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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    One note I'd make is maybe name changing the Decompiler to "Medical Decompiler" since it doesn't seem to be able to slurp up trash like a normal one, or if it does, has added functionality then the ones drones an shit have.

    Just a name change to signify it is the specialist of the snowflakes that is the Decompiler family.


    Other then that, the body bag dispenser I agree with being able to slurp them up to dispense them as needed, but not so much synthesizing them outright.

    On that note: Medical Gripper plox to open Morgue trays. Presently borgs cannot drop bodies into proper trays, they just have to leave the bag on the floor like a derp.



    Personally, I see no reason to -not- give them one.

    Literally the entire of medical has general access to these items, it's not like they are science toys like the laser scalpels, there are 2 in every Medi-vend.


    And frequently enough as a medical borg, I have to either play triage inside med bay or help the Paramedic by going into hazard zones or just outright going with them to give access an help load people up if it's a like a bomb that has injured several people. Being able to spot people with coordinates on is a big part of that job.



    45 karma.

    'S not much different from Vox, being space worthy an needing internals to breathe from.

    And honestly I'd say they are not TRUE space worthy, they need hardsuits still, but are capable of 'swimming' in space.

    That's just me tho.


    I agree with people saying the 2nd picture is the one I'd go for, in terms of appearances.



    I personally don't much like the Drone removal.

    I understand why, but it's still something I'd even just join a round specifically as a drone to kind of relax while still being able to upgrade or rebuild the station and not have an AI screaming down my throat or otherwise having to deal with people.


    Rest of it sounds intriguing and would be neat to see play out though, will try to be on for testing time if it happens to see it first-hand.



    Even still, even a 10 minute sentence.

    Just like... open a youtube video, man.

    Play some music or something, holy shit it's not that hard to be entertained by yourself for 5-10 minutes.


    Breaking out for anything less then a 15-perma sentence is wasting my time an kinda your own which seems more like the point then 'it's fun' because very rarely does anyone get away with it.

    It usually seems more like they do it to spite Security an make them have to claw for every single second they're in a cell. I try very hard not to be a shitter Warden, to always process prisoners an listen to their side an be lenient if they're not cock heads.


    But when someone can't even just bite the bullet an bear with me when I have clearly given every effort to make their stay in the brig as painless as I can within the job description, the urge to just baton someone's head into a pulp rises to a point it can be genuinely hard to not give in an just do it. IF you have ascummy officer, then they sorta brought it on themselves.

    But jaysus, if someone in Sec is actually TRYING and trying hard to not be shitcurity, throw us a bone because this is how you MAKE shitcurity out of people.



    Personal opinion time:

    Valid Hunting isn't gonna go away unless similar ideaology/rules are in place -for the antags themselves-.

    I had a ling round where the ling, within a span of 20 or so minutes, killed a nearly double digit amount of people that were wholly unrelated to his objective. (I know it was over 6, but I surely didn't count them all out.)

    His location was screamed out with the first victim, so naturally people went to check it out, security, some others, either to find the changeling or to look for the body of the guy who'd just bit the dust, a sec officer.


    Except, thing was, he stayed near the growing body pile with space lube an his arm blade the -entire time-, wordlessly slaughtering everyone who slipped in the maintenance tunnel and the only reason he booked it at all is cuz someone brought a friggin -ripley- to the scene. And then he just did it to a smaller degree later on before finally high-tailing it.


    It's really hard to say Validhunting is a problem and something we're striving to solve when -that- kind of action is fully allowed. If it had been a non-antag who had been doing that to .... let's say a Vox Raider team, everyone would have shouted "Valid Hunter".


    Why does any of that whiny bitching of a tirade matter? Cuz if antags -are- allowed to just go ham like that an wordlessly/no RP slaughter mass populace wholesale an sit atop their throne of corpses, preventing any body retrieval, then yes, my first reaction is going to be to gut the ling/wizard/traitor/whatever, because if I give him a chance to RP, he's not gonna give me the same and he's going to remove me from the round, objective or no.

    If I can't trust the fact a wiz won't just magic me on sight why should he be able to trust I won't just insert a metal rod down his throat on sight?



    C. If you do not "care that much for" the jobs in a department, you have absolutely no place being in command of that department. I don't know why anyone not interested in Security would want to be the Head of Security, unless they are simply a power gaming comdom that really shouldn't be a Head of Security anyway. If you have a reason to be in command of a department you don't like playing, do tell me, because there's none I can think of.


    Wrong, flat out. There's jobs within a department you can have distaste for, while still liking the department as a whole or vice-versa.


    I've played CMO previously, I know medical pretty well, More then most and less then some. I have played Genetics, MD, Chemist, Surgeon, Coroner (Yes they are alt MD titles but different expectations of them.)

    I have not played Paramedic, Psychiatrist or Virologist.

    Mostly because Virology is very slow and boring to me and I don't care for paramedic.


    When I was CMO, we had Clean SE's on stand by at Genetics, we had the chems, cryo was set up and doctors knew to talk to me if there was a problem. I didn't need Virology and Paramedic playtime to know this, and if it came down to a viral outbreak, there's a very detailed wiki guide on how to handle those.


