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Posts posted by Earthdivine


    >ghosts are OP


    Dude the worst a single ghost can do is send shivers down your spine and annoy you with the lighting or gently slow down a Diona's healing, unless you are talking about revenants, WHICH ARE NOT GHOSTS. Those are antags.


    They shouldn't have too many physical spells, but a creepynoise spell that can only be done once every like 15 minutes would be nice.


    And keep in mind that ghosts are still players-- They still want to be able to play a nice little space retardation simulator and even though they're gone they shouldn't be 100% excluded from being even a little fun, although the fun should be ambient fun.

    Obviously never seen a group of ghosts kill a Diona. Or was around when Ghosts could flip tables.



    I would like this looked into please, I know admin complaints never go anywhere because the admins all back each other up (obviously), but I would at least like it looked into :)

    First and foremost I will post say this is absolutely not true. I have demoted an admin due to complaints and 3 others have also previously been demoted for their actions being brought up.



    I see no reason why not to do this but if it makes it harder to break in via windows then maybe it could be a problem. I wouldn't know though, ask someone smarter than me

    One camera snip, close the shutters, no one will ever ever know your hoarding gigantic amounts of crates in there.


    Also what is happening in the rounds that people can easily get into the QM's office without being hauled off by Cargo or Security?



    Atmost, the windows could be elecrified, but privacy shutters are too much.



    NEXT TIME ON AVALON SEASON 2! Pandora's Stormwardens roll out for their first sortie on a new world while their fearless leader fights her way through the underdark! Here's hoping they live to tell the tale!

    They're with Aerma, they'll live.



    The research console has a "lock" feature that's only ever used by comdom RDs who want to kill their own department, if the ID requirement were removed making the lock-ability more prominent for science staff would probably be a good idea.


    pointless. Screwdriver->screwdriver->lock bypassed with literally 5 seconds of effort.


    So maybe - and now bear with me here 'cause this is pretty crazy - fix that?

    Theres no way to fix it. Screwdriving the console turns it off and resets it. The only way to "prevent it" is to have the lock also stop the deconstruction process, which could cause some nasty bugs with deconstructing other things.



    If I remember this was added in BECAUSE people were breaking in and printing off what ever thy wanted willy nilly, most notably roboticists and security, and it had the access requirements the entire time, they just never worked.


    If your a traitor, you can emag the console to remove all access requirements, anywas.



    I'll try to find the Pull Request for it but I am pretty sure another code base already did this, so it would just need ported.


    On the other hand, I remember a coder frothing at the mouth muttering something about Ody legs with Durand torso and Gygax arms being the most broken thing.



    You know what would be hilarious?

    If one half of the crew had to protect one person, and the other half had to assassinate that person.

    We did this with Neca as one of Novus's return rounds.


    Protectors didnt do jack shit as he got swarmed in Medbay.


    I also thought this idea was to throw two of our moderators into a pit and see who came out on top like the regular admin recruiting process for some strange reason.

    I thought it was this also.



    Issues with Xeno Events:


    - A big big one right now comes from the lighting system. As soon as your choosen to be a Larva, your game MIGHT crash from the sudden influx of data that your getting. This is also a problem with Larva that are birthed, but an event Larva might get squashed while reconnecting.


    - It keeps pulling AFK people. This really annoys me when it happens too, as I never notice it until the things dead.


    -Xeno Infestation is a Medium event. This is a big thing because about 80% of our Events are Mediums. Meaning it fights to get triggered with every other event. However making it a Heavy event, means it would happen TOO often, as it would go from fighting 80% of the events to only 5 of them.


    Issues with Gamemode:


    - The Alien Queen couldn't interact with the console anymore, and the ship itself only had one good location to start at. Not to mention this ran a huger risk of being found out more then an event, because of the Pod Pilot ruining every good thing ever.


    - Xenos need to bust open windows and vent the area to enter. This is VERY bad because they need to keep their hosts alive to reproduce, not to mention Air Alarms immediatly tell the AI theres a Xeno on board.


    - Pretty sure they lost their space walk with the new space drifting mechanics.


    This is from what I can remember off the top of my head for administrative problems with Xenos. The Gamemode itself probably would MUCH better now a days with the huge maintence to hide in and easy access Vents, not to mention being able to hide in them rather then teleportjuke.



    Did we really just port these abominations? Ugh...

    Don't knock on the faboulous posing we shall recieve from this. Plus we can certainly tone them way down from the TG iteration, we already did that with Ranged Gaurdian.


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