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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    Ok to sum it up, We the player base is making sec into shitsec.


    Pretty much.

    I don't play Security all that much. Stressful as fuck and I don't enjoy spending my free time being stressed out, I gotta be in a tolerant mood to do Sec. I've played as IAA and Warden mostly, but most my personal expierence of !FUN! people comes from my Warden go arounds.


    In one particular instance a guy was brought in for some really minor shit, Vandalism I think, petty theft at most. He was a nice guy. He cooperated with me the entire way, he didn't try to brain the arresting officer with something, didn't scream an run around. He even freely admitted he did the deed (Mostly cuz the Officer SAW HIM do it, so he was red-handed but whatever.)

    I cut his sentence for it. Dropped it down to 5 minutes. I got him all tucked away in a brig and you know what he started doing as soon as I left line of sight?

    He tried to fucking break out.


    Another instance. Guy comes in, who assaulted someone and he is being a raging fucklord. We get him squared off in the Brig and the FIRST thing he does is start screaming over the radio about wrongful arrest and Shitcurity. He demands to see the IAA, who I call over an we discuss everything by the dude's cell for most his brig timer actually, so he never really has a chance to try an breakout.

    The first thing he does when he DOES get out?

    Trying to punch the shit out of me in a screaming rage, and the MOMENT I Baton stun him back onto the ground, he screams police brutality.


    I don't get this fucking awe-struck fascination a lot of people have with trying to break out of the brig for miniscule sentence timers (5 minutes is not even the length of some fucking youtube videos, al tab, it's your fucking friend) or trying to be the absolute biggest cock you possibly can be, just because THAT GUY PLAYED THAT ONE JOB, HE MUST BE A BASTARD FUCK HIM.



    I'm not gonna lie.


    The cybernetics aspect sounds fucking cool.

    Also having done both TG and Bay Virology, I prefer TG's virology because at least the nyou can make an honest to god helpful virus without having to pray to RNGsus quite so much (Since you manipulate it with chemicals)


    The Surgery code, I honestly prefer Baystation's much much more, bbbbbbbut I get a feeling it's not exactly gonna be feasible to change the organs without changing the Surgery. But. I'd rather have the bomb ass cybernetics/augments and go full Deus Ex. If by some wizard/warlock magic we can get both Bay surgery and TG organs then all the better.



    People who ahelp/LOOC whining, calling for IAA/lawyer/captain/magistrate, that I bucklecuffed them when I was trying to set their time as a security officer and remove their handcuffs after.


    Maybe they are angry becuse they read the SOP and it says that you only bucklecuff violent people?


    http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Leg ... _Procedure


    4. The prisoner is then to be uncuffed. If they are a violent risk, they may be bucklecuffed, flashed, then have their cuffs removed.


    That SoP is very outdated and the 'Outrage' is still unjustifiable since in several OTHER places on the wiki, including 'Space Law' It says the following.


    "Brig Procedures

    Standard Operational Procedures for brigging are as follows:


    Take the prisoner to the brig and inform the Warden/HoS of their crimes so their Security Record may be updated.

    Take the prisoner to a brig cell, set the time and activate the timer.

    Enter the cell with the prisoner in tow, open the cell locker and hold the prisoner over it.

    Empty their pockets and remove their gloves, backpacks, tool belt, and any flash resistant equipment such as Sunglasses, Welding Masks/Goggles, Space Helmets, etc. If they are a Vox, do NOT remove their internals! This will kill them! The same goes for plasma men.

    Buckle the prisoner to the bed.

    Search the items removed, be sure to check the internals box in their backpack.

    Confiscate any Contraband and/or stolen items.

    (These are to be placed in evidence, not left on the brig floor or your personal use, until they can be returned to their rightful owners.)

    Close the locker and lock it.

    Flash the prisoner, remove their cuffs, pick up the cuffs then leave the cell.

    Modify their brig sentence for additional offences or good behaviour, if applicable."




    You Buckle them to the bed for your own safety while gettign the Cel set up, you don't LEAVE them Buckle cuffed unless they're being tremendous shitheads and are constantly trying to bash open cells for no good reason other then to make your life hard because you're security.



    They're usually sitting at their work area doing whatever and the CMO or some poor doctor/nurse is the one dragging me into virology and treating it while they ignore everything except their current project. Kinda like geneticists and cloning.


    To be fair, from someone who has done Genetics, you can't see into the cloning room worth a damn, especially if you're at the console closest to the door. You can only see the top-most part of the room through the airlock, but people usually drop off bodies by the machine itself, so unless someone says "Body here pls clone" you have no real way to know anyone is waiting for cloning.

    If just one wall underneath said airlock was a window, it'd be no problems.




    I agree the radum to totally bypass Virology is kinda fucked up, and there's really no other job where that can happen QUITE as much as Viro. It's one of the few times you get to do some bone-fide medical work an some random botanist just runs in an force feeds everyone glowshrooms, wasn't that !!FUN!!.


    It's like trying to spend time as a roboticist to build a fancy military mech for a xeno outbreak or something, just for cargo to end up ordering one and the xenos being murder-fucked before you can even half complete yours. ((Note, Cargo can't do that, but it's the same sorta 'Wind taken out of your sails, why the fuck do I bother with this again?' kind of feeling.))






