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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2020 in Posts

  1. Let's outline the problem first off. A pretty common complaint in the department section of the poll was that people tend to run a muck, take things, or do whatever they want in medical. Compared to basically any other department, people don't respect the access or understand that it is trespassing to go in without being invited by someone who works there. Similarly stocking up on medicines as security or mining in particular is meta, and no one treats this like the theft it is. The common response to this is security should be dealing with this, but in most cases this both something they don't care about and are too busy to do it. The other problem medbay often has is the frankly massive amount of blood everywhere, however as infections are a thing and medbay should be kept clean it either means harassing the janitor or getting soap or cleaner with a doctor or the CMO cleaning the floor instead of treating people. My proposal to solve this is adding a new job named orderly. Possible alternate names "ward attendant", "nurse assistant", or "healthcare assistant". Their access would be limited to the main areas of medical. They would be expected to keep medical clean and orderly. This includes cleaning the floors, restraining violent or resisting patients, and removing trespassers. Additionally doing minor first aid and manning the front desk are recommended. Their equipment would include a bar of soap and a bottle of cleaner. Give them a locker in the front desk area. From here I have two divergent ideas on how they can deal with either people breaking in, Give them a baton and a way to apply ether(patches, hypo, syringe). This would come with an SOP where they are treated like bartender regarding their baton and taking it outside of medical where they would be subject to possession of a weapon charge. This is to prevent valid hunting. I prefer this idea. Take a page out of the cook's loadout and give them a martial art that only works in the medbay. This solves the issue about valid hunting as a orderly only has the ability to easily trip and grab people inside the medbay. UPDATE: If I go the CQC route I would be removing all harm based moves from the CQC which leaves them with the following: Disarm: 65% chance for 5 brute and to take what's in hand. Grab: Instant aggressive grab. Grab Grab: Applies 5 stun and "restrains" them for 5 seconds. If they are restrained and you use a disarm they get hit with a chokehold for 10 sleep. Disarm Grab: Does 60 stam damage. 75% chance to block melee if you are in throw stance with an item in hand In conclusion: Pros: Keeps medical clean. Reduces disruptions to medical working. Lets doctors focus on serious injuries by dealing with minor external injuries. Removes dealing with people fucking around in medical from security’s workload, as they are already too busy to do it. Cons: Possible valid hunting. - This can be addressed with SOP to be possessing a weapon outside medbay for their baton, or giving a martial art instead that only works in medbay. Medbay is already crowded. - This should be mitigated by their existence, rather than exacerbated by it because they should be removing everyone who doesn't belong in medbay from medbay. I'd like to refine this idea enough that I can make a PR for it that will get serious consideration so I welcome any and all feedback.
    6 points
  2. Due to player feedback on forums, an update has been made to space law. This section here replaces all previous space law concerning prisoners who escape, attempt to escape, or break stuff in their cells. Most of this is simply grouping up all information on the topic into one easy-to-reference section, however, there are a few changes: Successfully breaking out of tempbrig now earns you a full reset of your timer plus an additional ten minutes. "Escaping" is now very narrowly defined. You have to be physically outside of the secure area you're supposed to be confined to. Breaking your cell windows/etc without leaving your cell does NOT count. Running outside your cell when an officer opens it, DOES count. Breaking the barriers that keep you contained (including windows) is "Attempted Escape" which is not the same thing. Attempted Escape allows security to move you to a solitary cell for the remainder of your brig sentence. Breaking lights and other non-barrier-objects in your cell is just in-cell vandalism. Security can't punish you at all for this. However, they're not obliged to fix anything you break, and these are the only objects you can use, so its probably not wise to break them.
    2 points
  3. I don't usually use the forums but was told to share some of my ss13 art here! You know what this one is. This one is a simple comic tracing but I still had fun This one is a meme redraw but also I liked it This one is from christmas but it's still art of my vox so it goes here This is also my vox. This is my vox as the detective. Didn't finish, but it's still fun This one was a joke suggested in the server redraw of this Will update with more in a bit! I draw frequently, but I usually only share with friends lol
    1 point
  4. Giving them CQC is way too powerful. You know that sooner or later, you're just going to have Orderlies harm kicking people into unconsciousness because its more a effective knockout/stun. A simple telebaton should do the trick.
    1 point
  5. We can call it 'The Malpractice Blunder' :^)
    1 point
  6. Been very busy and my attention span has limited me to simple vox doodles What I imagine Tokorizo and Kikeri's first interaction was like as polar opposites
    1 point
  7. From a conversation about how the only way to prevent a certain vox's gruesome deaths would be a giant hamster ball Death finds a way
    1 point
  8. Suspicion isn't guilt, that's what the monitor tag is for. Evidence is guilt.
    1 point
  9. dumb comic about a very unlucky vox who I've seen get cluwned, gibbed, and delimbed in the engine mere *minutes* after I remind them to stay safe Poor Esfor
    1 point
  10. Im always confused why the "End Game Karma Reminder" option doesnt give a POPUP. Instead, it gives a tiny ITALIC text line that gets lost in the mess that is the text box. I try to give out Karma nearly EVERY round (as long as SOMETHING interesting happened that I deem worthy of it) and sometimes I still forget just due to being in conversation with dchat or something. Having the ability to have a better "Hey, did someone deserve this today" might lead to people wanting to try to earn some Karma, rather than just let it sit. Edit: AffectedArc reminded me that popups stop actions, so it might be a pain if youre in the middle of fighting someone.
    1 point
  11. The issue with this is that it introduces karma farming. Even if we try to come up with some ridiculously difficult requirements, people will inevitably find ways to simplify/ exploit it. That's less of a call out against the playerbase and more a mention of natural human behavior, mind. I'm addition, this might increase motivation to do one's job ingame, but it doesn't increase motivation to roleplay whatsoever. If anything, I worry it would lower standards even further as players merely focus on getting them karma points via any means possible. The karma system is undeniably flawed, but there isn't any easy way to rectify it. 'Remove it' isn't a viable option unless we don't mind brand new players joining as Bobby Jones the vox constantly. There have been many, many, MANY suggestions on how to fix the problem over the last six or so years I've been here, including variations of this very idea. However, all of them have failed to come up with a system that will take a step forward without being shoved four steps back.
    1 point
  12. I took the liberty of making ss13 meme valentines to celebrate the occasion.
    1 point
  13. Been too busy for much ss13 art lately. drasks are too tall for their own good
    1 point
  14. Small doodle of my radio host character I play on goon (tfw no vox). Mary Crowe doesn't get out of her box much
    1 point
  15. Mime Vox is good Vox becase they don't skree they have great masks!
    1 point
  16. No clue who this is, apologies, but I saw the vox mime sprite and felt I needed to draw it as soon as possible.
    1 point
  17. I... don't entirely remember drawing this one. An irl doodle of my vox detective A couple doodles of The Bots because I got bored once and wanted to see them vaguely 3D
    1 point
  18. Oh I forgot to post this one, too. there's probably some others in my art folders I'll need to dig through
    1 point
  19. This was my artfight reference for my SS13 character! I drew this after watching a drask punch a vampire to the floor to protect me I drew this out of hatred of the concept of the vox clown suit. It is sprited well but it terrifies me Don't ask
    1 point
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