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Streaky Haddock

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Everything posted by Streaky Haddock

  1. Yeah, I think the whole black market thing would be more viable if the civilians were focused in one large area. So if some 'entrepreneur' gets his hands on security gear, he can trade it out in the civilian area.
  2. Honestly, i'm satisfied with my access as security, i've never felt as though I needed more access to do my job. If you think a particular department has been having a lot of issues or criminal activity, you can assign yourself to that department and get the appropriate accesses from the HoP (with permission from the HoS and the Head of Department/Captain)
  3. You can use flavour text for this, though.
  4. Name: Varia Implexa Age: N/A Gender: Female Race: Grey Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role: Blueshield (primary), Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, Chief Medical Officer Biography: As she was part of a HR Trade with Gray Hive Flotilla Kingdom, her past is completely unknown to Nanotrasen. She conducts herself in a manner one expects from a Gray and is polite, formal but very emotionally detached which did little for her when she was Chief Medical Officer of the NSS Cyberiad, and experienced some culture clash with the more informal and 'colourful' personalities that are often within. So in spite of her considerable medical skill, she is often not chosen for Medical duties unless the post is sorely needed filled. Varia's skill for paperwork and management (without requiring that empathetic touch of medical) comes into its own when managing security or law positions such as Warden or Internal Affairs Agent. Varia he is remarkably quick-thinking and has a physical speed that makes up for her physical weakness, and is effective when it comes to using Security equipment when it comes to her own personal safety and enforcing order on the station. The combined factors of her medical skill, security background and the Grey's cultural respect for authority makes her uniquely suited to the Blueshield position, and is the only Grey on record to consistently fill the role, giving her the nickname 'Greyshield' amongst some crew members. Qualifications: Her qualifications on-board the Grey Flotilla Kingdom aren't recognised by Nanotrasen, but she was allowed to skip training provided she passed the appropriate tests. Basic First Aid Training Advanced First Aid Training Doctorate in Surgery Passed two day course in Viral Containment [Expires 22/1/59] Advanced Resuscitation [NT Cloning] Nanotrasen Space Law and Legal Procedure NT Law Enforcement Basic Firearms [Expires 16/5/61] NT Combat Advanced Equipment Blueshield Complete Training [Expires 27/10/59 but is pending renewal as of 20/06/58) Employment Records: [??/??/???? - 16/05/2558] Citizen on-board the Grey Hive Flotilla Kingdom [18/06/2558 - ??/??/????] Assigned to NCS Cyberiad Security Records: Clean record, but displays frustration with Nanotrasen whilst not Loyalty Implanted Medical Records: No Mechanical Implants No detected scars or remodelled fractures Racial: Has the ability to speak Telepathically Racial: Immune to Sulphuric Acid Racial: Biology reacts to pure water like acid Personnel Photo: Varia stands at 5'9 with a skinny, bony frame aside from a thick round paunch at her midsection which is typically concealed by her clothing. Her face is impassive and inscrutable, and she has large dark purple eyes. Physically, there is nothing to indicate she is female. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
  5. I don't know how much GRIEF could be caused with NT Rep or Magistrate, but they must remain high priced so you can be sure that at least 70% of the time, it's filled (when it's filled) by someone who knows what the hell the role is about.
  6. I recommend a box with some purple latex glove recolours named 'forensic gloves' and the Detective should start with them. They don't leave fingerprints or fibres, however once removed they cannot be worn again and leave fingerprints and DNA all over them.
  7. They need a proper radio, sure, and maybe a speed loader each but I think that should be enough for them. They spend most of their time around /THE/ most loaded people on the station. If they need more stuff, it shouldn't be too hard to just ask for it.
  8. My problem with some of this is that the Brig Medbay isn't supposed to place regular medbay, and you're supposed to order more riot suits from cargo if you really need them. Also, I don't know if sec having black gloves would solve the contamination problem, since black gloves leave fibres on crime scenes and evidence, a gripe I have with the detective's equipment. Medbay absolutely needs more wheelchairs, though.
  9. It's not generous if it's a racket, Fj45.
  10. You're a cool guy, i've seen you around. Welcome to the forum!
  11. I recommend you make a thread for each idea instead of throwing them all into a soup of mixed ideas.
  12. Hi! You're a good surgeon. Hawke is an ark of mysteries.
  13. I'd be cautious giving cyborgs the ability to work out the telescience offset easily.
  14. Would it be beyond the realms of possibility to get a second Blueshield? Given that the Blueshield will have to protect a minimum of six and a maximum of 16 individuals.
  15. I would rather the chemistry bubbling sound NOT be used. I'm not sure which one of those that'd be, though.
  16. I don't think it's wise to give people incredible speeds because if they go too fast, they can go faster than the walls can refresh so you can gain accidental x-ray just by being fast.
  17. If you contribute to the community i.e frequent wiki editing, submitting maps/sprites/code you can gain karma.
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