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Everything posted by Doukan

  1. Welp, I've subconsciously ripped Toady off. Still though, more references can only be a good thing.
  2. TL;DR: psychiatrist has a reason to exist: the gamemode. Anyone here seen Pandorum? you should, it's got plenty of flaws but loads of cool stuff (and is what I'm pretty sure is the source for the alert change sound), too many people haven't! The soundtrack is awesome too ( should really be lobby music option, yes I'm a fanboy) One of the core plot points is the titular pandorum, the spess crazies, spend too long in space and you just lose it, you get shakes, start seeing weird shit, your nose starts bleeding and BEWM you go wacko. Not "LOL RANDOM" wacko, but "the ship is cursed, I need to save everyone by ejecting them into space!" self righteous pumped up on roids brainwashed and crazy wacko, ie: the best kind. So what I was thinking was somesort of round type (yay another antag that nobody will ever code because the coders are all overworked slave driven and burnt out), but then I thought: we already have most of what'd make a pretty cool random event of sorts, with the potential for all sorts of gimmicky !!fun!! stuff. Here's a layout of my thoughts, feel free to poke holes in them/make suggestions, I just think it'd be a cool thing. Also I made this up as a I went along with little/no forethought so please don't tear me a new asshole for being a dumb fuck Obviously my thoughts here are all over the place, if someone else would like to make something more coherent please go right ahead. EDIT: More grammatically correctioned title. EDIT 2: edit for the edit to say that I edited the edit.
  3. They're both RP roles, if people wanna get anything out of them at all they're gonna have to rely on other people wanting to join in the immursion. I don't see why we can't have "counsellor" as an alt chaplain title though, I mean if you think about it in 500 years I bet there are more than a few religions based around 21st century BS.
  4. I agree with your sentiment, but cloning and life after death is such an integral part of the game. It just wouldn't be SS13 without it, that said though it could probably do with being more resource intensive.
  5. It'd be nice if we could see the resolved ones, purely for the sweet drama that could be extracted. Ongoing ones though really don't need it though IMO, if the admins need additional input they'll just PM you or search the logs, if they were public like the admin complaints are (which I suspect are only public in the first place so people don't scream censorship/badminluminati 24/7) we'd only see a whole new abundance of pure salt. People hate people afterall, it'd only enabler shittery.
  6. Really though this'd all be pointless anyway, it'd only be another bit of SoP that everyone can safely ignore. Unless there's a spehsul mechanic for it, it's nothing we can't already have in game already with the magic of creative formatting.
  7. I sure hope those are changeling monkey heads and not some cheap knockoff.
  8. Doukan


    A not necessarily violence focused gamemode? yes please, moar IC interactions please. Without doubt. I'd hope most people are !!fun!! enough to accept a HONK mech instead though (with no power cell and no modules of course).
  9. If I'm remembering it properly, the bartender's office has a paper license in it at round start. A special stamp or something for authorizing it would be a nice addition (and maybe finally give traitors a reason to buy the chameleon stamp).
  10. It's something you'd expect to have as a physical license. Something you can attach to your jumpsuit maybe? Having it as an ID thing would just bring too many problems.
  11. RIP space ninjas. Also rev, you were the wor- FOR THE REVOLUTION! Fucking lolflash.
  12. It does pop up every so often when someone new figures out the x-ray properties, it can be a real round ruiner when folks do it en masse. Really it wouldn't be an issue at all if the view range wasn't 7x7. Limit it something like 2x2 maybe? it'd make it a lot less abusable.
  13. Or just break their legs. They don't need those.
  14. Really though if people are escaping because they managed to smash through the windows it's kinda sec's fault for not keeping an eye on them. I mean you can always just weld them in the toilet or something.
  15. It's speciesism damnit, unless the xenos are just abhuman?
  16. It was becoming the norm to pre-emptively remove the cell's bulb at roundtstart last time I was on. They've even started taking the soap from perma
  17. I'm actually shocked, shocked, that nobody has seen fit to .This'd be an excellent remedy +1 there's a bit of thing at the moment with no fun allowedees stealing all the brigs bulbs, it'd save some immersions and maybe we'd finally see the shoe tithe.
  18. Can I deep fry them.. live? If so pls port.
  19. I think part of the reason they got ditched was because people kept using them as an excuse to get extra access when they probably shouldn't be doing. They're alright in principle and are cool and all but unless we get departmental checkpoints they're kinda pointless.
  20. Gestapo/10. Please implement ASAP +1
  21. Storage problem? boxes solve all. Really, we do not need to return to the days of each officer carrying a couple of extra winsticks + a half dozen cuffs (which they can actually still do, they just have to use their bag space, which people hate using up for some reason). The flashbang abuse is real and all but that's something we've always had and needs it's own solution, such as you know, only being used in actual crowd control situations per SOP or something. The "hate" is mostly just bad jokes played for laughs, the occasional legitimate shitler stands out a lot is all, don't take it too seriously That said though a number of people (myself included) feel very strongly the way the games mechanics are currently implemented is somewhat biased in favour of the security department in certain situations, that's to do with stats n'stuff though not actual player conduct, pls remove instastun
  22. I've whizzed through the other codebase's wikis, they're mostly nigh identical. It'd be great to have one that's actually up to date and informative +1
  23. I quite like the idea of this actually, they could do with being a bit more visible TBH, if nobody is diligent enough to check disposals (as is often the case) the swarmers can easily get a massive head start, some sort of loudish sound effect when they deconstruct something maybe? Stealth munching the server rooms should probably be a bit more noticeable.
  24. Whenever I see them in game they either get wiped out early or end up snowballing the entire station, it comes down to how busy the crew are/bothered the crew can be to weld vents/hunt the little bastards down. All you need to wreck them absolutely is a bit of dedicated vent securing and a few borgs. They're fairly balanced as is IMO, they're only OP if they're not taken seriously and allowed to reach critical mass, people seem to think "non lethal side-antag" and don't put the effort in like they do with late round blobs. May as well purge spess carp and the like if we go down that road, they're a nice distraction for sometimes boring rounds and are great fun to play as well.
  25. That'd actually make sense though.
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