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Everything posted by veganzombeh

  1. I think this could potentially be a good gamemode. Maybe the station is given some sort of production quota via fax and there are repercussions if that quota is not delivered in a certain time?
  2. I like the idea of it only being possible in the chapel. I think, once fed holy water, cultists should be given a choice as to whether or not they wish to de-convert. If they choose not to, security could just permabrig or execute them.
  3. Yeah, I'm not too sure I'd want to view my own notes. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
  4. It's against the rules to steal from the SSD, so I don't really think they need any further protection.
  5. I've seen something similar suggested a few times. I definitely think we need some sort of gamemode in which the antagonists are actually fighting eachother and the crew has to pick a side.
  6. I'm actually surprised by how good this sounds. We could have antag objectives that require you to steal a specific tajaran's tail. We could even have some reagents that could only be made from blended tajaran tail. Another brilliant idea: A de-clawing surgery.
  7. Dunking donuts sounds amazing. Especially if it absorbs some of the reagent it's dunked in so you can poison people with lexorin donuts.
  8. Xenos need to be balanced, rather than removed completely IMO. Perhaps making it take significantly longer for them to reproduce and evolve would help. I feel like that would encourage a more reserved approach, as xenos would actually fear death. I think disarm spam is something that needs to be fixed too.
  9. I fully support 'Khan the bunny'.
  10. Yeah, I meant a chance on attack rather than constantly when held. Those ideas sound great, I wasn't even aware there was a no shock gene
  11. Stun prods should have small chance to electrocute the user when they're used if they're not wearing insulated gloves, since after all, you are just holding a shoddily constructed metal rod with a battery attached. It would add an additional risk to using stun prods, since right now it is fairly easy to make one.
  12. I'd be all for the arrivals station, but against it requiring a code. Let's be honest, I don't think many of the new arrivals to the server would read the rules thoroughly enough to notice the code, even the ones that don't greytide.
  13. It's a decent sprite, but it looks too sci-fi to be a standard-issue gun on the station. I could see it being used by antags or even a gun that could be developed in R&D though.
  14. Ling powers don't sound good, that sort of defeats the point of removing stun weapons by providing other means of stunning opponents. Removing all weapons other than claymores sounds nice though. I'd also argue that the borgs and AI should either be gibbed or get a highlander-themed lawset.
  15. As much as I'd like the greytide to cease, I'd like the server to not fade into obscurity more. But yeah, maybe delisting briefly during the peak hours wouldn't be the worst idea.
  16. It's also a pain for the medbay to recharge defibrillator batteries when they run out, so this would be very useful.
  17. I like this idea. Tourist might be a good one. They could spawn with a camera and wear those touristy clothes observer ghosts have.
  18. Personally I think they shouldn't be able to. There are waaay too many people going on expeditions at the moment and sometimes security is left with only half a team.
  19. Preventing damage from disposals seems a bit off, but making people unable to grab you is a great idea.
  20. I'm all in favour of this idea, but I would suggest maybe not calling it a Bloodhound Bot, Bloodhound is already the name of one of the security cyborg models, which could get confusing.
  21. As someone who has hosted a few poker games while playing as bartender, the token idea is brilliant. The awkwardness of using credits to gamble is probably why it doesn't happen more often.
  22. 2 already exists, sort of. The Elektropack can't be removed without help from someone else.
  23. This sounds good. We could finally have proper graffiti instead of chalk on the floor.
  24. This sounds great. It would reduce lag while creating a fun job. Maybe it could even be incorporated into the janitor's current roles.
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