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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    Spray-bottles have two toggle-able modes, the first being sprays of 5 units (The one that covers 3 tiles, which amounts to around 1.5 regents per tile) and the other being 10 units covering one tile. In general you'll only see people using the 5 units spray, for as far as I know there is no benefit to using the 10 unit setting.



    Dis here. That's a big factor and it's really dumb. You effectively only use 5 units per spray with a 3 tile range. That's 50 sprays from a single, full spray bottle, so basically 50 "Bullets" in your "Gun". Compare this to an ACTUAL Energy Gun (Which does have much longer range.)


    That means, against most people that are not Security, who have disablers and tasers an E-guns an the like, you not only have chemical fuckery advantage, but ranged advantage. 3 tiles doesn't seem like much, and in most cases it is not. But for Chemistry related shenanigans, any range is a BIG deal, because of just how scarily potent Death-Mixes can be.


    Hell, they're so potent that more then one person has made a "One-hit kill" mix that can off someone in like... 5-10 seconds, from a single application, usually via syringe gun. Add into that your traitor only toxins and sweet baby jesus it gets silly fast.


    There's a damned solid reason why Science Traitors are at such a HUGE advantage compared to being a traitor in any other department, given there's a free access Chem lab -right- there. And nobody is going to question a chemical researcher making a death mix of chemicals because... well.. that's.. what they do? That's the entire point of it, to experiment with chemical mixes and see what it does.



    To be fair: Slimes don't usually end a round, they just kill Xenobio.

    Toxins usually just blows itself up and sometimes another department.

    Danger is more then fine, but danger for people who aren't even involved in the job, unless it's a TOTAL cock-up ("I LET MY SLIMES LIVE FREE RANGE") is sorta damned other people for one other guy's problems.


    The Tesla is round-ending due to it's ability to just fuckin nigh-teleport where it wants to go and electrocute you from nearly off-screen, one hit killing you unless you are in a locker or have both an engineering hardsuit and insulated gloves on. And if the primary orb hits you, you are outright turned to ash. Calling it "Baby proofed" is a bit of an exaggeration, the thing still gets an immediate shuttle call.


    What it does NOT do though, is cause server lag from the gravity effects and wide spread atmospheric changes caused by gaping swaths of station suddenly becoming exposed to space and creating shit tons of atmos calculations all at the same time.

    Tesla murders the crew, Sing murders the crew AND the station.


    I don't mind engine options, but I'd prefer it in the form of an engine that doesn't decide to fist fuck server performance when it goes south. And it IS going to go south.



    Death cult, with necromancy themes.

    Fits the several ghost/spoopy runes Cults already have and 'Constructs' can be sort of like specialized undead. Wraiths being... actual wraiths, etc.


    As for the notion of having several different cult types, that would be super cool. It wouldn't be "Nar-sie" all the time, and gives some variation to the kind of spook you get from it, some cuilts being more sinister and quiet types, with some being a little loud and proud about it. Even if it just comes down to sprite changes, it gives it a fresh feel at least.





    Thank you for explaining the point of view to me. You're pretty much the only person who has after about 3-4 times of asking in various places.

    With that in mind, I can somewhat understand the justification as to why Security bots should be out of bounds altogether/Limited to Adminbus.



    Improve, don't remove.

    I encourage everyone to go look up the PR that is on github about the removal, as it has a few comments. I'm going to quote one from Tigercat, though it is not the entire quote, it's an important note to everyone screaming "OP I DED PLS NERF"

    'It's far from "impossible" to balance the secbots, especially given the already limited hook points for pai's.

    It would be trivial to add a helper function to change how a bot behaves when a pAI is inserted or removed.'

    You don't need to nerf the original bots themselves, you can change their behaviour when they have a pAI inserted to do the balance you need to do, without making pAI-less security bots complete garbage. Cooldown on the Taser, EMP vulnerability, Health nerfs, whatever.

    Why are we jumping to nuking it from orbit when we haven't even tried SOME of the other options? (Actually we've tried none, but ya knooooow.)


    This is a knee-jerk reaction and mob mentality to something that Is very OP and broken, there's ZERO reason to nuke the feature after it's been included for only *DAYS*. It has not broken the server, it doesn't cause fuck tons of lag, so it is a balance issue only. If the proposed changes cannot or do not balanceit, then yes. Then it needs to be removed. Hell, imagine if we just deleted IPCs everytime they gave someone a minor headache How fun would THAT be for people?



    The amount of extra stuff we'd have to add to get these to even be remotely balanced is crazy---all for something that is a role not meant to have a heavy impact on the round and to be nothing more than a companion. There's literally only two purposes pAI secbots have---to validhunt, or be someone's own personal bodyguard 24/7.

