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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. This law would make it too hard for traitors. Remember, antags make the game fun/interesting. And while I feel your pain about rounds being "ruined" by people goofing off, I think the law would push Paradise too close to HRP for most of its regulars. There's also the issue of establishing intent. Getting lost, getting attacked, searching for tools, stopping to help someone, and countless other things that would be a legit reason to not be at your post--try explaining that to shitcurity. Whatever happens, I beleive a player should never be brigged for dereliction of duty. Strike 1: Formal warning, escourt back to department Strike 2: Implanted with tracking device and/or loyalty implant Strike 3: Demotion Note that strikes wouldn't carry over from round to round.
  2. I don't see how that was your take-away from my suggestion. Xenohunters wouldn't be going after ores. My idea was that, If they were given a pickaxe, it would be so slow that teaming up with a miner would be the obvious method of getting around the asteroid. As for them killing Xenos instead of the miners, yeah, that would likely happen. But, again, they need to stick with the miner to get through the asteroid. In the interest of encouraging player interaction, I think it would be a fair trade-off. But if that's not good enough, we could go a step further. We could introduce Xenos that require a combination of Xenohunter and Miner weapons/equipment to kill. For example, an armored Xeno that needs to have its armor dislodged by a Miner's kinetic accelerator before the Xenohunter's darts can be effective.
  3. Xenoarch as it stands now is a solo-heavy experience that rarely benefits the station as a whole. In fact, the only interactions I've seen have all been negative, with artifacts causing harm or getting people killed. Even if the artifact is allegedly helpful, people have both an IC and OOC distrust of it. So I think Xenoarch needs an overhaul as much as mining, but is it worthwhile to save a job that will be seperate from mining at best and impeding to it at worst?
  4. It's to encourage player interaction while replacing Xenoarch (which I honestly don't think would be worth the effort to incorporate in the new asteroid). You see, TG miners are incentivized to work alone so that they don't have to worry about sharing the ore. Xenohunters would work alongside miners without dipping into the same loot pool. (Miners wouldn't be able to obtain monster parts without Xenohunter tools). Yes, miners could very well operate solo with a straight port of the TG system, but I think that's something we'd want to discourage on Paradise.
  5. The Mining Overhaul will introduce encounters with real live Xenos in their native habitat, so I think it's time for Xenoarchaeologists to put away their excavation tools and pick up a dart gun! The basic idea would be to kill Xenos and skin them for their meat and other useful materials. Xenohunters would rely on miners to (quickly) tunnel through the asteroid, and the miners would appreciate their superior firepower, thus a symbiotic relationship would be formed between the two jobs. (In theory). My ideas for the job are listed below. And yes, I understand that these would be far from trivial additions. The standard Xenohunter gun would fire poison darts/bullets that are only effective on Xenos Xeno parts (teeth, claws, eyes, armor, etc) can be used to create/upgrade armor and weapons Xeno parts can also be processed by other jobs to obtain materials (e.g. extracting Cryoxadone from Basilisk "cryoglands") Alien meat can be used by the chef to create interesting meals Xenohunters would be part of the supply team Certain supply crates would now need to be unlocked by sending specific monster parts (bounties) back to Centcomm The Xenohunter supply room would be added to the Mining Outpost A number of additional Xeno types would be added to the ones ported over from TG Speaking of TG, difficulty may have to be tweaked to account for players working together The main goal would be to increase player interaction and RP opportunities on the asteroid after the Mining Overhaul.
  6. I've done quite a bit of mining on Paradise and I have some suggestions for the mining station. The first one is a bit of a no-brainer. The O2 closets in the airlocks shouldn't be the free-standing type. They always get moved around by the suction of the air cycling. Instead, they should be mounted on the wall, like what the shuttles have. The second suggestion might be an intentional design choice, but I'd figure I'd mention it. I think the dormitory area of the station should have a room with cryobeds. It would make it much easier for a miner that has to log off of a shift early. Just my two cents.
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