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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2020 in Posts

  1. Why is this? What can we do to prevent this? This seems to be a pretty common thing. As an example, most of the server would agree that X-Ray Guns are too strong, but nothing is being done about them despite it being a weapon that can delete antags even when they are seemingly unstoppable. Paraphrasing Skyping here but he said that despite the community wanting something to be done about X-rays, it would take more time to convince him it needs changing. Why is this? The community at large agrees they are dumb. That's just one example, I am sure others and myself can find more. Why are we not listening to the community more? This is an open-source game and some of the players trying to offer changes have more hours logged in a week or month then all of the maintainers combined. Do you agree? Do you have plans to reach a parity with TG in-terms of features? TG is much smaller in comparison to Paradise. In comparison, TG servers are fragmented and have less than a 1/4 of the population we have more often than not. What are servers similar to TG in git-hub structure doing that we can emulate to help us improve? Do you agree? I probably would. A good example is the Mech Painting PR. Putting aside all issues it might have had in coding grade, the feature was relatively fool-proof. Space-pods are paintable, why not mechs? One of the reasons given for not passing it was that people "Colored the mechs hot-pink for the two TMs." This is silly, and should have easily been identified as a case of players playing around with a fun new feature that was added, and should have been taken as good sign for the PR, not a reason for it to be turned down. Some PRs do not get any constructive feedback at all. People will not contribute to our server if they feel it is pointless. and finally You didn't touch much on the response to admins, but it really should not have to be said that there is an issue when players have practically outlined a collection of issues with certain admins, without anything being done about it on the surface. As a new player, who started playing 4 months ago, I have come to agree with the community regarding certain admins behavior only within at least a month of playing actively. It's only really two names that are practically a meme in regards to behavior at this point, and its a damn shame, because I think its inaction like this that is preventing the admins from collectively agreeing on how rules should be applied. If anyone doesn't see what I mean, just go to the Decline and Accepted Ban Appeals page on the forum, the same names always show up, while some admins despite being active never show up.
    1 point
  2. I still draw, I just haven't played SS13 in a long time because it's the only game that makes me rage game and I don't want to be upset playing a game when it's supposed to be fun. Here's some of my most recent commissions.
    1 point
  3. Here is the writeup of the notes from the meeting on Sunday (Sept/6), where we covered the results of the 2020 Paradise Community Survey (the 1st survey, link here) and tried to discuss them and figure out: what the survey told us what it means what we can learn from it (ideas for improvement) Please bear in mind that this meeting ran from about 2:30pm to 9:30pm, and while the last ~2 hours were social, that still leaves ~5 hours of discussion in voice with a huge number of people about every topic under the sun. I wrote up these notes the next day, attempting to capture as much as I could from the meeting (what I wrote down at the time, plus memory) as well as factoring in summaries of what I gleaned from the survey data reading over it again the next day. So, here it is, the survey meeting notes. Post your commentary/etc here. There will be another meeting this Saturday to try to tackle the second survey data.
    1 point
  4. Been very busy and my attention span has limited me to simple vox doodles What I imagine Tokorizo and Kikeri's first interaction was like as polar opposites
    1 point
  5. From a conversation about how the only way to prevent a certain vox's gruesome deaths would be a giant hamster ball Death finds a way
    1 point
  6. So, this is a short comic I did for @Cazdon in the style of my 'Adventures of Skrek' Vox comic. It features Torque, the unfortunate IPC, who was EMP'd again...and again... and again. All by different antags. It was something he had asked me to do quite a long time ago, and I finally got to doing it, which I'm glad I did because he's pretty darn amazing. I've never been good with comics, I've only done a few before, but I feel that if I'm going to be improving as an artist, this is something I need to get better at. Cazdon has been wonderfully supportive and amazing as well. You all have been, gosh. It's nice to know that while I peruse art I've got you nerds to root me on. It's something that consistently warms my heart. I'm such a lucky person to have friends like you all. To explain the comic a bit more, the first page features Torque coming across two changelings in turbine. They were unhappy about witnesses to their crimeful sins. So, EMP screech it is. Second page? An experience I'm sure many IPCs can understand. Revenants doing what they do best... Third is an over enthusiastic cult member, who, rather than going for the lights picks the more EMP flavored option... And the fourth? Well. The forth is special. I'd very much recommend checking out this video, which dives into the secret and very sinister nature of Spacenet tm and their crimes. Thanks to Simplecities (A.K.A the dreaded Dayana) for putting it together. It's pretty darn impressive.
    1 point
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