    Ya know. People keep saying this. "Meant to be a side role, just a side role, man."

    Here's a question *NOBODY* has EVER answered. Like suspicious amounts of silence on the topic when it gets asked.


    Why is it simply some side role? Why is it a feature incapable of being played with any impact, if people genuinely enjoy it and enjoy it enough to "Main" it as full-fledged character and role?

    Can someone do that for me? Someone with this mindset, can you help me under stand this point of view and give me really just one justifiable reason why a pAI shouldn't be allowed to have fun on the same level as everyone else? How is it any different then playing a cyborg or station AI? They're non-human and still have impact on a round, so it's not because they're not crew.



    While this should be a thing, can't you just use a Handheld Labeler?

    I feel like the handheld labeler exists ONLY to label pill bottles - it can't label beakers or buckets.


    And Virus dishes.

    Trust me

    Hand labeller is your best friend in Virology if you are trying to be organized.

    (This is all beside the point but still.)



    am I the only one who doesn't know why snek ppl have such a bad stigma associated to them?


    Because some people leap to the assumption and mental image of fetishes.

    Do a google search.


    Personally IDC, but that's what some people snap to on being told "I want to make playable snake dudes/dudettes"



    I'm always game to have more races/customization options, provided they're of quality and avoid issues similar to the ones presently being held by things like plasma people and Kidan.

    I'd personally prefer more non-animalistic races, but that's more because we have a decent set already and I think there's room to go more "Out there" with alien species.


    That said, I'm not AGAINST them, I'd just prefer others, and I feel a snake race would be neat.



    The styptic powder in the sleepers manages to heal up brute damage without any side effects, unless this was changed recently and/or I'm remembering things wrong (I'm trying out new jobs and haven't gone medical for about a week now). If someone can confirm this, that would be great, I can't remember.


    You are indeed correct.

    Sleepers have Styptic Powder synthesizing in them by default, and when used do NOT cause toxin damage. The toxin damage is only when when ingested via pill form (And maybe syringes.)


    The sleeper doesn't incite the side effects because if it did, it would be functionally useless as the most important chemicals it has on round start would be actively killing your patient instead of healing them.

    So just imagine it's like... puffing out styptic solution over the wounds, iunno.



    I am NOT sure about this

    Giving players CC characters has NEVER been a thing for us, as they have such an immense power over the round.


    This feels as just a giant way for someone to stroke their epeens, and there's so much in the suggestion that rubs me the wrong way.

    ERT commander?

    Players sending deathsquads?


    We don't have consistent ERT's and even if we did it'd be a whole other discussion to have it be rank based.

    Deathsquads are high tier black ops sent to destory any and all personel and leave no evidence, comms officers would have no knowledge of them if anything. They are created to end the round, and is completely unfair against any antagonist


    I think the primary intent is more the Faxes then the other 'Toys' such as BSA or Deaf Squids. That faxes are answered more consistently, and admins don't have to split their attention 'tween admining, playing and Faxes.


    BSA's could feasibly be a thing with admin approval only, Death Squads though, absolutely never. That should absolutely be Admin only, no exceptions.

    As for ERTs, to best my knowledge, the way they are now, takes an admin to declare what kind of ERT is sent and if no input is given it defaults to code amber ERT Squad. so I'm not wholly sure if a DO would be able to send an ERT, if so, it would likely remain AMBER type alerts, unless an admin can intervene to go higher ones. Maybe RED alert squads at max, GAMMA should probably remain an admin specific type of squad.


    I personally approve of it, if only cuz I enjoy the notion of people being able to legitimately RP as Cent Comm, BUT. Yeah, we'd have to be very clear and definitive with what these players can and cannot do without admin approval if we end up going through with the notion.

    And white-list or no, the role would have to have very heavy scrutiny to how the players respond and act as said officers, like just shy of admins themselves.



    Medical Intern is a good way to do it, and generally the Nurse subtype you can use to get away with a lot of "I'm not a real doctor/surgeon/etc".


    Medical is usually pretty friendly, and you're much less likely to cause problems than a bad engi/sec officer - even if all you know how to do is throw someone in cryo, it's generally helpful to have an extra person around, and harder to do the wrong thing and damage someone.





    For the most part, if worst comes to utter worst and you flat out are going "WHAT THE FUCK JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!"

    Throw them into Cryo. Because Cryo heals every damage type, including Cloning damage.

    The only things it doesn't heal, at least without a special mix, is brain damage, Organ damage and Bone damage. So 8 times out of 10, you'll at LEAST get them out of Near crit and buy the other doctors some breathing time to get to them.


