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Guide to IPC humanization surgery


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to whom found this needs to be beaten by all IPC ingame and have his or her brain gib each round for a year.


here something to get you thinking.


here you playing the fav race you were been playing then was force to play other race by force, how then do you feel after that?


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I found it completely unintentionally actually. The OP of the thread had decided to graft a bunch of organic limbs onto himself as an IPC. He then proceeded to die of infections due to a bug that makes IPC's die of infected organic limbs for whatever reason. I spent about 20 minutes trying to fix the infections before we decided in looc to try removing the infected organs. Cause I was stumped. So I began removing organs Starting with the torso then the head. Cause IPC's don't need organic organs.


Then we removed the brain. And it somehow transferred him to it. After a bit of wut in looc. I got him an MMI and we decided to stick him in an organic body icly.


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Yes, because being able to manipulate surgery code and make a metal block into an organic blob is totally intended and that's totally why there's special surgery steps for it in the code oh wait

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Plenty of features in various games are the result of unintended side effects of code. Just because it's unintended doesn't mean it's bad. Given, the forced humanization is very much bad ICly and spacelaw should be altered to make that a capital crime, it's basically the inverse of forced borgings. However as it stand, the procedure itself (although spawned from a codederp) has lead to rp. Rather then labeling it a bug and throwing it out the window, fix it up so there aren't any derpy runtimes, make it a legit procedure with actual steps rather then the very much odd "yank a braindead brain from an IPC chassis," and then go full circle and make it so smacking a positron with a carded AI transfers the mind to the positron so forcibly humanized IPC's can become IPCs again with a bit of help from science. Make an AI, card the mind, stick in positron, put back into chassis.

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Cloning itself was originally a bug, I think it was only properly implemented through popular demand.

IPC humanization sounds like a schadenfreudey thing to do, if it was made to require more than just a bit of surgery and maybe require some hard(ish) steps(say.. requiring some "strange reagent" or something) I don't see why it wouldn't be a decent feature, albeit one that should get you in some sort of trouble if you're a dick with it (ie: slimes "monkeying" themselves, that was stamped out pretty quick).


Or maybe just make it so the resurrected IPCuman is a Frankenstein, that'd probably be funnier.


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There is no merit in defending this, its clearly bug. A Positronic Brain's conscience could not ever possibly in any IC context transfer itself to a brain just by having a head attached. The RP in having that happen may have been interesting, but it was a bug, and is not a feature in any sense of the word. A mechanical conscience CANNOT be transferred to an organic brain just by being near it. If you really, really want this as a feature, suggest a proper method for it, instead of defending the bug.

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