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Everything posted by Knightedskull

  1. *for some reason my reply failed* I'm all for improving the mechanics, depth and expansion. I had no idea the coding was, well, an utter mess. I'm sure it might be for the overall better but this would be like chemistry dispensers already starting out with advance chemicals/medicines ( in terms of lost fun/magic). It just irks me and I can't make sense why you would not be able to fix organs and then bones before wrapping up the operation. I can't say the new system will be better or worse without trying it out but at least it does have the prospect of expansion and, hopefully later at the least, bring back some of the magic lost during the release.
  2. That looks really nice. It doesn't look like it wants to feast on your soul but it is still nothing to mess with. The only thing off putting is my sense of scale as with the size of the trees and how close the creature is to them, it kinda looks like it might be gigantic. Idunno how to properly describe it, might have to do with the base of the trunks but then again I've never been too good at judging scale.
  3. Thank you for explaining it better than I would, IK31. What's worse is that it'd take longer than 30 seconds cause in the case of linear surgery you'd have to BACKTRACK which makes no sense and consume more time. While if I really thought about it I might be able to think of a negative to the current system but currently it is great and fun to work with. I'd love the idea of additional organs but not a tthe cost of pure linear surgery/
  4. Science should at least give the chemist ten minutes to prepare some medicines.
  5. Anime style: Garoon needs a very over-sized crowbar over his shoulder. Zeke reminds me of "Speed-O'-Sound" Sonic from One-Punch Man. And Jonah lookin' badass and needs a Mateba Revolver to compliment.
  6. Lore wise, I'm pretty sure they get cloned again at some point after the mess is cleaned up. With death not being too much an issue IC and OOC, death should not equal being terminated. They aren't to be used by the Heads, the point is to keep them away from easy access. Only a security recruit would likely fall for that backpack shenanigan and the person likely arrested already for trespassing. They should be stored in either Captain/HoP/CMO office. If someone breaks into either Captains or HoP office than the IDs become nearly moot. To steal from the CMO office would be hard without being caught what with being directly in the center of medical.
  7. Chalk it up to bio-mechanical eyes instead of pure machine,then. Either way still pretty.
  8. It's so nice, thank you. I'll have to jump on the band wagon after all. And it's vector based too for all resize needs. Dem eyes....brings a slight tear knowing that moments afterwords they'll be tarnished by a burning ghastly sight.
  9. You're a natural with eyes and the overall quality has been improving. I can notice the differences between page 5 and 7.
  10. Blue. It can be hard to tell through the glasses....I should rework the character sheet .
  11. Told ya photoshop would be the way to go. Never crashed for me. Also the eyes. Really nice, especially Jonah and Garoon with all the tiny details in them.
  12. Aw, it's so cute and the eyes adorable (not you NTSAM). Nice monitor crack though.
  13. He can actually smile! Nice work as always.
  14. The only way I see an ID should be removed from a body in the morgue is during Red Alert. Also something just occurred in the last shift I was in: Someone had posted the medical records of someone right in the bar. I don't know how NT respects record policies but to just tape someones medical records for public viewing without consent is just wrong. We should probably include something about keeping medical records private.
  15. I feel like it'd be a creature that thrives in the forest or swamp (if it had longer legs to help through marshes). There wouldn't be much to decay within the sands of the desert...which now that I think of it the scorpion aspect clashes. Maybe replace it with a tail that ends in a razor sharp edge. A bladed whip, so to speak.
  16. Nice details and would be a hilarious situation to happen. As for the creature it looks to be a good start to a mythical creature. The current coloring of it makes me feels like this thing either drools acid or causes things around it to slowly decay. Absorbing the life around it to sustain itself as it forever hungers ( it looks nearly starved). That's the impression I get with the coloring, the mouth, and the line-thingiesaround the antlers (don't know what they are but my mind imagines spanish moss would fit) .
  17. It is good to see my pupils learn the art well enough. It was, indeed, Von Bon approved.
  18. well, appears I was the only one to vote "other". It's not going to be easy to detect any combat biomods except hulk which is the main problem. It's always hulk seen as the big problem let's just restrict it inside their lab and authorized handouts to security by the RD AND HoS.
  19. While I don't think I'd ever change my forum avatar, I think I could do with an alternating steam avatar. Maybe see Von Bon back in his younger warden/officer days or keep it modern CMO if you wish. No rush or pressure. You seem to be getting your hands full with requests.
  20. Draw an officer Beepsky in his natural habitat. Was that done with Adobe Illustrator?
  21. Nice Eli Randolph, recognized him instantly before even reading the text (sadly Vulpkanins don't have digitigrade I guess to make it so they weren't more of a Tajaran clone than they were at first). Really like the bobcat look for Dar'Konr. I'll never forget the shift of how I found him in every possible pieces on the surgery table and got him fixed up in time.
  22. Be careful about that, someone was banned for writing the entirety of that on a piece of paper and gave it to the HoP. As for being devoured by xenomorphs (alive) and tormented by them....Von Bon still going through therapy on that. Escape pods...yeah I've had the mistake of once not knowing that they left at the same time as well and they were willing to suck you out into space as well. And if you've got a DeviantArt then feel free to share. The more artists the merrier.
  23. I've seen my fair share of the deep internets but Unicorn-Human hybrids I have not.
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