    Unless it's internal bleeding.

    Then you're sorta fucked, cuz internal bleeding you gotta know what's up and be quick about it, but they rarely come up.

    Also: you ever see a Medical Cyborg named Athena, that's me and I'll pretty gladly try to teach you some stuff, assuming I'm not hip deep in corpses and blood.



    ... Uhm.

    I like being janitor though, I just don't like creating a slipping hazard for other people who are trying to play, usually cuz clowns kinda have that covered and usually cuz by the time I late join the station is in red alert and there's 2 billion cultists security is having to keep track of, an the last thing they need is to slip while hauling some antag/shitter up to the brig and setting them free.


    Plus I still do it one tile at a time, so...



    I've been nothing but patient. Long posts do not equal a "Hissy fit" but if that's how you're going to just throw it all aside and devolve into being rude on top of it, when I've been nothing of the sort in return, then yeah we're done here, you're not gonna be budged no matter what, so further debate on it is just wasting what free time I have.


    I agree with Fox on this one.



    Please. The one time I was arrested I literally just knocked on the glass and screamed because there was nothing else to do for ten minutes other than annoy fucking everyone.

    Alt+tab and youtube videos?



    That said, I mean I don't see a problem with some kinda treadmill thing to give prisoners more things to do. Maybe some kinda means of working off their cell timer? Sort of like an alternative to the Labor camp that's on the main station?

    Sort of a Community Service-ish thing I guess.



    Stop focusing on Medical, because it is the least effect by the eyewear flaw As I keep saying. But it still IMPACTS the job, in a pointless fashion as it does not balance the STATS. NOTHING is worth that loss of an item slot, unless it's something overpowered because I won't even SEE that brute resist or grab speed unless I am fighting a lot. Which I am not GOING to be as almost every job on the station, short of Sec or Blueshield or I am an Antagonist and thus am trying to murder people. Do you see what I am saying? The benefits are invisible and don;t effect me or positively effect my playing experience, compared to the massive negative effects I feel from the DOWNSIDE.


    As for dragging around Beepsky, that is a massive waste of resources, and in terms of be in communication, Late joins happen. People are going to join late with no idea as to any crimes having gone down, in a perfect world Sec would talk to each other al lthe time, but they frequently DON'T. That's why Sec huds can even view Wanted statuses.


    I am not SAYING the brute resist and improved Grappling are bad ideas, I am saying None of it matters until the Glasses flaw is repalced by one that is actually balanced. That flaw is both enormous and not ACTUALLY Balancing anything stat wise. Greys get access to Telepathy and in return they take more brute damage. Vulps/Tarj are resistant to colder temperatures, but end up taking more burn damage. Vox Cannot breathe oxygen, Plasma people need suits on all the time.

    These things all effect the BALANCE of the race, they are pros and cons to the playstyles. They DON'T restrict jobs. There's a reason you see more plasma people then Kidan, despite plasmas being 100 karma compared to 30 for Kidan and it's because you can play a plasmabro in the JOB that you want to do, because they can do those jobs without arbitrary mechanical restrictions imposed onto them.

    The CLOSEST comparison is IPCs and EMP vulnerability, and all that limits them is in engineering, to not doing engine maintenance, similar to Kidan.


    Diona are not an Antag powergame race for one very strong reason. Speed. They cannot run, so they also cannot dodge, they can't catch up to anyone. If a diona tries to murder you, you just.... run away and leave him in the dust. If Sec goes after a Diona, they can't dodge or partake in the normal click-war that happens. They tank. They regen the hits.

    Kidan are NOT slow, so they CAN Dodge, AND have Combat buffs. If you cannot play them as a normal crew, to do the jobs you feel like playing, then the only reason you have to play a Kidan is FOR those buffs. Which is going to lead to powergaming, that's the entire min-max mindset behind it.


    Diona don't make bad miners, I've played a diona miner. You're basically immortal, I tanked a goliath and won. You're just not a FAST Miner. Kidan make terrible miners because they can't see anything, you have no mesons to even see the ores. You just mine and hope for the best.


    Engine maintenance is not a thing with the Tesla, true. For now. To my understanding a lot of people don't LIKE how braindead the Tesla is or engineering as a whole is, and it's entirely possible it'll be refactored to be more involved in set up or maintenance to give Engineers more to do. And if that day comes ( And it is admittedly an 'if') Then that's a another department you lock Kidan out of.


    Alternate playstyles are great. I agree fully, asking them just humans in bug outfits is NOT what I am asking for, and I am not sure how that conclusion keeps coming up. Even IPCs can use eyewear, it's why IPCs are so popular, they play very differently and have so many unique features, but their downsides don't kick them out of entire departments. You can still be an IPC miner or a sec officer. Their flaw is such that it don't IMPAIR their job selection or performance. It is just an ever present threat/feature they have to play around.

