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Everything posted by veganzombeh

  1. That doesn't actually seem like much of a downside to me.
  2. This sounds really great as a possible replacement for Rev. IMO, thralls should have to stay in the dark too, otherwise they de-convert after a while in the light. It might make it a bit less murderboney, since the thralls would be sticking in their "territory" more and would definitely counter the problem of them being unconvertable
  3. This all sounds great, but I'm not sure that this this actually possible with the current lighting system.
  4. I think they should actually dock on the station, instead of just floating nearby. This would give their arrival a sense of legitimacy and the crew would probably be less likely to kill them on sight. Especially if their arrivals was coupled with a centcomm announcement telling the crew they are guests. I think they should still have the option of being either traders or raiders, but this would probably make people less likely to kill them if they choose to be peaceful.
  5. That was the best brig map design I've ever seen. It even had a little visitors booth. It would definitely make the brig much more tolerable for people prone to SSD and suicide.
  6. Now that the Gateway missions have been here for quite some time, I've formed a revised opinion. Gateway missions have already become somewhat stale, IMO, most experienced players know exactly what to expect. Because of this I think a permanent expedition team would become fairly meta and essentially "Go in, avoid X, loot Y, go to the exit." Perhaps, if Gateway missions were given random loot/hazard spawn or a few more were created it wouldn't be a bad idea, but it currently seems unnecessary.
  7. I think the name and the "You feel a surge of loyalty!" message should both be replaced. It's lead to a lot of confusion recently.
  8. Maybe an emagged electropak should explode, or something? I don't think we need a whole new item for this.
  9. I don't really think we're in need of another "entertainment" job.
  10. Honestly, I don't like them as they currently are. I feel like many of their features are redundant and aren't actually necessary in the modern version of the game. I'd personally prefer a streamlined version with less, or more relevant, features.
  11. I was under the impression that the escape free/hijack/glorious death objective would remain the same as they hadn't completed it yet. Is this not the case?
  12. I agree. Even if there's no real punishment, space law should at least clarify that these types of crimes can result in forced demotion.
  13. But there no longer seems to be any way to effectively demote people without their consent. They can simply say "No, I won't go to the HoP office." and you can't arrest them, because disobeying orders isn't a crime.
  14. IMO, the assault laws are now too harsh. 10 minutes for one punch or even one disarm seems a bit excessive. I think it's also missing some important crimes like disobeying orders. Although I do like the new riot laws.
  15. Honestly, I think this is down to people just not knowing what to do as a borer. AFAIK, their goals are to reproduce and stay alive, but it doesn't say this anywhere. Maybe if a message popped when you became a borers explaining their goals and that they don't necessarily have to antagonize their host; they can work together.
  16. I've heard somewhere that atmos grief is only acceptable if you have a hijack shuttle objective. If that's true it might be a good thing to include there.
  17. I don't know where you've heard this, but AFAIK the only server that this is true on is NoX.
  18. If not this, it would be good to get a security electropak, that can't be removed without a security ID.
  19. Metastation is definitely one of my favourite maps. I'd be more than willing to help port/maintain it, if necessary.
  20. Another option would be to semi-randomize the spawning of loot in space.
  21. I think what counts as an "injunction" needs clearing up. I've seen a lot of people confuse "Violation of Injunction" with "Failure to Execute an Order". As far as I'm aware, there is nowhere that states the correct procedure for filing an injunction or what injunctions can be filed about either.
  22. Another thing I think would hugely improve cult strategies is if the mask could speak to cultists more frequently. Currently, if you're trying to converse with one of your cultists you have to wait about two minutes to reply sometimes, which just leads to cultists ignoring the mask and doing their own thing.
  23. I actually think this would be a good idea. It would encourage security to actually give people parole, another alternative punishment that doesn't remove people from the round.
  24. I'm inclined to agree with this. Loyalty implants shouldn't be the subject of debate. A loyalty implant should categorically make the implantee loyal to Nanotrasen. If you try to get around it based on morals, that's not RP. That's substituting RP for your own personal morals.
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