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Everything posted by Vargh

  1. Bottled beer when i want alcohol, if not just a triple citrus, Slimes can't drink without going into a coma
  2. I like the idea but this is too hard to balance, it's going to nerf badly a lot of antags. I understand the idea is to keep taser only for security because they are really strong, but I think the problem is the taser himself. I'm totally up to see them removed and replaced by the pistol .45 with rubber bullets.
  3. That HoS was demoted after i was talking with him about the electropack and he told me "sorry i'm a noob lol" Inmurshon over
  4. Vargh


    Welcome to paradise! Please read the rules and remember, you are here forever. Stingray.
  5. I remember helping you a lot of times, like fixing you and beign friendly, i like that IPC, also i'm going to had the Strong Jaw thing to my flavor text brb
  6. Damn, i didn't know it was you
  7. I think we should have more maps because it's always nice to explore and learn new places. But I can't deny I don't like metastation.
  8. Hello and welcome, as security it's always nice to have a real IAA and not someone who took that job to just have security headset and greytide a lot. Welcome and take my god damn virus. Stingray
  9. In my defense, it was a good damn shower. Also, Vince forum is @Cactus2388
  10. Have a few OCD places and the sweet bar i build with my gf at the cold war event yesterday
  12. HOLY FUCKING SHIT MATE THIS IS AMAZING! He looks tough like i imagine him, as a guy who was born in Luna working at Port Royale from a good amount of years moving frey, he looks totally like him, the virus part witht he syringe and the badass part from the security, my main roles, man this is too damn good i don't know how to thank you enough, i'm so happy
  13. I'm totally using this macro but I still think that we should have a button at the top left
  14. Added some pictures and my idea of Stingray Voice Edit 2: Updated the history
  15. You sure need a rest after all this work, you put a lot of effort and i really love everyone one of them
  16. Now I really want to see Stingray
  17. Oh hey, i answer almost all your mhelps. Welcome to Paradise
  18. Vargh

    Hi there.

    Welcome to the server and the forums.
  19. pretty sure is was Aurora station. Also, i would love this a lot
  20. Vargh


    I really love it!
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