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Everything posted by Splgrk

  1. SIT sounds like a great idea. In general, I'd like to see more cooperative antags. Preferably ones that aren't as visible and/or apocalyptic as slings and cult.
  2. Agreed on the vault. Mining shovels out gold bars by the dozen, I don't think they should even be in there.
  3. I did once use my arm as a blunt weapon as an IPC, in the stupidest perma escape ever. But I managed to break a window with it.
  4. That's actually pretty damn sweet. How do you get single bullets, though? Don't most weapons come with magazines?
  5. Nonsense. Also, these are all completely true facts. Syndicate uplink PDAs always have *boom* as their ringtone. People with dual e-swords take 30% more damage from fists, for balance. Closets keep you safe from syndicate bombs and other explosives. IPCs can't be traitors, because they are loyalty implanted at production. Since there's no garlic in the game, vampires are instead weak to watermelons. Vox can't see you if you don't move.
  6. That must have been a fun round.
  7. They can eat cuffs with that? I had no idea! I just remember the time some Shitler clown ate my stunbaton.
  8. Which is why the storage implant is so awesome. Me antag? No, me just greytide. That teleporter was already gone, see, I don't have it.
  9. Heh. Rods are fun. "The rod penetrates you." Five minutes later, announcement: "I've seen bigger. -NT represenative SINA-" Thank god for quick repairs.
  10. Eh, I had to cut through a lof of station walls to put it up. Got that done and one wall up, then had to get busy with other stuff.
  11. I remember once spending about 3/4 of a nations round trying to build a such a cage around all of engineering, in a way that the emitters could be inside of it.
  12. Wait really? That just opened up whole new fields of destruction for my botany characters. If they can get their hands on plasma.
  13. That's just old prison station, isn't it? Is that still a thing?
  14. If things had just loaded a bit faster, I would have called myself Grin Fangdango.
  15. Crew swarmed nukies on telecoms. Turned into a slight bloodbath.
  16. You can open the nozzle on a space cleaner bottle so it sprays more per spray. (Okay, not entirely useless, you can load it with other things.)
  17. I know, I know. But there's still Voxes and IPCs and Dionae who are quite different from humans. Even if the voxes are dinosaur people.
  18. Yeah, same for me. There's already too many boring humans with animal heads. More properly alien aliens, please.
  19. How do you take these zoomed out pictures?
  20. Not bad. Actually, I think the game is always best summed by snippets of sec coms. "Why is the HOS dead in the gateway?" or "Who made the Mime into a hulk?" or "Does it count as lethal if I only shoot him twice?".
  21. You could also volunteer them as gateway guinea pigs.
  22. I've talked to a few people who did this OOC. Apparently, a good segment of the population thinks that vampires come back from the dead unless burnt or borged (like changelings), since they do in pretty much every other medium.
  23. There's just times where I think "Maybe getting banned wasn't so bad after all". My evenings are so much more relaxing now. Honestly, looking back at two months ago, feels as if the accidental setting on fire of vampires was about every other round I was warden.
  24. Splgrk


    True, but making SR too hard would make some races incredibly sucky to play.
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