    Vice-versa I have -very- little desire to play proper Security, it is not my cup of tea in terms of playstyle and yet, I like and sometimes will go into, Brig Physician. Because I am -not- an officer I am a medic, the department as a whole is very much not my speed but the singular job is. The Brig Phys is not an arresting officer he is a doctor, his grasp of space law is there, but much less then others, his task is the well being of officers and prisoners.

    Requiring someone to play Security to play Brig Phys is making someone play a job they have no desire or want to play to unlock a totally separate job.

    Requiring a CMO who otherwise knows the entire department front to back, except Paramedic procedure and advanced Virology, to then play those jobs is excluding an otherwise, for the most part, competent CMO who knows how not to kill patients. As long as said CMO knows how to handle a viral outbreak does he REALLY need to know how to manufacture a virus lethal or beneficial?


    Now while this all sounds like "Me, me, me" I'm just using myself as an example, you can like certain jobs WITHIN a department or certain departments excluding certain jobs.



    Yeeeeaaaah, I can't... support this idea, sorry.

    It's INCREDIBLY restrictive, especially the limit on Karma jobs. If I blow my karma that took me a lengthy amount of time to build up, on a job and then the game tells me 'lel no' when I wanna play it? Sorry, but no. I bought it, I want access to the feckin thing. If I buy an ice cream I expect to get an ice cream not be told "Thanks, you'll get it two days from now."


    This is even more restrictive then just flat out setting up a whitelist, because at least with a whitelist I don't have to dump an unholy amount of playtime into roles I might not care that much for just to apply.



    Using pre-existing Mathematic principles is not discovery. You are not discovering anything more then the RNG Offset.

    It's tedium and Telesci barely gets any use without some form of auto-calc either this or the TG edition, because it's flat out not fun to most people to play a game for the sole purpose of doing advanced math most of which requires a science calculator supporting square roots and inverse trigonometric functions.


    There is no list of all coordinates of all the things, so the -discovery- is finding out where everything on the station is yourself. Just. Now you actually -CAN- do that instead of spending half the shift to work out the offsets before even being able to -do your job at all-.



    Be a clown.


    Get a piece of paper. Any piece of paper will do, if you can't find one at a HoP office or Robotics desk, check the Library.


    Hold the paper in your hand active hand.


    Right Click> Rename Paper.


    C4 PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE > Enter (bonus points if you mispell it.)


    (Optional) Get a pen crayon and write something on it. BOOM! or KABOOM! works, or just a little 'u mad?'.


    (Also optional) Use your Rubber stamp to HONK it.


    Run up to a random individual and drag their sprite onto yours. Click any slot they have. PREFERABLY their head slot.






    Get beaten into crit by every single valid hunter within earshot, and wait for security to arrive to execute/brig you.


    Contemplate ahelping getting killed over a piece of paper.


    Mine was Mime-nanigans.

    Get a red crayon. Expeeriment with runes to see which one is noticable and decent looking. Walk into maintenance tunnels or isolated areas only when people are just arriving or when they otherwise can see.

    Begin to draw runes.

    Results are always fun.


    Had a scientist crack my skull open with a fire extinguisher for it and screaming over radio about how mime is a cultist.

    I like to imagine I am providing an anti-meta service an giving Antags some time whenever I metabait...



    I'm all for full-tile windows.

    They look better to me and the ability to repair them is kind of a deal. Lotta time someone attempts to break in, they get caught an hauled off, but now you have a half broken window that you either have to fully disassemble/break to repair or just... have a half broken window to someplace secured.



    This is where I'll update whenever I edit a wiki page.


    For now I've only edited two pages and all I really did was update the chemicals referenced in a few of the medical guides, replacing references to no longer existing Bay chems with the Goon chems appropriate and removing mentions of Clonexadone since it was removed/rolled into normal Cryox.







    Medical: Surgical specialist that can't apply anesthesia, EMT that can't perform CPR, and set up cryogenic if only they could put the beakers in the tubes (or mix their own cryo mixes.) Medical Borgs can handle several emergencies but they are incapable of running Medical Bay alone, despite what a lot of people seem to think, even something as simple as shaking a person a wake is beyond the medical borg's capabilities.


    To be fair.

    As someone who plays a LOT of medi-borg.

    You have a hypo of epenephrine, that alone usually means CPR is wholly unneeded.

    The anasthesia thing is valid.

    The Cryo thing, is false. Cryo starts with 2 beakers of Cryox, all you have to do is fill your beaker up with the syringe and you can insert it into the Cryo tubes.

    Not only that, but the beaker is presently REPLICATING medicine due to a bug at the moment, that means you have -infinite- beakers of Cryox to put into said tubes.


    Most everything else is valid, just... thought I should point out that mediborgs -can- do most everything except anasthetics. And you -can- use morphine for that, but somone has to vend it.



    Science borg yes pls.


    I have a funny feeling it'll be told "No", given the stance we have atm of "Borgs should not be able to do an entire department"

    I would be all for it though, Sometimes I become a borg and there's no real department that NEEDS one, There's already a med an Engie borg for example (And I... prefer not to go into Security because I'm not exactly up to code on spess lahw)

    Would be nice to help out Science/Robotics an do Xeno Bio on those shifts.



