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Everything posted by Kharshai

  1. I'd really like to see these added if they're sprited as well, sounds like a great race.
  2. While I do agree that Xenoarchaeology needs changes, I don't think making it do the Miner's job for them is the change needed.
  3. I'll never forget Emily, either. A private memorial was held; Athena attended alone. I'll interrupt you as much as I want to! Athena hasn't been very active in her tactical stealth missions on Slade lately, she must be slacking.
  4. I was expecting something else, honest. Oh, like what?
  5. I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be brought back, but I do agree with the point above.
  6. I don't support this at all, because someone could get all their karma from being a clown, and then all of a sudden be a 'Master Surgeon', or a 'Master Security Officer'. It'd lead to elitism as well, with people instantly believing those with the titles are superior to those without, which wouldn't be the case.
  7. Name: Athena Castile Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): - Captain - Security; Security Officer, Detective, Magistrate, Head of Security - Nanotrasen Representative - Blueshield Biography: Athena was born in a small settlement on Earth, her mother hastily joined a rival organisation's science station as a roboticist. Athena spent much of her childhood watching and assisting her mother's work, with only her sister, Elodie, and a large array of books for company. Her time on the station was abruptly ended when she was 12 years old, and she, along with her family, were saved by Nanotrasen from the enemy's hands. Following her acquirement, she was provided with plentiful learning resources, as well as being extensively trained to follow our values, in order to become an ideal employee for the organisation. We ensured their ideals were removed, and to the best of our knowledge she responded well to the training. Upon her 18th birthday was authorised to work on board our stations. After all of this, we now value her as an exemplary member of our organisation, and have complete faith in her ability to serve us well. Qualifications: - Advanced Leadership Training - Advanced Knowledge of Space Law - Advanced Combat Training - Basic Medical Training - Higher Forensic Science It's important to note that Athena is known to spend much of her free time teaching herself, the above is only what we can confirm she's undergone. Employment Records: Athena has been with us since young, however, has only been working on board our stations for three years. Initially assigned as a Detective, she now takes on various other roles, depending on what's needed. Y4 Update - Having worked here for four years, we're of the understanding that Athena's skills in commanding especially have grown exponentially, allowing her to perform well leading the station as Captain and individual departments. We anticipate further growth, and look forward to witnessing it. Clearance: Command Security Records: [Clearance: Security] [spoiler2]Athena's family are currently believed to be fully employed by the Syndicate[/spoiler2], despite this, we currently have no concerns about her loyalty to us, and she is generally known to be fully compliant with our Security teams, with rare exceptions. Medical Records: Believed to be in a stable frame of mind, but unsure of how easy that could break. Advise any medical personnel be cautious when pressing for information on her life. We have noticed, however, that under extreme stress, this deteriorates rapidly. In addition, Athena can occasionally suffer extreme CMD upon cloning, however the effect diminishes quickly. Athena also appears to be heavily reliant upon other people to maintain her stable mental state, perhaps because of her solitary upbringing, and is given extensive weekly therapy to accommodate this. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes: Self-proclaimed 'Master of Stealth', and 'Goddess of Sugar and Chocolate'. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  8. The Warden, HoS and Magistrate are all expected to have greater understanding of space law, and as such would be the preventers in that situation. That same argument could be used for when an officer assaults someone, they still have to be arrested, and misunderstandings can be corrected quickly.
  9. Lately, and throughout my time playing this game, I've seen a lot of people complaining about incompetent Security teams. You know the type. I feel the Security officers who don't abide by SoP are part of the reason for the bad reputation the department gets, and I feel that adding a deterrent to not act badly as a member of Security would help with changing the playstyle of certain Security officers; provided someone with sentencing power is there to enforce it. This change wouldn't only change how Security plays, it'd also affect the crew, making them less likely to needlessly resist against Security on high alert levels, and giving them a legal weapon to use against them when the officers themselves are breaking procedure. Hopefully, this change would also improve the reputation of Security, and encourage more people to play in that department. Breaking the 'Brig Procedures' described in Space Law should also apply to this law too, to prevent mistreatment of prisoners. Sentencing for this law could also initially start quite low, raising in severity on repeat offenses.
  10. It'd be nice if this could be added, other colours look pretty with the new lighting system.
  11. If this was added, it'd be my new favourite food.
  12. A lotta fun stuff in that list, I'd like to see it added. The more mutations, the better! ;P
  13. Which, unfortunately, would be a lot of people. You've seen how vox raider rounds can go.
  14. It's a nice idea, but I don't think many players would bother going through the process of withdrawing money to buy stuff like that. Security in general wouldn't really comply with the hostage taking, either. It'd end up with the Mafia having to steal ID's and withdraw money themselves from the accounts, which isn't as fun, in my opinion.
  15. Sure, it has some uses, I just can't see many operative teams choosing to buy it over other items. It'd also make Central announcements less important due to players having knowledge that operatives can manipulate them, and would then negate the effect of distracting crew. The AI could immediately just deconfirm the announcements as well, making it a waste of 7 TC unless they take the highly risky option of taking out the AI first, which would still alert the crew to their presence very quickly.
  16. I don't really support this idea, it would lead to a lot of meta when, say, an announcement about a blob is made and no blob is found. People would just assume it was nuke ops immediately. Most of the reports wouldn't really benefit the Operatives either, as they generally just lead the crew to better prepare themselves.
  17. Hiya, welcome to the forums!
  18. I'd like them to be brought back, but only if they're well balanced by adding some sort of cooldown between each shot, or requiring the user to stand still and wait with a small delay to reload.
  19. Kharshai


    Hiya, welcome to Paradise! Hope you enjoy your time here.
  20. The recent changes to the naming rules are a good start, but I propose that this rule should extend to famous fictional characters, as this can also break immersion just as much as the other categories. By this, I’m referring to names such as ‘Star Fox’, ‘Jon Snow’, or ‘Harry Potter’. I feel this amendment would improve upon the recent changes, enhancing player immersion in game. I do understand, however, that this would be a controversial change, so I’ve added a vote to the thread to garner public opinion.
  21. First time as shadowling, ascended. Was fun.
  22. I'd love to see pAI's get the abilities you discussed, it'd make them a lot more enjoyable to play, and more useful to their owners, which is really needed since a lot of people don't even bother with them.
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