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Communal brig, à la Baystation.


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I've brought this up a few times in-game and the responses were largely positive, so I thought I'd make a thread here. I'd be happy to map this myself and submit a PR if there's interest in this.


Baystation's brig currently looks a bit like this. Brig.png

The cells are all connected to a communal area prisoners can enter during their sentence. The communal area has some mildly interesting activities for prisoners during their sentences, such as botany, a newscaster, library computer, socialisation, etc. Hopefully, this keeps the prisoners engaged during their sentences and makes the brig a bit less SSD/suicide inducing. The communal area also serves as a permabrig, so permabrig prisoners would no longer effectively be removed from rest of the round.


One other feature of the communal brig I think is particularly useful is access to a cryostorage pod. This is great for prisoners, as they don't have to go SSD in their cells, but it also means that criminals can't intentionally go SSD upon being brigged and expect to be dragged out.


I suspect a communal brig on Paradise would need to be slightly bigger. This one only supports 3 cells, whereas we currently have 9. If possible, if would be very nice to move the Brig Phys office so they have access to the communal area too.


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Also known as: greytide breaks into prison every shift.



Also no way on the cryodorm--that's the most retarded thing ever that's just waiting for problems to happen.


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Also known as: greytide breaks into prison every shift.


Implying they don't already do this?

Also no way on the cryodorm--that's the most retarded thing ever that's just waiting for problems to happen.

Such as?


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Implying they don't already do this?


They attempt to break into the brig, but certainly not perma--it's superrrrrr easy to break into permabrig on Bay's setup (which probably isn't a problem, given their playerbase).



Such as?


"Oh, I got permabrigged/brigged for a while, I'll just cryodorm and come back into the round as another job and continue being a shit"


Any sentence that's 15 minutes, or longer, they can shorten to only 15 minutes and get back into the round.


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Such as?


"Oh, I got permabrigged/brigged for a while, I'll just cryodorm and come back into the round as another job and continue being a shit"


Any sentence that's 15 minutes, or longer, they can shorten to only 15 minutes and get back into the round.

I'm confused as to what you mean by this.

You realize that we don't have respawning enabled, right?


DZD told me what you meant.

Jesus fuck remove that ASAP.


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Does Cryobrig spit people out into the cryodorm? I guess I'm confused but if it's something like that than yea that would have to be fixed.


Not against a new brig lay out all, we have so much space and not much to do with it. I'd prefer something with the Warden's office in the center, the lobby/visitation in the southern area, the west end of the brig being the cells/courtyard, the east side of brig (with maint tunnels) being the equipment/officer ready area (with break room!), and the north end being being armory/HoS office and sec pilot hangar. Perma could either be an extension to the north of Brig area or just reconfigure the labor camp to off-site perma. Brig being an overhang or appendage hanging out into space could be cool too, with shutters incase of carp of course, but still leaving the possibility for people to EVA their way in if need be, as well as secuirty easily being able to N2O the area if there is a riot.


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This gives warden sumthin to do, supervising the area.

Warden is a very busy person. To be honest, I'd give him an additional helping hand to manage records, haul stuff, clean stuff, arrange stuff and fix stuff (karma job, yay).


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This gives warden sumthin to do, supervising the area.

Warden is a very busy person. To be honest, I'd give him an additional helping hand to manage records, haul stuff, clean stuff, arrange stuff and fix stuff.



Ya new job call warden helper. :3


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Also known as: greytide breaks into prison every shift.



Also no way on the cryodorm--that's the most retarded thing ever that's just waiting for problems to happen.

I'm not suggesting we should use this exact design, just the core concept -- perhaps that didn't come across as intended. Having only a single windoor between prisoners and freedom and a disposals bin that actually leads to disposals is insanely insecure for a brig, IMO.


As for the cryopod, that's by no means an essential for a communal brig.


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Never been brig'd or a Sec officer for any noteworthy amount of time but yes. Very yes. If a player gets taken out of the game by dying that's one thing - ghost around and have fun or spawn in as something else - but if they get jailed they just have to sit there for however long? Boo, not cool, disqualified.


Adkins find a layout you're comfy with and implement plz!


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This gives warden sumthin to do, supervising the area.

Warden is a very busy person. To be honest, I'd give him an additional helping hand to manage records, haul stuff, clean stuff, arrange stuff and fix stuff.



Ya new job call warden helper. :3

Or, delegate DISPATCHING to a DISTPATCHER so we can get the Dispatcher uniform on the station! And have the warden be, well, the warden.


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I've actaully kind of wondered why we didn't ever get a Labor Camp/Permanent Oveseer. Turn perma/labor into the same thing, when someone is there it's that persons job to keep an eye on them. If no on is in perma, he can help around hte station or go mine a bit if he prefers.


Another thread is already suggesting labor get its own z-level or at least be pushed off the main (two) asteroids.


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