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Everything posted by Kharshai

  1. Hiya, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here, and don't forget to ahelp any questions at all you may have about the game, our staff team is always here to help.
  2. Not just valid hunting, you can give your metafriends the same power too! Fun for the whole clique family.
  3. Hi, welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here and on the server
  4. I'd imagine certain ones have higher chances than others due to the added excitement of certain modes being played. Imagine if wizard was as common as autotraitor, it'd lose a lot of its charm due to the lack of the rarity, same with cult, et cetera.
  5. Kharshai


    Hiya! Glad to hear you're enjoying your time here so far
  6. athena is literally her best friend what are you talking about yet she still bullies her D:
  7. Is the first one the space punk girl look?
  8. Hiya, welcome to Paraidse, hope you enjoy your time here!
  9. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your time here!
  10. Love the ideas, as Tully stated, dragging injured people around on the floor has always annoyed me from a roleplay standpoint. Being able to crawl would be a nice addition too, especially for those who like roleplaying disabled characters.
  11. At round end, antagonists get green text on completed objectives - and particularly on this server it seems getting this green text is of utmost import to all traitors.
  12. No thanks, it'd just encourage people to do their objectives and hide in a locker at the outposts for that elusive green text.
  13. Against it as people would potentially use logs against people ICly to metagrudge, or reveal personal IC matters. A lot of personal stuff is discussed in both msay and asay too, and I doubt many of our staff would feel comfortable with that being released publically.
  14.                                ,. -―――-、__                            _,/    -―-、   `\                             /  / /             \                         ,. -==彡 /=x、/        ヽ   ヘ                   / ./   ,/=x、/|./  | ヽ   |   ハ                    /  /f /  /   ∧      l      |                   /  /  :|/ ⌒//   / ヘ :!     |      !                      /´}/    | x=ミ|八 |  ヽ|    |    ./                r、{,>   /    / l〃ん}   \!x=ミ、 !     | ./  /|             r'^し「|   イ   /イ  j 弋リ    んィ}Y|     j/   |            し'^´ |  .l/V   |  { ""  ,     弋:りノ,  /},ハ   | |             |   !       Y人   r= 、 "" . イ/ /_ノ   //                 》/八       f  \ 、_丿  /  / ̄  } /´            ,ハ/ |      __ノ    /,>┬‐/  /  / ,.イ/           ./              〈´    ト、   /   :l/ 〈厶ィ^7__ . イ  / )/         _-=i|                ヽ      i⌒\   / 〃´,リ\ // /  \  _-=ニ三三||                  '.    |   ヽ i  {{_,〃}} / / /    _-=ニ三三三三三||               '、      ,. ´lr=彳{{__リ ./ /   -=,ハ,ハニ,ハ三三三ニ=‐ ⌒ヽ                \__,.  ´,.-┴‐t-く ./ /__-=ニ三/ / |/ |三ニ=- ̄                       /=={j}  }}/o___-=ニ三三/7l !  {   V                /⌒ ー'′    _-=ニ三三三ニ=-\      /               /       r=t-=ニ三三三ニ=- ̄ { /{     , 'i             f    _,r=t   l|三三ニ=- ̄     ハ:{ 〈 \_// |             |  r:|| l|  | l|ニ=テ/       〈 ノo ` ー‐'´ /             |  | || l| ̄L..l| 「〃!     / '.{ o                   !  LLL..l|   ./ {{  \  |   ,ハ、      /               :,   o |  /  ヾ=x、 }__ /\ \_,/              '、 o o |  ./ ,.-―┴'’   |    \/                \o  しイ /  /         \/
  15. Reading that made me sad, really well written. Bye Bulma. o/
  16. I dedicate my 200th post to your amazing art, wish I was as good.
  17. Hiya, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here, and remember to ahelp any questions you may have about the game, we have a staff team eager to help you
  18. i'll have you know Saori is a lovely lady
  19. I deny any allegations of bribery
  20. Kharshai


    Hiya, welcome to Paradise. Hope you enjoy your time here
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