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Everything posted by FlattestGuitar

  1. In real life lethal force is much better at actually stopping runners because the non-lethal options all suck. In spessmen we have long range tasers that are perfectly capable of taking someone down, even at long range. The current set of rules for usage of lethal rounds is perfect, I think. Most people tend to use non-lethals whenever possible anyway, considering they're actually better at subduing most targets.
  2. The drinks don't give you ethanol. They accumulate in your body and trigger different things when they pass a threshold. As far as I understand this also means you don't get more drunk from drinking two different types of alcohol, but I could be wrong there.
  3. Granted, if you can drink alcohol properly you shouldn't have a problem with slurring. Still, it's a bit weird that it's that easy to get drunk after two small sips of whiskey. At least implementing a system for weighing the drunkness would be nice, so here I go with my made up knowledge. Okay, so this is the definition of ethanol in the code: Pretty much what every alcoholic drink does to you is described there. I was under the impression that it would be hard to modify those values for specific subtypes of ethanol (so literally every alcoholic beverage out there), but then I found out that a lot of drinks simply have some of the variables changed for them. Here's whiskey (note the 'dizzy_adj' var, it also appears in the ethanol definition): So considering this seems to work, I think all we'd have to do is redefine this set of variables for every drink (yeah, that's quite a bit of typing in the numbers): Would this work?
  4. This thread. The point in making genetics be under CMOs rule is that sometimes they are REQUIRED for medbay to work, such as when you need a humanized monkey for a clone or want to do some genetic shenanigans on a person that isn't about research but actually fixing their UI. Sure, it sounds logical to make them fall under the RD, but during actual gameply they'll be taking a TON more orders from the CMO. They're certainly more about medicine than virology is and whether geneticists like it or not they can't just have a free reign over their abominations, which is exactly what happens when there are two people in charge, making neither responsible.
  5. This thread is slowly turning into a coding discussion and I'm pretty sure there is general agreement that the current system is pretty damn broken. Made an issue on github, please contribute if you can. EDIT: nvm, let's keep the talk here, that's not what github is for, apparently.
  6. But the point here is that you might need to use the scanners to obtain a UE or anything else depending on the abomination of the day you're creating. You need asolutely nothing from Science to function properly, while Genetics is actually needed. Plus, their labcoats fit medbay colors better.
  7. No. They actually can distribute a Clean SE, can create humanized monkeys/aliums for surgery, can supply chemistry with blood and generally make more sense to be in medical. If anything it's the virologist that should be moved, he doesn't get to work on cures most rounds because there's nothing to treat unless he releases it himself.
  8. This is a thing that I said in the SOP post, but it's apparently the wrong place to say it, so I'm saying it here: There's no point to keeping Genetics in Research. Yay or Nay?
  9. I've yet to see human Max, but I'm assuming he's a cool guy regardless of his race. Happy to see him around more in the future.
  10. Okay, I might be a bit late on this, but I might as well mention it before it gets closed. I really don't think genetics should be a two-department job. It does technically seem like both research and medicine, but the fact that two people have joint authority leaves a lot of room for potential chaos and unjust demotions. It would be better if the CMO had complete rule over genetics, just as he has with virology (which is more about reserach than genetics is, to be fair). It looks to me that genetics is under the double authority just because of their location. Unlike any other science department job genetics is absolutely incompatible with all other sciencey things and there really isn't much research that can be done with its help. Most of the time the RD has little to no contact with the geneticists and he won't need anything from them most of the time anyway. Genetics, when compared to virology ends up having to deal with many more medical problems and requests and shouldn't be hindered by possible weird requests by the RD. For the sake of keeping things consistent, clear and easy to understand in special situations, I suggest we just give CMO complete authority. Also, the RD already has a dozen of bloodthirsty HONKing, ClF3ing, teleporting maniacs on his hands to take care of, so adding genetics to his list of duties might be a bit overburdening.
