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Everything posted by Birdtalon

  1. Choosing the option to mindslave someone or use the Wololo staff comes with the risk that your slaves won't or can't do what you tell them. Everyone who picks these items knows that.
  2. I think the whole "people getting antag always" is more a case of people noticing certain players getting antagonist more often. For whatever reason that may be. Also remember that not everyone has every antagonist option set to on which lowers the sample size. People who have every antagonist option set to On will have more chance.
  3. It's done completely random with no weighting on anything and I think that's the best way.
  4. This is how making a quote in the quick-poster looks like for me. Impossible to read.
  5. From a QoL perspective this would be horrible in my opinion. No thanks.
  6. Can we allow users to delete their own posts for a short time after posting them as this forum seems to get a lot of double posts probably by mistake.
  7. I both love and hate vampires simultaneously and here are the reasons for both; Love I'm a semi decent vampire player and with enough practice and intuition I find that you can pull off some absolutely hilarious things with the vampire abilities, and depending on how far you want to go a single vampire can cause massive chaos which is incredibly fun. I find that vampires are the only antag which can use their abilities to get themselves out of a situation reliably forcing security to think differently and pull out the lethals occasionally. I enjoy the challenge of acquiring blood to power up, which encourages creative play and risk taking before you can become a stomping machine. I think vampires are the only antagonist that has any true "scaling". They have the capacity to achieve near-unstoppable levels of power if the player is robust enough. Although I'm sure plenty of people will disagree with me - I personally enjoy watching a single player become godlike and completely unstoppable. It's actually very entertaining and makes observing the round worthwhile as well as actually add some challenge to otherwise cut and dry rounds. Hate "Friendly vampires" - I don't see the point in having antagonist options turned to yes if you're going to out yourself as a "friendly" antagonist at the start of the round and let security know it's a vampire round before the 10 minute mark. Antagonists should antagonise in order to make the round interesting for all, not just out themselves straight away and either get locked up or just do their job all round like a normal crew member. I find this happens with vampires most of all. Monkey Cheese - I am also guilty of this but it's too damn easy to just power yourself up with humanised monkeys with little risk whatsoever. "Is it extended?" - As a non-antagonist I usually find myself asking if it's extended half the time and it turns out to be a vampire round as the majority of vampire players seem to play quiet. Why the hell do vampires die in space?
  8. Birdtalon

    Leg Cuffs

    You can always just take their shoes off and they'll move slower anyway.
  9. I think you are attributing the issue that people don't take dying seriously falsely. I would imagine that people not taking it seriously is a result from the fact that this is a video game and not from the fact that you can be cloned. I play an unclonable race anyway so this wouldn't impact me, but I don't think removing cloning will be the magic fix you believe it to be.
  10. I don't see any need for change here. Being able to put a jetback in the exosuit slot is VERY useful so you don't have to carry your backpack all the time. Unless the player is very forgetful then they should only make this mistake once and it's a big part of learning as a player to look back at your mess ups with fondness.
  11. The ID console isn't actually removed. The thing they replaced it with has an ID console built into it which you can select.
  12. I was just pointing out that the time is saves is two clicks; not saying that you are lazy, so I'm not sure why you took as that. That is a fact, one click to toggle OOC off and one to toggle it on again. If you'd rather not have to make those clicks then fine, that's just a personal thing.
  13. I have contributed to the conversation by disagreeing that it's something we need. Just because you disagree with it doesn't invalidate my opinion. It matters to me because someone has to add the feature in and their time could be better spend elsewhere as I manage perfectly fine to click the Toggle OOC button when I want to turn OOC on or off. To save me presuming further then pray inform me of all these things that you need to do at the start of rounds to prevent you from clicking a button as I am genuinely interested.
  14. There's already a Preference which toggles OOC. I'm not sure I see the reason to have an automatic toggle to save you two clicks.
  15. Welcome to the forums Ryan tzzxzxzovrvrr
  16. Your sprites are amazing, I just can't stand that Clown Borg thing you made for yourself.
  17. Greentexting is the green "The traitor was successful" you get pop up at the end of the round. Or not in my case. That being said as long as people have the ability to just have the regular objectives I'm not against the idea. As long as my objectives wouldn't just be kill kill kill if I chose the lethal option, I'd still like a variety for varied gameplay.
  18. Theft usually doesn't cause a stir because the people who are trying to "greentext super hard" tend to just steal their objective(s) and then do nothing for the rest of the round. A mixture of objectives adds variety. I find it hard to believe that a "pacifist" would find it morally correct to be working for a shady organisation such as the syndicate willingly when they openly condone violence and killings. If you're a tator and you don't feel like you can do your objectives you can always fax the syndicate with an emag and protest.
  19. Using mechanics to gain an advantage over other players. That just sounds to me like a competitive video game. I don't understand the use of the word powergaming about any mechanic that gains an advantage over others, all it does is dilute the word. At the end of the day why should antagonists be forced to play a fair game, this isn't chess. And there is a difference between someone who is going of of their way to be a shitter and someone who uses space lube. They are not one and the same.
  20. You can counter space-lube fairly easily by crow barring up the floor tiles. It isn't like there is no counter play against it.
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