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Posts posted by Earthdivine


    Play a new character. Force yourself to roleplay in a fashion that would make sense for that character, not you. Having to deal with situations and conflicts brought about from this will bring a somewhat fresh look on the game. For instance dispite being a generally nice person, I have someone I play as a total bitch and it's entirely different experiance having to deal with people treating you like that compared to how they usually do.


    As far as I am aware you really only play NTSAM, which will make things really dull, really quickly. Its the same thing over and over again. Variety is the spice of life and all.



    I'd like to and have been meaning to have changling, traitor, and vampire all mixed up together.


    The main problem with wiz/malf/blob is that the round ends when they die - which some have argued against, but atm would be very disappointing for the other antags, and has balance issues with it as well - these antags may be easily taken out by the powers of other ones.

    I'm not sure about the implications or fun of having the antags fight each other, but - as far as wiz/malf/blob goes - shouldn't it be possible to make it so that once all of them die, the round ends? Instead of having the game check the death of one antag, it would just check all three. Or maybe it doesn't work how I expect.

    We have been trying to do that with the Ragin Mages game mode and we been having some issues with it of late.



    During a ling round, you've got a huge advantage- You have access to the hivemind (:g). This lets you coordinate with the other lings, anonymously, with no risk, and no cost. Coordinate with other lings, team up to do your objectives.



    Except that time when a ling decides to be an asshole and rat you all out, otherwise 5 lings working together are unstopable.


    Sriously, don't do it, its a dick move and security isn't going to trust you because you sold out other lings, the other way around, they aren't going to scrutinize your every move.


    Also, vengeance is a dish best served cold...


    Wait, wouldn't that be bannable? Or have lings and traitors done that before?


    Also, on another topic, very often I have objectives where I am told to kill another ling.. i never carried through with it, because it just wouldn't feel right to kill a fellow ling. So often it isn't as anonymous as you expect.. Only downsides it that it makes things needlessly complicated.

    Not bannable, because Lings used to be able to absorb other lings and gain their DNA points back when we had old Lings, so betraying them was a great way of getting swole.


    Theres no point to it now, though, unless you wanna be a jerk



    This hasn't come up as a problem that I've seen. Idiot-proofing laws is useless, the internet will always breed a better idiot. The solution is not to be an idiot, and if someone is, they get a jobban.

    Well I mean, that's the reason we got rid of round-start NT Default, because the AI's were being shitlers and killing anyone that harms the station or remotely looked antaggy.



    You can easily get Insuls from cargo, if it's absolutly nesscary. As a round start item thats a far bit to ask, as the RD SHOULDN'T be doing the engineers work of door repair, machine tampering and what not. Infact the only thing they would want to use them for is the Autolathe, and you can ask an Engineer to do it.


    The most this will do is make an RD even more of a nightmare for a Malf AI.



    The reason for the ERT not having armories anymore was to give them very little reason to sit at the base and get them to the station as quick as they can, as they SHOULD be.


    An Instance of that was having an ERT called during a Nuke ops when the station had no Security team, but the ERT spent so much time getting their gear they never made it to the station to help.



    I think the Jumpsuits one was taken out because it was very easy for traitors to be completely screwed out of it if say, someone gets promoted to a head slot then cryos later on.


    Corgi was removed since you can make Corgis en masse now, making it even easier to complete then "Steal Magboots".



    One issue with this, is one thing that makes SS13 interesting is NOTHING goes as planned. Shit happens, you have to react to it, and what happens from that is what alot of people have memories of it. Making a scripted introduction, even with admins help, is kinda not in the spirit of the game. While it would help new viewers be introduced to it, I don't believe it wont have the same kick as someone logging on for the first time and having to meet, say, a station defending from Xenos or the rapid paranoia of the game.


    One SS13 video series I watched was a live commentary of the guy playing the game, to get the feeling of the moments, and post-commentary text layered onto the video to explain stuff, like, "What is this" or "This place was ripped to shreds by an antag appearently" to give the viewer time to pause and see whats happening, and also get a detailed report on the events happening.


    Food for thought on it, as Knighted said presentation is key, so take time out to do some scrap videos first.



    I should Bug the HoP and HoS one round to make a me a Custom job that is basically just a medbay security guard. No real secuirty access, just there to keep order in Medbay, since I don't know how many times I've had to call security tokick someone out who was just putzing around. Sit at the front desk, open and close the doors, eat donuts, kick out loiterers. Seems like a legitimate job.


    There had been a suggestion for departmental guards that would effectively do exactly what this theoretical job you described would entail. I think it got lost to the annals of time rather than actually fully being shot down, but effectively was a door-man / coordinator for each department that acted as more or less their go-to man for tossing people out of their department, but didn't have the clearance to actually arrest people and such like actual officers.


    It got shot down because when we DID have them, security never actually stayed there, used the door to storm medbay when they felt like it rather then being there to help on demand, and their supplies were stolen by Medbay and used to defend themselves.



    This could be easily solved by having the tiny 16x16px (if it's even that) sprite that shows up on examine be enlarged to 32x32.

    This very much would do wonders, as that is how your supposed to figure it out in the first place. If their face isn't obscured it will show you their original race.



    As far as I am aware EMP ammo wont work because even Ion rifles/Carbines use an Ionbolt, which causes an EMP effect in the area, so it will not be specific to one target.


    Don't tell me our current code doesn't allow for ammunition that deals two types of damage simultaneously.

    Considering how old alot of our stuff is, probably. Fox or DZD can explain better then I can, though.



    As far as I am aware EMP ammo wont work because even Ion rifles/Carbines use an Ionbolt, which causes an EMP effect in the area, so it will not be specific to one target.


    Also guncode is utter crap and needs to be updated if we were to do something like this.



    Tesla is getting nerfed on TG atm, we should be getting their ports for it here soon.


    It should not have anywhere near the power it is getting now. Though lightning ball storm is also going away, I believe. Only...6 or so tops.


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