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Everything posted by veganzombeh

  1. Slightly different idea; a virtual reality machine. It would be less abusable since antags wouldn't benefit a lot from making bases in a virtual reality.
  2. Ah, my mistake. Yep, the biogenerator can make them.
  3. Wallets were available in the dorms, before they were replaced some time ago. I don't think even think they're currently obtainable.
  4. I'd agree with Clayton. Radithor's is my personal favourite of the ones I've seen.
  5. I don't see the problem with this, personally. Cyborgs aren't intended to outperform their human counterparts. Cyborgs are there to assist humans, not replace them.
  6. Love it. Glue horse masks to everyone's faces. The clown stealing security equipment and glueing it to himself probably won't be an issue.
  7. Siren helmets and these. Totally need them.
  8. I don't think the assembly line should be replaced, it's a brilliant construction site for engineering. I also don't think heavily economy-based features would work particularly well since nobody cares about money anyway.
  9. I am so hyped. It's unhealthy. There's a lot of speculation that it's going to be set in the Commonwealth, i.e. Massachusetts.
  10. A few days ago I suggested earning "prestige" alternate titles from playing a certain amount of rounds as that job. To be honest I still think I'd prefer that to karma unlocked job titles.
  11. This sounds like a good premise for an away mission, perhaps not as part of the escape shuttle though. I'm not convinced many people would like being made to go through this that often.
  12. If SoP violations do become illegal, there should really be an in-game book detailing SoP, similar to that of Space Law.
  13. I say keep the exam room, but add some facilities to actually diagnose patients in there - primarily a body scanner.
  14. The wire cutters and the multi tool sound good. The crowbar sounds somewhat useless as it would make accessing anything under the floor more difficult without a hard suit.
  15. I love the sound of this, actually. There's a /tg/ gamemode vaguely similar to this you might be interested in, too. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Gang_War, although Gang is oriented more towards controlling territory than money.
  16. More mutations is always good, but I think this many would need a genetics overhaul. Either that or we would have a lot of blocks.
  17. Selecting fake random event announcements sounds okay. It would be a good way for the nuke ops to distract the crew, but I'm not sure how effective that would even be. The crew running around looking for a blob doesn't sound like it would benefit nuke ops a whole lot. Custom centcomm annoucements don't sound like a great idea though, it would encourage the crew to ignore centcomm announcements, which is already a problem. It also opens up huge grey areas in the rules, for example, would security be allowed to murderbone the whole crew if a fake centcomm announcement told them to?
  18. I do like the idea of the librarian being able to research really weak spells.
  19. Fully agree. Did Paradise used to have a VR, or am I thinking of another server?
  20. I voted no. Borgs already have too much multi-functionality. Giving borgs tools that have nothing to do with their jobs is IMO something we should not do.
  21. I think this would be great for command/security doors. Maybe not standard airlocks though, that would be a lot of fairly useless logs.
  22. I think it uses the generic "Alien" candidacy at the moment.
  23. I think telepathy might need some sprucing up (there's currently no way to cancel it once you click it), but I don't think Greys need any more abilities.
  24. It would be really awesome if the syndicate spoke Russian.
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