 get called 'meta choices' by people who got beaten by them so I think they're probably pretty balanced against each other so that's cool. Yeah umbrae were too mobile but you've already coded a fix for that, probably fine now. Hemomancer got whacked with like 50 nerfs I imagine they're fine too. Garg not using guns during blood swell is all it needed plus it's the most rarely picked of the three by a significant margin.
    2 points
  3. As the title says, I'd like to make a suggestion for a null rod form based off Asclepius. I'm thinking maybe a Serpent of Asclepius that takes up your arm slot (much like the rod does and other null rod items like chainsaw) and works similarly to prayer beads. However instead of being anti-cult and anti-vampire, they instead work like prayer beads with 100% heal chance and 10 second use. While it doesn't enforce pacifism, it does not function as a weapon. It does still remove cult runes and such like a normal null rod would. My final suggestion is that if you have this Serpent of Asclepius you can use it on a Rod of Asclepius, performing the oath the Rod would have you normally do and combining the items together, essentially letting you have the rod of Asclepius function as itself and the Serpent of Asclepius. Maybe call it the Twin Serpent Rod of Asclepius. I am worried this might be a bit unabalanceing so thoughts are appreciated.
    1 point
  4. I don't think gargantua needs anything. They're already strong if you know what you are doing. I disagree that hemomancer is boring, I think they are very interesting. Yeah blood manipulation could do many more things but we can't have them do all these things or they'll be OP as hell. Umbrae similarly need no buff, and I agree that the speed isn't a big deal. Still not faster than a laser.
    1 point
  5. So, I think that the vampire options are decently good and incredibly well balanced. So, in the famous words of Jumpman Mario, "Letsa go!" MINOR CHANGES 200 unit blood cap: I think this is really good. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't implemented earlier. My favourite bit is that they are drainable post clone. Fire & Space: I think this is really cool, /vg/ had a similar system where the sun would come out and you'd have to duck into closets or coffins to avoid sunlight and you'd gradually build up an immunity and sparkle like a twilight vampire. Full Power & New Vampiric Vision: Honestly, I'm not too sure why vampires had x-ray to begin with, and I think that this is a good hand-hold, especially when you can essentially just get the x-ray with mesons. I like that full power is now 1000 I think that you could maybe suffice with 800, but It's really not big of an issue. I saw a lot of people complaining that the fact that vampires needed to drain more blood was a bad thing, because more people would be drained and have to wait out medbay; me personally, I believe this complaint is completely without merit especially when you consider how many vampires redtext roundstart. Rejuvenate & Glare: Huge changes IMO, glare behaving like a /tg/ flash was a super obvious decision that I'm surprised I hadn't made when discussing V A M P I R E "balance". Rejuvenate getting stamina healing is a nice touch too. Code Improvement: Honestly the least sung praises of this update are the code improvements. I'm very happy it's been streamlined for future morons (like yours truly) to be able to read through the moon runes with less difficulty. GARGANTUA Not much to say here honestly, I am definitely biased seeing as this is my favourite class, but I think it's a little too one-note. Giving the gargantua a little bit more versatility would be a much needed and welcome change in my opinion: perhaps built in insulation, flash resistance would be nice, or some harder to break bones? Perhaps give them stun but not stamina crit immunity? HEMOMANCER Not a fan of this one, just the atmosphere feels off-- I really can't explain it. Blood bender bampire just feels... uninspired? It just feels like the valley girl of vampire options. Balance wise? I think these are fine, I guess. There's nothing I can really complain about. I just think they should be able to make more things with blood. Maybe give them blood walls that can be deconned with buckets, cleaned, or walked through slowly. Maybe give them a spear that they can yote at people. Maybe a bola... blood bola, alliteration, YEAAAH. UMBRAE Umbrae is cool, it's just a better version of old vampire. Not too much to say here. You kind of just made a lame Strahd. I see a lot of people complaining about the speed in darkness for some reason, I'm not too sure why (I am sure why, I DED PLES NERF). There's plenty of shit in game that just gives you the same amount of speed for no detriment without a readily available counter. I think that extinguish should cost a tiny bit of blood, maybe 5, but become free when you hit full power. I think they could use an extra passive ability, not too sure what that'd be... maybe just cold immunity; but then again slime person buff bad.
    1 point
  6. update: Dark passage CD is now 40 seconds, up from 15 (IDK WHY I MADE IT SO LOW) Shadow snare breakout time is 5 seconds, up from 3. Hopefully Umbrae will be less aggrivating to catch, and their other non "run away lol" options, like trapping then fighting will be more appealing.
    1 point
  7. Running that scam was tons of fun. I messaged literally every PDA, I got the details of about five people and other interactions from about a dozen more. But Todd Rutabaga was the funniest one.
