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Everything posted by Knightedskull

  1. Knightedskull


    I don't think the warden's office has enough room for a pet. It's pretty tight in there. The warden doesn't run his own mini-department. Now if he was stationed in the work camps ( that dusty old thing) and maintained it on his own then sure. I vote on giving the QM a pet hamster.
  2. I actually don't know if they can or can't but if they retain the same function as medical HUDS when examining someone then it'd be like security glasses.
  3. Welcome. Just be sure to keep your soul close by as the game has a tendency to try to hold it hostage.
  4. Xray sounds like it'd be a breach in security for IC reasons....besides invading everyone's privacy. I can only read this as "Everyone's medical files may be handed out to everyone and/or modified" I can't comment much as I have not played recently and thus not tried the new system yet.
  5. *the anticipation so intense it causes the face to vibrate away*
  6. I'll place half my bets on it being Sax and the other half to Calico trying to stowaway.
  7. I'd imagine through a mind-slave Jonah would be able to do the action on reflex/instinct before the thought hits him and he breaks free of it...too late... Let's break our hearts and see it.
  8. By "crappier" I'm just going to assume you mean the monitor frame as I can't imagine that applying to the actual content. You can clearly tell the sort of action going on, the dilemma the character faces, and what the end results appear to be. How deep and dark that goes depends on if she is being overwritten, slowly deleted and replaced, or someone fiddled with her config files. All in all it's good.
  9. By the way it could be the trick of me eyes or display calibration but my eyes feels like the color of her fur is exactly the same as the post background so my mind thinks she's the cheshire cat.
  10. Sometimes it is simply best to not bring him up at all during a round cause as I feel like I'll involuntarily curse his fate just asking Zeke passively about Jonah.... Death alarm not even a second after asking...I'm sorry... BTW another good drawing, tragic as it be.
  11. I have to agree, we don't need improvised defrib. Though I don't know if I read this on the wiki, or elsewhere, but it'd be nifty if you could grab someone before touching an electrified door/grate to have a small chance to defrib someone just as a emergency trick (or, you know, rogue AI).
  12. More good stuff, on a roll. Spark got some kick ass files booting up.
  13. Holy crap had no idea science had one as well. I'll have to get one for my paramedics. Anyway, yeah, I brought up the idea (unlikely the first though) of an improved guest pass system within the Head offices that weren't tied strictly to just one's own department. The idea was essentially like requesting supplies but for guest passes and it'll pop out of the terminal after it becomes approved on the other side of the respective department's head.
  14. Knightedskull


    Again some great work. Really love how you make the tail really feel bushy and the fuzzy layered look of it all with the lines and coloring as well. The ears so adorable I wanna rub and scratch them. I also like the hair. Good detail and is far from looking flat or a clump ( I can't draw hair for crap).
  15. Knightedskull


    Wow this is lovely, now I know how to imagine them. The details are freakin sweet and the eyes too. Top notch stuff. First drawing of a full grown one? And the timing couldn't be better for you, squid.
  16. I could swear that she's drawn the Nymphs though....has there been any straight up Dionae drawings? I haven't seen any that I can recall.
  17. You wouldn't actually have to have a broken limb to be able to have it dislocated, all in the muscles iirc. Maybe use trauma kit to restore the flesh around it before cauterizing.
  18. Yeah I find it on the side of ridiculous that you can literally shove a limb back in and it's all dandy. With the new surgery, I now hope that gets changed ( unless robotic) to require at least minor surgery, like fix-o-vein and then cauterize.
  19. I remember seeing that exchange....thought it might have been a bad idea, fun as it would be. I believe I was a surgeon then and got over worked as the times I tried to take a break I got poisoned. When I could, I got plastered and had to be carried by Makgen to make it on the shuttle. Praxis, understandably, wouldn't let us in the safety of the cockpit.
  20. That would be nice and my mind is already racing some ideas that get me excited : Kidan : You have to saw through the exoskeleton instead of scalpel and bones can be repaired externally ( or hell, maybe also to even apply touch medicines). Slimes rarely gets operated on but all you need to do is scalpel past the "skin" layer and then shove repair kit into the core ( or hotwire an organ). I'd say to compensate on it being more direct and faster, the tools get slippery, an increased failure in future surgeries/tools through slipping. Fixed with a simple wash. Vox bones are light and porous requiring extra delicateness and time for each bone repair step ( or an increased chance of bones re-breaking) and additional damage if misstep. Unathi : Extended scalpel time due to scales and saw due to their bone structure or needing to apply fix-o-vein twice in the upper chest. Grey : Extended brain repair due to size and complexity as well as mouth/throat due to the mucus ( or just everything head related). Tajarans/Vulpkanins require a shaver in the operating area?.... Oh no, what have I done! (please don't take this as a way of 'balancing' races).
  21. Yeah I really like the uniforms too and the trims are nice.
  22. And now the true test: hold fast or expire. Zeke, you must anchor your mighty sword with holy purpose. The task ahead is terrible, and weakness cannot be tolerated. In all seriousness though, I really like this one: Garoons being cautious but seems to be itchin' for a fight while Jonah seems to be calculating based on information he is getting ( or just getting orders). You can feel Zeke's hesitation or worrisome on the inevitable fight &/or ungodly things he might have to see but isn't going to back down for one reason or another. There's a dark and red mood that captures well the tone with having to deal with cultists and the things they can wrought. A grim task that conveys the potential deaths of friends and fellow crew; a chance of a killing blow, on your hands and conscious, or one to your own head.
  23. I didn't claim, or intend to imply, that surgery is skill based. Just that I and others have fun with what it is currently and worry that it'll get stream lined to something completely different...or maybe I'm just too nervous about change. I just feel like this wont go so well during a crisis, especially if it takes even slightly longer.. As to how well it'll compare (in game) will take time and to notice something someone might not have foreseen if any.
  24. There are more combinations than you would think, made more extensive when going through the ribs or skull as there is an additional branch, so to speak, in the steps. Limbs and lower body; sure it might work as only after using the retractor that it branches out to single limbs and one branch after the main. After pulling the skin layer away: Bone repair, veins, foreign objects, organ repair, cavity. Organ removal: Select organ. Then standard wrap up for each. Ribs and skull has an additional main branch: After pulling the skin away: Fix veins, wrap up. Bone repair, wrap up. Saw: Organ repair, cavity, and foreign objects. Organ removal: Organ Select. [*]Bonerepair with additional step [*]Then wrap up.
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