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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2020 in Posts

  1. Hey all, long time no see. Made a new custom card for @Vuhonn hope you like it. *beep
    3 points
  2. Designation: NT-3303 Name: NanoTracey Gender: Female Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: Nano, Tracey, Useless machine (by some, anyway.) Picture: [Image On File] Age/D.O.B: 19 years old | 2544, Month and Date not known. Place Of Birth: All parts sourced by assorted manufactory worlds. Assembled on site at the NSS Astraeus. Species: Integrated Positronic Chassis Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Lawful Evil Affiliation: NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: Atheist Childhood: As a positronic brain, NanoTracey had a standard 'childhood' if you could call it that. She was preloaded with everything she needed to know for her assignment and she was quickly fitted into a chassis and given purpose. Though initially treated more like a tool or a piece of equipment, the staff aboard the NSS Astraeus would eventually grow fond of the blue bot. Adulthood: After a while, due to increasing technological progress, Tracey would find herself working more as a secretary rather than as a crate pusher or a lab assistant. This sort of work would leave quite an impression on her, leading to her leaning more towards liking paperwork after being thrust upon the NSS Cyberiad. The fate of the NSS Astraeus is somewhat of an unfortunate one, overtaken by a blob to the point of the station being destroyed by what Nanotrasen considers a myth. Tracey would find herself being gunned down by pulse laser fire and sucked out of a melted hole in the station hull. Though not even the highest of Naval Command could tell you why, either by mistake or by the actions of someone untoward, Tracey would be marked for refurbishment- her old industrial chassis replaced with a general purpose Morpheus Cyberkinetics chassis, and her posibrain scrubbed of anything... problematic for NT. Of course, nowadays she prefers to use a Bishop branded chassis out of both a stylistic choice, and (though she'd deny it vehemently) to go against what Nanotrasen may want for her. Detailed Information Appearance: A 170cm tall blue Bishop branded IPC, with light blue hair and white antennae, her yellow eyes flicker gently as she looks around. Character Voice: You know the NT voice for mechs? Imagine that but less tin-canny. Personality: A plucky robot, abrasive at times and easy to anger. Willing to do quite a bit for those she trusts the most. Despite her inherent mistrust towards the upper echelons of Nanotrasen she still can't shake her loyalty to the company. Medical Record: Barred from psychiatric care by Administrative Secretary [REDACTED] Character Biography Family: NT-0001 through NT-4000, none of which actually keep in touch and, as far as Tracey knows are probably scrap metal. History: Most of NanoTracey's history is obscured, both from herself and from those within Nanotrasen, likely catalogued in some dusty filing cabinet on some far away Administrative Station. However, her internal components were manufactured in house by Nanotrasen, her original chassis was one of Nanotrasen make as well, however her current chassis is one of Bishop make. It's unknown as to how many NanoTracey's there have been, at least two have ended up in Syndicate hands, one of which was returned, gutted. The other one has, according to documents that were hurriedly shredded, returned to the NSS Cyberiad with a completely different personality. They are currently allowed to work in positions involving little importance in order to determine if they still possess the memories of NT-3303 (Please see document NT-3303_27b-c) Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Gikikigi - She's sparse, but I get to see her after work every day, so it makes up for it! Wendy Anderson - You've saved my life more than once... not to mention all the secrets I've told you! Mayonnaise - Y'know, you're not that bad... plus any friend of Wendy can't be that bad! Helpbot 2000 - Always helpful! Incredibly nice and fairly trustworthy! Jacklyn Frost - Hey, we're pretty close, even if I don't see you around that often anymore... Marshal - Frost considers you a brother, and you don't seem SO bad... too bad you're dating her, or maybe I'd consider you higher. Kikeri: A nice vox! And a friend of Giki, I think- so a friend of Giki is a friend of mine! SyndiKate - For being me you sure do act like a menace. Dayana - You scare me more than you probably realize. Daedalos Brecht - I've heard things, you scare me, a lot. Jeneta Milosm - Scary Unathi lady, but she's at least fair. Adm. Sec. Quarters - She hasn't been around recently but she's pretty close to a mother figure to me, considering she taught me how to be normal... Phillip Orrbe - This guy seems so familiar, when I mention the NSS Astraeus he gets nervous and sweaty. Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy (Any factions that she lacks experience with will likely not be listed unless they're notable) Nanotrasen - I don't know anymore... and yet part of me refuses to try and ditch this place. The Syndicate - Absolutely horrid, the only times I've ever helped them was when they... no- best not to think about it. Mr. Chang's - They seem to be pretty nice, at least their food doesn't cause omnizine addictions to the organics! Donk Corporation - On the one hand- they make quite a few products a lot of people like- on the other... I'm certain they've got ties to them. BioTech Solutions - Hey, they made me! Or- my chassis, anyway! Cybersun Industries - Oh, them. Don't they outright willingly support the Syndicate? No thanks. Trans-Solar Federation - They seem okay! Union of Soviet Socialist Planets - I don't know much, but TSF seems to hate them a lot... Elysium Republic - The one person I met from there repeatedly insulted me! The Shoal - Mysterious, somewhat frightening honestly. Synthetics Union - I've never met them, but they just might be my ticket out of all of this... Wizard's Federation - I hate horse masks... Other Information: [I've been working on this for a hot minute, if you want your character added feel free to let me know!] Also, hilariously the alignment test pinned Tracey as Lawful Evil, not sure why! I might take a few others to see what they say how she falls in alignment.