    I love Undertale as much as the next guy, and minor references are amusing buuuuut this seems a bit too far for me personally.

    A line of dialogue in an Examine description or something, absolutely but...

    Out right having Sans shows up feels eh to me.



    I actually bothered reading it, and the more I read, the more I want to grab one of these little monsters by the throat, and squeeze until it's feet stop wiggling.


    Really who in the everliving mothersucking assmonkeys thought it would be a good idea to give them a lore like that?




    While I agree a lot of it goes too far, I think the BASIC gist was just to make a race that could stand to NT/Humans so it's not just "HOOMUN MASUTR RUC" which is fun at first but gets progressively more tired every instance it's used.


    I think it'd be better if it were more on par with what our Grey are supposed to have.



    I say yes, honestly.

    If you are someone who is deaf or mute, you probably know Sign Language given it is a primary means of contacting other people so long as they also know the language. If your hand/hands are broken or missing then you cannot sign at all. And this is all dependant on OTHER people knowing sign language, which also cannot be used over the radio, so it's still very much a disability.


    If the issue is primarily the Mime using it to try an circumvent his "No-talking" then make it punish him? It's a secondary language after all, it's a language. Does it make sense? Not at all, but it also doesn't make sense how a mime can bend quantum physics with his bare hands to form invisible walls.



    I'd enjoy the hell outta this honestly.

    I -like- being a pAI and being a helpful asset to someone, being glued to them does not much bother me.

    Just.... the problem is, pAI's can't do all THAT much for people, at least actively.


    It'd be kinda nice to have something a step up from a pAI, but not as... drop in an drop out I guess would the term to fit. A Little more involved.


  9. I don't entirely agree on dividing Surgeon and MD karma unlocks, since surgery is part of an MDs job, Surgeon is simply an alternate title. Titles simply make you a 'specialist', if there's nothing but Surgeons in medical someone still has to go play nurse and man the front desk.


    Because they're obviously not good. I'm not saying we should make Kidan shit gold and grow armblades on command and summon poptarts, but I was thinking maybe giving Humans boosts of Epinephrine on an RNG chance when they're getting near softcrit or something small enough that it wouldn't make a species op pls nurf.


    The Real challenge would be, what the fuck do you give Greys and Plasma people?

    Greys already have Telepathy, I can't think of much else thematically they could get that would not be insanely strong if we keep wit hthe whole "Psionic" theme they got going. Empathy power maybe, but that's about it, Telekinesis would be hella strong.


    And Plasma-dudes.... I got nothin.



    Hearing =/= xray vision, you see.


    Just like, make whatever they can't see but can hear into said grey fuzzy thing.


    No idea how hard that'd be to code, but I like the idea actually.

    It makes logical sense, plus it's another nerf to balance out the speedy boots, given how bad their sight range is, anything beyond it being grey shapes would mean they can't identify much until they get closer which... I mean they're Short-sighted, that makes sense.



    I'd like to chime in that having Resomi as a race would be tops. Though definately not -replacing- Vox.


    ALSO ADDING that from some posts made, people think the "Permanent Wleding vision overlay" means they can freely weld shit and be A-okay like an IPC

    That's. Uhh. That's wrong. They still need goggles or get their eyes fucked.

    They have a permanent Welding vision overlay as in the short-sightedness aspect. They can only see as far as a human can when they have a welding mask down, thus the "Thermals" they get by hearing, cuz they hear good but see for shit.


    So they're short sighted, can be knocked unconscious in a matter of punches in the single digit range, or limbs broken with something as easy to get as a crowbar. Seriously they're Squish even more then IPCs I think, you can punch them to death real easy.

    And the Upsides are speedy feets and the "Thermals" effect.

    And the mixxed bag is the being super short and peiople can pick you up like a diona nymph/Drone and wear you on their back like a living adorable as fuck backpack.



    Cyborgs can actually switch modules without clicking the three boxes.

    I can't remember the key because I'm not on the computer I use for SS13, thus not on the keyboard I also use. Mumble Mumble.

    But I believe that it is the same one to switch hands as an humanoid, if I'm correct.



    'Tis correct.

    X to swap around modules

    Q to de-select the module

    R to store the module and immediately move to the next one.



    *Raises hand*

    Why not make it like the AI's version of a pAI?

    You have a master to serve (The AI)

    You get a limited toolset in order to prevent grief. (Although you still have cameras and comm channels maybe other assorted features depending on balance.)


    Because in essence what I get from this idea is something to help the AI manage the sheer amount of shit that goes on, which is exactly what pAIs are meant to do for command staff, they are secreterial and help monitor radios and perform additional helpful functions to be an asset.


    So for the core of this idea is to be something like a pAI for the Station AI to help it manage stuff.


    EDIT: Plus as a more pAI style functionality this allows the AI to CHOOSE if it -wants- a node. Some players won't like having some ghost just pop in and get into their business, this would allow the AI to clock the node core or whatever to activate it, and similarly to wipe it if the node is being a shit-lord.