    If you want Kidan to be more varied, like how we have IPCs, then the Glasses flaw has GOT to go, or has to have a LOT of special shit to work around it, and at that point you risk it becoming overpowered. It doesn't add flavor to the race it just makes it annoying, it's not worth KEEPING.


    TL;DR MK. II-ish: The downside to Kidan is huge. And it negatively impacts play experience. IPC flaws, don't negatively effect your play experience, you're just very fragile to taking hits and vulnerable to an EMP, which is not all that common in everyday station life, it's more common from Antags.

    The UPSIDES to IPCs make them feel unique and fun, and are a few genuine switch ups in playstyle. There's POSITIVE impacts that are fun or interesting just by default, no matter where you call home that particular round.


    For Kidan, that's not the case right now. You have this massive negative experience by not being able to play the jobs you want or having your performance of said job impaired arbitrarily or having to go through this jumping of hoops that nobody else has to go through, for no tangible positive experience. Because all the upsides to Kidan so far, are based around a concept they can't really partake in without being 2 very specific things.


    ACTUAL TL;DR: IPCs get to play what and where they want with an interesting twist, without having an objectively harder time at almost any job as anyone else. Kidan are objectively going to have a harder time then anyone else at several jobs, because they aren't able to use a very key piece of equipment.



    It's not that big a level of bullshit when you have that much armor and no-push. You are still pretty strong without glasses and if you are so impatient to play kidan sec without a HUD or implants then tough. Besides, you don't NEED the HUD to fight crime, it just makes finding criminals before Beepsky a little easier.



    But who gets use out of those abilities?

    People who see a lot of combat, right?

    That narrows it down to Security Department and Antagonists.

    Without HUD glasses, you have very little reason to play Kidan Security, unless you REALLY Like the race enough to put up with a total lack of eyewear and substituting them with implants that take a while to get researched, and then convincing a surgeon to augment you out. If you joined at Roundstart, that's a solid 30 minutes of sitting around being Deadweight to an already overburdened department, because you are taking a job slot, that someone who could actually do the job, could be taking.


    So the only people left, are people who don't need those huds at ALL, are Antags. It's breeding the perfect Antag Powergamer race.

    Large damage resistance, inability to be pushed (Disarm intent is best intent), Can upgrade to killing grabs fast, which is a silent killing method and all at the cost of not being able to wear glasses they don't need anyway, and having to eat a bit more often.


    Why are we balancing AROUND the shittiest part of playing a Kidan, instead of removing the shittiest part of playing a Kidan and finding a better substitute that doesn't have an end result of pointlessly locking out jobs or making them difficult for the sake of ... fuck knows what, cuz it doesn't really impact BALANCE that much, it JUST makes certain jobs hard to impossible.


    EDIT: Also Bear in mind, Science now kind of relies on Mining to do things again. So no active miners = GG NO RE on that implant front. Being RELIANT on RnD to even do your basic job, is not good and DAMN SURE is not a reliable or justifiable 'solution' to the problem.



    The problem with it though, is they still would have no glasses.

    Which is not really a good balancing point, because it balances very little with the race itself and just becomes a job limitation feature on the race as a whole?

    Did you wanna be Sec? Lol u silly Kidan u cant even sechud

    Did you wanna mine? Llllllllllllllllllllllel no mesons 4 u


    You still can't PLAY Kidan because they have no glasses, which means you're locked out of sec and mining and Medical/Engineering becomes a massive pain in the ass.


    You can still play Kidan as sec if you get an appropiate implant and use a welding helmet.


    You can play Kidan as medical because you need to smack them with a scanner anyway. As a surgeon you don't need a medhud.


    Mining sucks but you don't need eyewear for engineering, since your job is to sent up the engine and then go screw around for the rest of the round.


    Implants take time for RnD to research, require a surgeon to actually implant them and then still getting access to welding goggles, because a Welding helmet would mean you can't wear your Security Helmet when shit goes south.

    The only one who doesn't TRULY need a security hud in the sec department is the Detective and Brig Physician.


    And with the recent nerfs to RnD, implants are not ALWAYS gonna be a certainty of being there anymore, since some of that research may have to come from the ExperiMENTOR now, which is unreliable at best.


    As for Medical and Engineering, yes it's possible, but that's why I say it's a massive pain in the ass and not a direct lock like it is on Miners and Security. Plus, Mesons are required for Engine maintenance, given if you look at them without mesons on, you take eye damage.