    2 points
  3. Thanks to the two wicked talented artists.
    1 point
  4. Some vox I wanted to get around to drawing! I'll branch out to drawing other species eventually
    1 point
  5. I draw my character way too much but I thought it'd be a fun experiment to draw chiki as a human lol I'm surprised by how much I don't hate it.
    1 point
  6. Let's outline the problem first off. A pretty common complaint in the department section of the poll was that people tend to run a muck, take things, or do whatever they want in medical. Compared to basically any other department, people don't respect the access or understand that it is trespassing to go in without being invited by someone who works there. Similarly stocking up on medicines as security or mining in particular is meta, and no one treats this like the theft it is. The common response to this is security should be dealing with this, but in most cases this both something they don't care about and are too busy to do it. The other problem medbay often has is the frankly massive amount of blood everywhere, however as infections are a thing and medbay should be kept clean it either means harassing the janitor or getting soap or cleaner with a doctor or the CMO cleaning the floor instead of treating people. My proposal to solve this is adding a new job named orderly. Possible alternate names "ward attendant", "nurse assistant", or "healthcare assistant". Their access would be limited to the main areas of medical. They would be expected to keep medical clean and orderly. This includes cleaning the floors, restraining violent or resisting patients, and removing trespassers. Additionally doing minor first aid and manning the front desk are recommended. Their equipment would include a bar of soap and a bottle of cleaner. Give them a locker in the front desk area. From here I have two divergent ideas on how they can deal with either people breaking in, Give them a baton and a way to apply ether(patches, hypo, syringe). This would come with an SOP where they are treated like bartender regarding their baton and taking it outside of medical where they would be subject to possession of a weapon charge. This is to prevent valid hunting. I prefer this idea. Take a page out of the cook's loadout and give them a martial art that only works in the medbay. This solves the issue about valid hunting as a orderly only has the ability to easily trip and grab people inside the medbay. UPDATE: If I go the CQC route I would be removing all harm based moves from the CQC which leaves them with the following: Disarm: 65% chance for 5 brute and to take what's in hand. Grab: Instant aggressive grab. Grab Grab: Applies 5 stun and "restrains" them for 5 seconds. If they are restrained and you use a disarm they get hit with a chokehold for 10 sleep. Disarm Grab: Does 60 stam damage. 75% chance to block melee if you are in throw stance with an item in hand In conclusion: Pros: Keeps medical clean. Reduces disruptions to medical working. Lets doctors focus on serious injuries by dealing with minor external injuries. Removes dealing with people fucking around in medical from security’s workload, as they are already too busy to do it. Cons: Possible valid hunting. - This can be addressed with SOP to be possessing a weapon outside medbay for their baton, or giving a martial art instead that only works in medbay. Medbay is already crowded. - This should be mitigated by their existence, rather than exacerbated by it because they should be removing everyone who doesn't belong in medbay from medbay. I'd like to refine this idea enough that I can make a PR for it that will get serious consideration so I welcome any and all feedback.
    1 point
  7. I'd be very cautious handing out cqc - even without harm. It'd require more tweaks imho - as a single agressive grab is the absolute strongest form of stun - not even adrenals or any kinds of stimulants will get you out of it AFAIK. Yes, you can spam resist until you eventually break out and adrenal the stun away, but by that point you're already asleep and disarm spammed anyways. Doing any kind of antag stuff in medbay, in this example, is already asking to get lynched - having someone with cqc there too elevates the difficulty to a 100, and if the guy's even remotely validdy and robust it'll ruin many a rounds. I love the overall idea though - don't take me wrong !
    1 point
  8. Character Bio First Name: PTL-303 Middle Name: N/A Last Name: Page Nicknames/Alias: Pretzel/Blue Species: Integrated Positronic Chassis Gender: Female Height: 5ft. 5in./1.651 meters Weight: 120 lbs./54.431 kg. Place Of Construction: NSS Cyberiad Date Of Construction: April 12th, 2562 Age: 3 Years old Main Roles on the NSS Cyberiad: Assistant/Anything that's needed Alignment: Neutral good Favorite Food: Soups and Crayons Favorite Drink: Servo/Space cleaner Favorite Color: Blue and Red Fears: The dark and being alone Personal Quote: "Hello!" Affiliations: Nanotrasen and The Synthetic Union Childhood: Nanotrasen employee Adulthood: Nanotrasen employee Character Art Living Quarters Ship Model: Starchaser II Ship's Nickname: The Breadbox Designers: Exeter Scrapyards Ship's Location: Parked in rented space outside the NAS Crescent Important Cargo -Zaoo-Qu's old Camera -A lizard plushy gifted by Shesi -A large pretzel made of metal -A blue motorcycle covered in stickers -A pair of worn corgi shirts. One labeled "Sad Shirt" and the other labeled "Cuddle Shirt" -A green poncho gifted by lusooso Oo -Project Oscar-7 storage box and Oscar-7 Access Card -Bone Dagger gifted by P.U.R.P.L.E. Family Amy Page: Human Mother Maceo Page: Tajaran Father Winter Page: Tajaran Brother Azunja 'Zhan' Page: Tajaran Sister-In-Law
    1 point
  9. lil remake of Kar-Ski's( @BlackDog ) using his new pic by @Drakeven
    1 point
  10. imma add an edit sayin something like that in the OP
    1 point
  11. Should mention, credit goes to Drake for the portrait! They did a really good job!
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Looks so simple yet so nice. Love it
    1 point
  14. I like this. I like it a lot. So clean and simple, yet has all the details needed to make it look great.
    1 point
  15. Captain Aaron Whelen 's ID Card - @AmericanToxic
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
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