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Everything posted by TheClosetMailman

  1. 3 reasons to add sergals The rage from Reddit, cus cheese heads. SPECIAL lore, hush Cheese heads be gud
  2. I'm a true bwoinkenstein (for being a dummy) and I approve of this suggestion.
  3. Who`s a good seccie- Ow- Who`s a good seccie- Ow- Yes you are!- Ow- Yes you are!- Ow-
  4. I want to cuddle his face and give him a biscuit Who`s a good seccie, Who`s a good seccie? Yes you are, Yes you are-
  5. This. Seriously, i had a coworker murder me "CUZ TATOR" after i waved a screwdriver in her direction and stated You`re my target now because i wanted to spoof her. I was a tator, but she was anything but related to, or was, the target. Thankfully i got cloned but jeez, up to that point we had been perfectly normal coworkers, chit chatting.
  6. That`s a bigger O than a skrells assh- actually nevermind. 1
  7. Dear Comrade We must unite together to defeat the true menace, incompent security officers, without arms, we cannot complete great leader Franco Tetra`s dreams of creating a truly prospering police-state abroad the Cyberiad, truly free of catgirls and mimes! Where clowns and chemist hold hands and Ian is given a CentComm Cap. We must up our standards for the blue red brigade, make them not only represent the people, but Nanotrasien as well! I suggest it becomes mandatory to be a member of CEDA have proven their worth for Nanotrasien by cooperating with us for, say, a few hours at least. Together, we can unite against the silent union workplace inefficiency and superior security measures. Sincerely, the spaniard spacer with a female name despite being male.
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