    Medi-huds are vital for triage and getting critical patience priority treatment.


    Mining remains nearly impossible, because you can't see where any of the ores are, you just sorta hit rocks an hope for the best.

    Eyewear should not be a balance point for any race, it's too ingrained into jobs and how they function these days. And no point should there be MECHANICAL restrictions on someone playing an entire department just because "Wow these guys sound really cool, I'd love to play them!"


    Imagine if Greys were were made so physically weak they couldn't use the pull command or carry heavy objects. You'd effectively make them unable to do Cargo or Medical departments as a whole (Dragging bodies/patients), and that's a no fun and pointless limitation on a player just for picking this sprite over that sprite.


    TL;DR: MY entire point is, if we want people to actually play Kidan, for that race to get some love. We need to re-balance them with the idea that they'll have glasses again. Otherwise, no matter how much you re-tool them or give them better sprites, barely anyone are going to put up with THAT level of bullshit, just for some combat buffs that they'll barely get to use unless they're Security (Who they can't be without sechuds or Sec implants) or an Antag.

    Aside those two situations, most crew SHOULDN'T be getting into fist fights enough to make it matter all that much what combat stats someone has.



    The problem with it though, is they still would have no glasses.

    Which is not really a good balancing point, because it balances very little with the race itself and just becomes a job limitation feature on the race as a whole?

    Did you wanna be Sec? Lol u silly Kidan u cant even sechud

    Did you wanna mine? Llllllllllllllllllllllel no mesons 4 u


    You still can't PLAY Kidan because they have no glasses, which means you're locked out of sec and mining and Medical/Engineering becomes a massive pain in the ass.



    Still, it's a good feature. Don't be a reckless fuck and shoot a highly explosive rock with a strong blast of force.


    Except nothing else has that effect, not even max grade toxins bombs.

    If it's a feature, that gibtonite is unstable to sudden explosive force, then bombs and other boom-related doodads, such as stabilized gibtonite, should also instantly make it boom.



    This is literally in the RD's job description.

    Like.... If you're NOT doing tihs, you're not being an RD you're being a glorified Scientist and why are you being a head of staff?

    To quote the wiki page:


    "Unlike most Heads of Staff, your job isn't so much to keep your staff working as it is to keep them from doing so. Or, at least, to keep them from doing so badly.


    Technically speaking, your job is the least vital out of any of the Heads of Staff. The Science division isn't vital to the continued operations of the Cyberiad, even if it is why it's there in the first place. The station won't fall apart if the slimes die, alien artefacts never get studied, and bombs never get made. It will, however, fall apart if the slimes escape, if dangerous alien artefacts aren't well-monitored, or if a poorly-made bomb destroys the Escape arm.


    So, in short, keep your staff from screwing everything up royally and keep the other Heads informed about anything weird going on."

    "Your official responsibility is to ensure that nobody does anything they shouldn't."



    TBH the biggest problem with Kidan, or at least what my PERSONAL issue with them is

    #1: Sprites, which have been kinda fixed in this very thread

    And the lack of glasses.


    I know that they cannot wear glasses for balance reasons due to armor and the like, but... You REALLY need Goggles for 8/10 jobs on the station.

    If you're in medical you kinda need a Health HUD. You can make it work without one, but doing triage becomes a fucking nightmare without it. Chemists don't strictly need one, and they're the only job who can go without their goggles, given you have a PDA Reagent scanner.

    You can't really do any sort of Warden/Sec officer/HoS job without a Sec HUD

    Did you wanna be a miner? Well GG NO RE, you can't wear Mesons, and a miner without having access to Mesons is just... a horrible, unfun expierence.

    Engies can make do without Mesons, not really a job requirement for them, but does make life a lot easier.


    Now look at that list over. What should be a balancing point for their racial trait, doesn't... really do that. Instead it just makes it difficult to impossible to do the job you wanted, or makes it frustrating to unfun levels.

    So we need to figure out what needs to change, that would make admins feel comfortable giving them goggles back, what balance point could step into it's place and be a more reasonable nerf then the job disabling 'No goggles'



    I see no harm in having it, it's fine.

    Sprite could prolly be better, but that's nobody's fault, people asked to resprite it an didn't get any hits. It happens.

    Besides it'll get used once in a millenia anyway.


    I don't... understand how the EXISTANCE of it alone is driving people to the brink, if we're going to argue "But internet fetishes..." Then... well I hate to break it to you all but Unathi, Tajaran, Vulpkanin and Slime People could already fill that slot ssssssooooooooooooo blatantly easy, that this is not something we don't already have/have not already done. If now we're suddenly drawing a line, it's been drawn far too late.


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