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Give engineering a roundstart autolathe


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Seeing as Engineering is a department that sees a high demand for tools and specialized electronics, I'd think that it might be a good idea to grant them an autolathe on round start. Ya or na?

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I'm neutral on this.


Yes, it seems silly that the Eng department doesn't get an autolathe. You'd think they'd need one most.


On the other hand, Cargo already tends to be low traffic, and adding another place to get the stuff you usually ask them for further reduces their reason to exist.


That's not necessarily a bad thing (quite a few QMs seem to delight in wasting your time with paperwork even for the most trivial and harmless of requests). Still, a worthy consideration.


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Yes. Definitely add camera assemblies to the engivend if not giving eng an autolathe.

They're so useful, they give eng something to do on slow rounds, and it just seems nuts that eng has no supply of them itself.


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Neutral. They can certainly use an Autolathe, yeah, but the board is in Tech Storage, they just to stop by RnD to get the matter bins, manipulator and console screen to build one. If they aren't willing to put in the footwork then they really don't need it.

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Pretty sure all the parts you need to build a basic, tier 1 autolathe are just sitting on the desk in R&D, too. As much as I'd like to see engineering get their own autolathe I feel like even when it does get built it doesn't get used all that often.


Also, why do Engineers not have access to the ore machine for glass, metal, and plasteel? You'd think they're one of the jobs that would be high up on the list as needing those materials for repairs.


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Ehhhhhh not 100% on a prebuilt one BUT INSTEAD put some spare stock parts in tech storage like 6 matter bins 4 micro manipulators 2 lasers and some console screens. Becsuse its techinical storage and they keep the boards in there but not any spare parts. And a side note add basic stock parts to autolathes.

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I agree with isaac, add the lowest tier of parts to the autolathe and a few in tech storage. Also allow for a crate to be ordered from Cargo which includes an autolathe board and enough of those tier 1 parts to build said autolathe. Hell, call it an Autolathe Crate.


I would even argue that the crate should be unlocked so anyone could order it and set it up wherever, but if people feel it NEEDS to be locked then make it unlockable by anyone with basic access into any of the departments (anyone but a Civilians, Assistants, and Service jobs, really.)


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I would even argue that the crate should be unlocked so anyone could order it and set it up wherever, but if people feel it NEEDS to be locked then make it unlockable by anyone with basic access into any of the departments (anyone but a Civilians, Assistants, and Service jobs, really.)

If it needs to be locked then give it Cargo permission. They order it, they can open it. They use one anyways so it wouldn't mean much to them unless they are helping out someone else, but then why bother when they could just make it themselves too?


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I feel like this isn't needed, since Engineering can just get some stock parts from Research and make their own. However if we wanted this, we could make it a bit of effort by adding some tier 1 parts to tech storage as suggested previously, this being useful if Engineering wanted to make themselves some other machine as well, for whatever reason.

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