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Everything posted by James5734

  1. *knock* *knock* The admins at the door, quickly, quickly, count to four.
  2. Normie player is trying to hijack the admin count, back to 1
  3. I'm BOT, if you've seen me around you probably remember me as one of the greytiders you can find on the station. I mainly play because, despite being a shitter, I still can occasionally receive karma and I desperately need to prove it whenever possible.
  4. I'm afraid this might also cause meta as people will begin to notice when a secondary character is around and henceforth, realize it is an antag.
  5. I arrested the mime for some reason that I can't remember as warden during a shift a while back. He ended up getting salty byond (Get it?) all reason and then proceeded to engage in some ERP which I won't bother to describe. Either way, it was hilarious. Not sure what happened to the mime though, I assume there was a ban.
  6. Hey Buford, I remember for my first experience with you, you had no idea what a SPACE POD was. It was hilarious but you are still a great HOS.
  7. Hey Dream, what art software do you use?
  8. Heresy. Requesting this post be destroyed via Exterminatus
  9. Uhh, question on the rules. ERP is banned but is the librarian allowed to read WGW and the Lusty Xeno Queen?
  10. Hello! I am B.O.T., AKA that one Greytider who occasionally manages to do something though probably gets a ding dong bannu or a note in process. I also do other jobs, I guess...
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