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Posts posted by Earthdivine

  1. Watching the whole thing, the fact the revenant moves at ghost speed while the rest of the crew is at normal makes it incredibly hard to fight against. We even had Cupcake plan a trap for the revenant and when he caught it mid spell cast, it was stunned for so short a time and moved so fast he couldnt even catch it. Window casting is equally as powerful, since it can EMP the lasers away and keep shocking people to crit. The HoS went down to that.


    I cant properly answer this poll, to be honest.


    In terms of fighting, I was one of the first to survive death squad assults on the server, I recently killed all of security and command in minutes as a wizard, I survived and nearly won a Rev round when I was the last head alive, even tricked the admin team and won a rev round because I was let into CC with the ERT where the last head of staff was at.


    But I am terrible at fighting since my computer runs so slow. The game skips a beat often and lags through frames rather then net, which is far worse to fight in.


    However I know a vast amount of knowledge of the game and how to exploit a lot of things, to the point I actively have to avoid doing them when I actually play to allow people a chance to discover them themselves or to not be a walking "can't kill me" target.


    So I dunno what to rate myself as :v



    It makes material golems afaik, IE, salt golems. I think you can even make piss golems.

    Well....I guess....


    Goon Golems are formed from the material that you have to make the golem with, and it obtains the properties of it. You can combine this with Chemistry to make golems that do all sorts of stuff, like a pseudo blobbernaut.



    I think it'd be cool if Wizards could get a relatively cheap spell that allows them to conjure a Golem similar to the Adamantine Golems that has a random set of medieval armor with nodrop + a weapon & shield, along with a spell to teleport them to the wizard's side. Would be a nice way to see a use for the new Medieval Knight armor we got in recently. Probably would only cost a single point, with the new point system going in soon, so you can purchase an army of 10 golems to massacre the station grab one if you've got a spare point after getting your spells.

    Technically if we were to go this route, it would be better to just get the Golem spell from Goon and their beans as well as we share their chemistry.


  5. We do not need more RNG mechanics, we been stopping them out pretty consistantly. I personally would prefer making it so you can only scan an item once so you cant cheese with things like Syringe Guns, but R&D needs to have a complete revamp of how science levels work more then anything else.


    A bit unnecessary if you ask me, but Security and the people that get dragged into the Brig are the mostly likely to need medical attention so it does even out in the RP vs Game Mechanics section, but I've never had a round as Brig Doc where I did more than apply brute patches to officers.

    Biggest reason for the Brig Doctor, it was meant to treat criminals who needed medical attention, without taking them from the Brig and risk someone stealing them away, "because fuck shitcurity". However that mentality kinda faltered when the prisoners themselves would ALSO attack the brig doctor for trying to heal them.



    * Jumpsuit

    * Sechud Icon

    I THINK that's all...? Maybe a combo supply/medical headset, but the brig doc doesn't get a medical headset either...

    Something to track the GPS's, theres no way to find a miner if they go down without it. Not to mention if a miner DOES go down, it probably will be to a monster, so something for defense that cant be used in the station other then the Accelerator, otherwise the doctor could just go out and hunt with the miners from the get go rather then being a healer.




    It's problematic. Would that be the case with the old compressed implants?

    Yes and no. Old ones only stored one item, had to buy the implant WHEN you have the item, and were one time only, so yes it is essentially the same thing, but much more bulkier and convoluted. This would allow someone to buy the tools they need, store them, take them out to steal the item, then store it AND possibly their tool, depends on what was stolen, and not be able to be caught unless they were dragged to surgery.


    Also I should make this noticed, this wasn't removed for "checking for valids" like dragging to the Chapel, its so traitors weren't immediatly screwed for getting a disease or broken bone after they bought an implant.



    - The general trend has been towards less antag checks, not more

    It had been towards less spammy, easy to check, antag checks, not removal of said checks, like Holy water+Fire extinguishers.


    Might as well leave my thought on here for those who don't wanna check the Git, I am against this as this makes Compressed Matter implants the #1 best tool, even better then Emags, to steal items. Why? Because once you get it, insert it into you and you can't ever know you have it. Traitors get complete immunity from Space Law outside of getting hit with Breaking and Entering or Tresspassing, because there is literally no way to tell you stole anything. Hell you can even insert the Emag after your done with it for good measure. All this will do is make security start taking every prisoner who was found to be tresspassing to Medbay for surgery to test it, and waste surgeons time.


    I had an issue with Mindslaves too but appearently you cant deconvert from removing the implant to it's moot anywas?


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