  11. Yeah, but they're complicated as fuck to make and they only work with shotties. How else will I BDSM with an IPC?
  12. The incindeary ammo is not Dragon's Breath, it's a type of ammo for the Saber - normal bullets that deal less damage, but add fire stacks. Good point with borgs and mechs though, although you could just use normal EMP bolts to make them die way faster, as they also have AoE. I don't mind new things being added to the game, no matter how niche their use is, but it seems like coding this type of ammo would be a major pain considering it would have to deal a special type of damage to only robotic limbs and more damage to borgs and mechs. If anything I'd go with ammo that just spawns a normal EMP blast wherever it hits. Make it super expensive to make and you've got yourself new exciting !FUN! things in the game and a massive nerf to HONKs.
  13. So I did some wiki'ing today. I went by Shadey's list and I need some review on the stuff I changed, so feel free to point stuff out. Overhauled Chemist, updating all the chems to THINGS ACTUALLY IN THE GAME and adding some proper tips and stuff. Moved the grenade making part to Scientist, as chemists lack the proper parts anyway. Added some notes on declaring war as the Newkies. Not sure about the TC amount, feel free to add more notes. Changed the tator notes for Engineer and Cargo Slave a bit, to reflect how unfun it is to do the thing with Singuloth's Thrid Coming and how fun it is to order the syndie crate from cargo.
  14. Ballistics getting more types of ammo is a buff to ballistics. There's no point to implementing this type of EMP ammo, becuase we have incendiary ammo, which just sets your targets on fire, being miles better than just a small amount of localized burn damage. Normally when you're shooting someone you want them to die and them losing limbs is a secondary obejctive. I honestly don't see how this type of ammo would be at all useful, considering you can't really count on ALL your enemies having robotic limbs.
  15. Well, at this point it's admin decided, because they're kinda in charge and there's no better idea. Regens scolded me for editing the lore myself, but I'm pretty sure there's not much going on on the subject of the Vulpkanin lore, considering it's been three weeks, so I dunno... I think it would work if we had one person in charge of the lore who would get peoples' opinions on possible big additions and greenlight the smaller ones.
  16. ...something something just make them a traitor item?
  17. Question: Should we clear the traitor notes for all the jobs that can't be antags because of the implants? They're pretty redundant as far as I know and I don't really see admins using the ability to antag those people often.
  18. My point is they're either going to be OP or useless. There won't be any middle ground, as they either EMP nothing or everything around them. Still, I don't think anybody really minds OP stuff in ss13, so I prolly wouldn't mind seeing them added.
  19. I hate it when Heads of Staff don't know what their whole department does. It's so annoying. Also, especially for CMOs it's important to make sure everything is taken care of: meds, cryotubes, cloner all need to be ready and so many CMOs just don't bother, because meh. I once got into a shouting match as the brig phys with the CMO telling him to do his job while he was extinguisher wheelchairing at the bar and he told me he was too occupied to do anything about it.
  20. I really don't think ballistics need any buffs. They're insanely powerful when compared to energy weapons and are a nightmare to fight against regardless of who you are and what you're wearing. I'm pretty sure EMP rounds would cause a massive amount of collateral damage, so they might be a risky idea. Ive never used the toxic rounds, they might actually need a buff, considering they're only viable against organic targets. AP rounds are already in the game, so the conversation on them makes no sense. Normal Saber rounds will crit an unarmored target in three shots, I dont see the point in adding HP rounds.
  21. Yes pls. I have some concerns about the process though. Looking at the Vulpkanin lore's limbo, I think there should be one person in charge of accepting new lore to make the process smoother. If we want to add a ton of new content it will be hard to get this working. I'm willing to help out with writing, just let me get a thesaurus first.
  22. We already have incindiary rounds, they do literally just what you proposed - two types of damage.
  23. Tell that to Eli running around with a syringe gun filled with a deathmix looking for antags. Cultists are the best type of an antag to kill, because they have no speshul skills and you can really showcase your abilities.
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