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Science Job SOP --- COMPLETE!


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Maybe have the fax auto-return when not properly signed and stamped?

Anyways in regards to faxes : I only use them as I believe they should, when absolutely needed. Primarily when the chain of command seems screwed or one of the heads has gone completely insane and the others have no fucks to give.

Only twice have I had to do that and twice did I get a proper response that settled a few issues.


Creating extra reply options for some types of faxes? Not really needed with a copy-paste.


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Can we add Central Command "SoP" to the list too, to discuss things like faxes, ERT requests, etc.?


I get the admins are busy and simply cannot get to everything. I think, however, that there should be certain expectations. For example, if I send a fax, I should be able to ahelp every time and get an answer about whether I can reasonably expect a reply, without being told "You don't need to ahelp every fax" as I was told once. I think I should be allowed to ahelp every fax. I totally understand if I don't get a response but I think it's important to be able to ask if you're going to get one.


Also, I think that ERT requests deserve some sort of response, if not a default one, if the following conditions are met: Command has swiped for an ERT AND a fax has been sent clarifying the reasons for one. Not an automatic ERT but rather a time limit expectation for some sort of CC response either activating the ERT or simply saying "NOPE".


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There is a slight discrepancy that the captain deemed capable of handling a blob is deemed incapable of deciding that an ERT is needed to fight the blob.

I realize that some restraint is needed for balance and that this is how it is handled IC'ly, but just thought I would share the observation.


Blob is a threat to the existence of the station, which is a major NT asset. Maybe CC could have a "ERT in ten minutes" button, which resulted in a fax saying that the ERT was currently busy, but would be underway ASAP. It would also change the dynamic of the battle if captain/HoS could prioritize containment in a "Hang in there. ERT in seven minutes!!" type of fashion.


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Alright, in an effort to keep this on track...


It's been over two weeks since the thread was open. I'm keeping this open for three more days and, if no more objections are raised, it's being implemented and we're moving on to the next one.


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Okay, I might be a bit late on this, but I might as well mention it before it gets closed.


I really don't think genetics should be a two-department job. It does technically seem like both research and medicine, but the fact that two people have joint authority leaves a lot of room for potential chaos and unjust demotions. It would be better if the CMO had complete rule over genetics, just as he has with virology (which is more about reserach than genetics is, to be fair). It looks to me that genetics is under the double authority just because of their location.


Unlike any other science department job genetics is absolutely incompatible with all other sciencey things and there really isn't much research that can be done with its help. Most of the time the RD has little to no contact with the geneticists and he won't need anything from them most of the time anyway. Genetics, when compared to virology ends up having to deal with many more medical problems and requests and shouldn't be hindered by possible weird requests by the RD.


For the sake of keeping things consistent, clear and easy to understand in special situations, I suggest we just give CMO complete authority.


Also, the RD already has a dozen of bloodthirsty HONKing, ClF3ing, teleporting maniacs on his hands to take care of, so adding genetics to his list of duties might be a bit overburdening.


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The problem with that is that it isn't a SOP issue. It's to do with the actual job, which is far beyond my authority here. I'm making guidelines for existing conditions. As much as I agree that Genetics really should be placed in one side, that'd be a matter for a PR, not a SOP change.

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The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions


To the Combat Mech Guidelines, so the RD can't cheese it without asking either. Seeing as they have Command Comms, it should be even easier for them.


Also added:


as well as humanized animals if required for Surgery


To Geneticists.


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