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Everything posted by Birdtalon

  1. Cluwnes must have no salvation. Kill!
  2. This has come up before and it's worthy of noting that Traitors with access to emags are not the only antagonists on the station. I would only be happy with such a change if there were ways to obtain similar items for antagonists as the makeshift items are lacklustre to say the least.
  3. P.A.T.C.H. sure has an awful lot of beverages in her apartment for a synthetic!
  4. New memes hot off the printing press.
  5. Contribution by @bigfatbananacyclops
  6. A new Ares; idea credit and images to @DaKittaX
  7. I have submitted a PR to reduce the volume. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7768
  8. The guitar is fine, the volume is excessive as it drowns everything else out.
  9. People like these on discord so I thought I would catalogue them here. Some of these are satirical in nature and are supposed to be a bit of fun, if you are featured and take one of these personally then please just talk to me about it - I won't bite.
  10. I very much wish this was a thing. I've had many near misses.
  11. Hello and welcome (back) to the forums !
  12. Your second attempt is far superior to the first. Well done I think that they look good. Cucumber is very healthy!
  13. Firstly I must ask what you believe adding a forth "Highest" flag would actually achieve? You have stated yourself that it would function exactly the same as our current "High" flag which is the single "must have" job. So what would be the difference other than adding another layer of calculations at round start? At the bottom of the job selection screen you can set your preference to "Return to lobby if jobs unavailable" if you do not want to be placed into a random job. Unfortunately this is always going to be an issue with popular jobs such as Brig Physician as well as jobs with only a single slot such as Warden or Detective.
  14. I must ask why you have a problem with antagonists using weapons from RnD?
  15. Kudos back at you @ZN23X for not breaking under the pressure, you managed to keep me under wraps until the end regardless of my repeated attempts to break free and cause problems! It was frustrating at the time to be met at every turn but I can only compliment the rigidity of your security force, considering your Head of Security at the time also.
  16. May I ask why you need 5 hours playtime to be a Sentient Animal?
  17. Here are the hours required for the specific antagonists
  18. This is already in operation on the server managed via a certain play time in hours before you can have certain Antagonist roles.
  19. Sure go for it as long as it is a preference you can opt in or out of so it doesn't affect everyone.
  20. Pulling people is a fundamental part of general gameplay, I can understand that it would be more realistic to move slower if you're pulling someone but not a particularly good gameplay change for me. Also I imagine pulling a roller bed behind you is actually more difficult than pulling someone along who is using their legs.
  21. As someone who greytides and also plays security, I have no problem with greytides unless it's for example; a blob or nuclear operatives round. Just have to keep context in mind and if there's a big emergency like Wizard or such then wait until the next round for your greytiding.
  22. Hm, I haven't seen that before I shall take a look this evening.
  23. Last night I noticed while playing Warden that in the new evidence room with the recent Brig Rework there is now only a single box of evidence bags, whereas before there was at least three boxes. Would it be possible to have a couple more boxes as they run out very fast? After a couple of traitors they're all used up. Or is there another place where you can get them which I am not sure about?
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