    I have little expierence with TF Diseases only Bay style Virology.


    My own personal opinion is that It's hard to get much worse then the present Virology system we have right now, 9 times out of 10 the Virologist does kinda... very little to anything just cuz that's how the work tends to go. It's a feast or Famine kind of job, either a viral outbreak hits an you're a hero or one doesn;t and you just spin in your office chair more or less.


    Anything is better then that, something to get them more involved or at least more OPTIONS.



    science subdepartments

    -bomb testing

    -chemical testing

    -experimentor hell


    -researchoutpost botany


    And all of those should come after RnD, personally.

    Medical is made infinitely less stressful when sleepers are properly upgraded, cloning is much less of a pain in everyone's ass when the Pod is upgraded or when husks an shit can be cloned.

    Robotics -requires- it to make most their mechs, because the QM gets understandably annoyed having to waste supply points to order mech circuitry because the entire science department is off touching themselves with some sort of proto-doodad or feeding themselves to slimes (Which now ALSO benefits from RnD gun Temperature Gun goodness.).


    It's part of the job. Part of it that other people kinda rely on. You can't be an Engineer job and just go "EHH FUCK THE SING AND SOLARS I WANNA GO BUIIIIIIIIIIIILD" without getting called out on it, and science should be no different. Havin' a giggle in Xeno or chems or whatever is A-okay. AFTER you do the -important- part of the job first, unless someone else is already taking care of it.



    Kind of moot since it would take Bay's RIGsuit system, but pAI's should be able to do it if it's gonna be a thing, otherwise it may as well never be ported over because how often are you REALLY going to have an Intelicarded AI to slot into your suit.


    I can agree to limiting it to a living user's suit though, unless maybe emagged or something. Would be pretty nice to have a kinda JARVIS style pAI going on, instead of the current Siri that we have whose only benefit is a universal translator.

    I mean pAI is a method of returning into the round that is in direct competition with Positronic Brains and becoming a Cyborg or Maintenance drones that while non-interactive, can pretty freely build shit as well as be emag'd to be tator assets.



    I don't play Dionae, I never have, but I do know they're slow as heck. If Dionae could get mouths again eating should give them an ever so slight speed boost. Not enough to outrun a human, just a little bit closer to a bearable pace.


    That speed debuff is the only thing htat keeps them in line.


    Currently, Diona are injured by darkness and healed by light. As such, every Diona you meat is a walking light source with 2-4 flashlights on them at any given time. I believe with just 2 light sources (not counting your PDA light) you can survive and actually net heal a space walk or otherwise dangerous trip through a breached room/vacuum.



    Actually, just wanted to make this notation: Diona are immune to space/Pressure.

    I regularly played a Diona Shaft Miner and they actually cannot wear hardsuits at all. I would regularly walk out onto the asteroid with only my PDA light and a mining lantern, no suit or oxygen tank and I was not only completely fine, I was practically invulnerable.

    Goliaths would mess me up only for me to be back to full health in short order, NPC's stop attacking you when you pass out, so you simply re-heal and go back to it.


    Just kinda felt that was pertinent info.



    I'm in the 15x15 camp myself, for purely personal opinion reasons of "I think it looks better" and it seems to lag a little less on my side of things, less to load at once maybe.


    But if that verb to change view range pans out, then I am all for it, then everyone who likes 17x17 keeps the range they like, and people who prefer non-squished sprites like me get what we want. Sure you sacrifice a SMALL Amount of vision for it, but I'm okay with it for the sake of everyone winning more or less.



    Gotta say I'd really rather have the TG mining now over waiting for Xeno-arch to be fixed up.


    Mining is important every shift, you'll always have RnD an Robotics happy to get more minerals to make death machines if nothing else.

    Mining also is a pretty good job for people still learning the details of SS13, like most of Cargo.


    Xeno-arch is fun for some no doubt, bbbbbbbbbut I REALLY doubt Xeno-arch is something people would stay upset about for very long on seeing it disabled for however long. It's not really aj ob you do ALL the time, just every now an then.



    So you're saying that we should revert a rule because you want to play a character that is literally named 'dick pain' (And don't tell me that wasn't the joke.)?




    You mean like people who wanna play 'Bulma Briefs' and 'Fox McCloud' and insist it's not a joke?



    If we're gonna have this rule, it should probably go full measure and not half measure with very flimsy bits here an there that are kinda okay for.... reasons that don't match to the rest of the rule.

    Frankly, I'd rather have it abolished back to how it used to be in the first place, since I really don't care if people are named 'Fox McCloud' or Hughe Jass' or some other permutation of odd nomenclature.



    @ Dinarzad: I really like the idea to pull out the Morgue beds via the Medigripper. As for storing/deploying stored bodybags, I'm just not sure what the aversion is to creating the things, but this is a good compromise.


    Mostly my aversion is from my neat freakness, in that I just -know- some mediborg is gonna spawn a fuck ton of body bags an leave them laying around all over and it'll drive me bonkers.

    It wouldn't affect me either way if it was a 'synthesizer' or storange unit, but I'd opt to storage for that reason, on my end at least.


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