    1 point
  8. I could see that being an issue, thats why I suggested it have a long channel time. It would really only be useful for minor injuries. Like 10-15 sec for prayer bead healing is not gunna do much for major damage, not to mention requiring you to stand totally still. The pacifism idea is neat, as someone who likes to play a Chaplain of Asclepius.
    1 point
  9. In my view the emergency boxes are to be limited-use saving graces for the person using them. While there is precedent for certain species to have different supplies (i.e. Vox and Plasmamen), IPC players get the standard o2 box. This is despite the fact that they can only personally use the glowstick in said box. I propose a change to what it contains, namely to an emergency welder and a small amount of cables (like 10?). While it is easy for a player to get supplies, it doesn't make in universe sense. Why would the profit oriented Nanotrasen give unneeded supplies to the now sizable portion of their crews?
    1 point
  10. I've already spoken about this on another post asking about hiero re-introduction, as well as a quick PR I made about it. If hiero was to be reintroduced, I still think It'd need a major nerf on its crusher trophy ability. The wall stays up for about seven seconds, letting you completely box megafauna in and kill them without much trouble. The Drake's breath going through it would be a good addition to that. Alternatively, if the wall had a max HP, and would break after taking a certain amount of punishment, that could be alright, too.
    1 point
  11. I could see it being fun from a roleplay perspective to have people come to your chapel to be healed by the will of [your deity] and basically bless them and say "My child, you are healed!" However, I'm also concerned with it just ending up as a powergame item to go around and heal people rather than actually be a chaplain.
    1 point
  12. Ah no the heal wouldn't be instant, it would work a lot like the Prayer Beads, where they have to sit there and channel for 10-15 seconds. Just instead of deconverting and having a 33% chance to heal, it always heals at the cost of not deconverting.
    1 point
  13. This is an idea I've had in the back of my head for a while (and one I'd be willing to code). What: Whenever a mob spawner pops up in game, terrors/swarmers/blob, it always has a popup icon in the top right of the screen indicating that the mob/antag is available. What I'm proposing is to add that same feature to karma giving and server polls (escape shuttle, next map). With the server poll icon showing up for 30 seconds upon a poll being opened and the karma giving icon show up upon the shuttle leaving or the round end(as with blob/nukies gamemodes). When you click on the popup, it opens up the menu to give karma or opens up the voting menu for a server poll. Why: It is extremely easy to forget to give karma at the end of the round. While I don't think it is absolutely necessary to give out karma each round it probably should be given out a bit more than it is. This may also help people get into the habit of giving karma as they'll become more aware of their ability to give it out. This also will help spread out karma to players who may not often(or ever) be in the central purview of deadchat during a round. As for server polls. Chatlog spams can happen. As an admin it's extraordinarily bad if I don't turn my attack log preferences down and the sever poll option is on my screen for perhaps a couple seconds. Similarly, if someone is in combat(as is common at round end), the option to choose the next map or call the transfer shuttle is easily sent into the abyss that is combat chatspam.
    1 point
  14. 100% agree. It's extremely easy to forget/miss polls which include things like extending the round, or changing the map. Giving that to karma also makes sense.
    1 point
  15. I remember seeing this circulating around back when I was being used as a guinea pig for some test runs of DBSS Sigma. I'm totally for this (not that my opinion matters all too much) and think that gateways need some love. I know that general higher-up consensus is mostly negative against the addition of more stuff to the gateway and hope that turns around eventually. It's a crying shame to see such an intriguing part of the SS13 experience have it's penultimate experience be trying to rush through the spider station with lasers as fast as possible.
    1 point
  16. Perhaps this is just because Security module cyborgs have been discussed a lot lately, but I feel like I want to bring up that when I mained Silicons, I always thought there was one thing you should remember: Your loyalty is to your laws, above all else. To an extent, that also means loyalty to Nanotrasen and the crew (usually facilitated via laws), but nonetheless. It frustrates me when I see Secborg players harmbatoning crewmembers under Asimov, or observing (or worse, happily participating) as security officers abuse a prisoner. The moment that someone else becomes a violent aggressor against a crewmate (even it's the Head of Security themselves), you should be on them. Your job is to protect people, not to redtext bad guys. And I feel like that often gets lost. Obviously that changes somewhat under other lawsets, but I think the core of the point remains valid. I think that the best thing you can do when you go into playing silicon roles is realize that you're not really associated with any of the departments that your modules represent. You just have the tools to assist those departments when those goals align with your laws. I understand that this wasn't entirely the focus of your question, but I still felt like it was prudent to mention, especially to new Silicon players.
    1 point
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