    I don't see "A few" people doing, this is almost everyone who plays that race.

    I have NEVER seen a Vox talk like your regular joe unless it was a vox raider round and they were speaking Vox-pidgin and usually those are players that are not usually the crew vox.

    I'm sure it happens, but I've simply never seen it.


    I'm all for RP, I came from a heavier RP server and I usually lean to RP kinda suggestions more often then not. But I don't really see it working form an RP perspective and I'm not saying this to keep some sorta super seekret clubhouse, because almost every single one of my characters -is- human. I have I think one Diona and that's it until whenever I can pick up slime people.


    Para does not enforce Bay-lore and if people want this bad enough, cool. It's just my personal opinion is that it should not be because it makes no real sense.



    I don't like the idea set of "That's a perk of being non-human"


    Language should not be a perk. You already GET perks for bring non-human, we've had entire racial debates over that, IPCs have been swatted in the past over that.


    -That said-.

    Almost every alien language in the game is impossible for humans to speak, biologically speaking. This isn't like learning Japanese or sometihng, Skrellian goes beyond what humans can even hear, let alone emit, same for Rootsong.


    Sinta'unathi maaaaybe? But most languages are beyond human comprehension or replication without additional equipment (Which your handy pAI provides.) People might say "But we don't follow bay lore, scre wthat." This is true. Bbbbbut. This ... kinda is species lore people follow? I mean, Tarj's roll their R's all the time, Unathi's hiss, Vox do their "Yaya is good!" all the time.

    It's one of the few lore bits people follow and agree on.



    I'd like to see more universal languages added, some of which I have seen elsewhere.

    Sign language is one. It'd give RP Potential not just to have a Mime know sign language, but actually playing a mute character or any myriad of reasons.

    This however, is low priority coding compared to other features so it probably won't see daylight for quite some time.


    Ultimately, I have to vote No. As much as I'd like to see several people speaking an RPing with other races using their native tongues, it makes no RP sense to me.

    'S my opinion anyway.



    That said though, while I understand the Power Armor was stupidly OP.

    It WOULD be nice to see parts of that code be salvaged if possible.

    Like the armor AI module thing was pretty boss, I'd be neat to be able to get science to make an AI-Assisted Hardsuit for sec or make it an ERT thing or something.

    Sorta like the ERT equivalent of a pAI, a suit bound AI that can monitor their health an maybe highlight targets or something.


    EDIT: And by Monitor health I mean more indepth since the AI is inside the suit itself and if it's ERT only, then it would not be like a civilian access thing like a pAI is. Something that can locate exactly what bones are fractured, what type of damage is happening and to what limbs like a health analyzer.



    In my opinion, for me anyway, the increased expectation of Security members usually comes from the fact that, a single bad officer can ruin a round for an exhorbently long amount of time.


    A single bad engineer, rarely will completely destroy a round (Unless he was on the Singularity in qhich case, gg)

    A single bad doctor might kill you, but if you die you will probably be cloned or borged by the doctors or Robo who know what they are doing.

    A single bad Scientist, again, doesn't USUALLY ruin a round unless it's BAG OF HOLDING TIME

    A single bad security officer though...

    He can brig you for the most asinine of reasons and brig you for the most asinine amount of jail time, 30 minutes or more for hacking your own seed vendor or whatever reason was developed.


    Other security officers frequently won't get involved because... They have no way to know, honestly. There is no record of why you're there, there is probably no evidence supplied, it's the word of an arrested man versus a Security Officer, for all they know you DID commit some kind of murder. Rarely do people ask "Why are you being birgged?" When you're already in the cell, they assume it's handled.


    If an entire department is bad, then it's always gonna be horrible, but very few departments can cause so much trouble with only a single bad player. If you die from the science nerd or doctor, usually the rest will clone you, unless again, the ENTIRE department is shitty.

    If you get killed, it blows, but you can always come back RELATIVELY fast if people are paying attention.


    A single shitty sec officer though can obliterate huge swaths of game time, more then if the officer had just beat you to death an left you at Medbay for cloning.



    If this goes through, would compound the change by expanding out the morgue like has been talked about before.

    Knock in the wall to the Exam room and move the desk work part of the Coroner job in there. Medical laptop, Autopsy Report filing cabinet and body scanner.

    Medical Laptop to be used for noting which crewmen are dead-dead (Cannot be cloned/borged) and usually printing out a copy of their med records to attach to Autopsy report. (Helps Sec/Detective, since it has their DNA and Fingerprint hash)


    Would add room for additional morgue trays as well I would think.

    Might be something I try to do who knows.




    Wouldn't it be easiest to just add a German Shepard pet for the Warden?

    That way if people wanna RP a police dog, they just join as NPC like now and play the Sec dog?



    Make it like a Diona equivalent of a pAI?

    The nymph absorbed, while hitched to a diona player proper, can do things for minor improvements?

    Maybe OP, but it does take 2 players working together at a team, it kinda should be worth it, imo else why would the Nymph stay, why not just become an adult diona an play like normal.


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