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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    To deliberately damage the station or station property without malicious intent.


    As utterly disgusting as it is, vomit/blood grenades don't really do any damage, per se.


    Causing a massive spray of blood which then leaves smears and pools around a location could be constructed as intentionally/unintentionally spreading a biohazard.

    Because bloodborne viral pathogens can infect and transmit via that 'lovely' display just made.


    And honestly, when people do it once or twice, it's no big deal.

    It's when they do it until the call of Nar'sie calls them home beyond the veil that it becomes a headache.



    Because the department that can do almost anything, at any time, without ever having to talk or cooperate with anyone outside their department, needs to be reigned in.


    Let's take a brief over view of the Research Department and what it does and does not have going for it. Basically, let's look at WHY it's a problem.


    In theory, science is meant to be sort of gated by Mining and Time/Effort. They need Miners to do their job, so they can make the fancy mechs and the bitchin' toys. and when Research makes bitchin toys, everybody tends to prosper in someway. Gygax/Durands and super guns an shit for Security, Odysseus and upgraded machines for Medical along with better surgical tools, Engineering (Sometimes) gets a Firefighter model Ripley mech.

    And they need time/effort to get RnD done, to get those super powers (Genetics is half in and half out of Research dept. after all)

    Science can make everyone else's day just that much better when they do their thing and when people help them help you.


    The problem: Science doesn't need any of that at all right now.

    This is because of the old Xeno-archeology outpost. Why? Because it has space worthy suits just fuckin laying there, along side ore satchels and pick-axes.

    Science, with what they have to start with, can even easily make mining drills and mesons. 'S not hard. You get drills, you get to the outpost, snag some mineral satchels and get to work. They can build themselves an ore reclaimer and print out everything they need without even GLANCING at Cargo.

    Which also means that 'Time and effort' to doing RnD is completely null and void. They can effectively hit max Research within 15 minutes or less, and there's been a series of tools/guides/lists on maxing RnD and a lot of Scientists make it a competition to get there and set a record (Hell, I took my time one round and everyone was MAD I didn't have it maxed in 20 minutes.)


    This means, Science can hit full potential, on their own and all within their own department like NO ONE else can. There is no other department capable of this, Medical cannot upgrade all their own machines or make themselves better tools, Cargo can't order Ready-made RIPLY mechs, Sec can't just wish a Durand into existance or get X-ray lasers or anything.

    If Medbay is lacking any chemists and there's no CMO to pitch in, what do you do?

    You fucking live with it, or you get the HoP to give you access. (Or I guess break in a window.)

    If Research is totally empty and you need to upgrade the Sleepers... well. Again. Live with it or get access from the HoP.


    This becomes a -massive problem- when Science is the subject of being an antag, or they go on a valid hunt crusade. If Shadowlings convert science, well... what do you do? They have an immense number of tools that have minimal responses with. Even an ERT can struggle against them. And let's not even START on Nations... (Mostly cuz it isn't done yet lel)


    This is a problem. No one in this game has that much power, even Cyborgs who get tools for days and a lot of power, but take massive hits to their free will and an assortment of other vulnerabilities are not allowed to just 'replace their department'.


    TL;DR: Science should NOT be able to mine their own minerals. That is HUGE portion of the problem right there. What should be their throttle point from keepign them from just flying off the rails as a runaway train, has effectively been removed. The Mining supplies form Xeno arch need to poof until whatever day comes that brings it back, and drills/sonic hammers should probably be cargo/mining locked boxed.



    I don't think the singularity should change. It's a good engine just as it is. Tesla on the other hand seems too strong. What if you made it like the supermatter engine and had to purchase the parts? Or maybe more work in setting it up? Even a nerf doesn't sound too bad


    As I see it, if you did that, you'd have the exact same problem as the supermatter, in that nobody is going to order it.

    "Why not just work with Singulo, it's free, powers the station and it's what everyone is used to anyway."


    Same issue as supermatter, which can be more fun/efficient, but it takes work to set up and so long to do that work that the station is already outta power. 'S a problem with engines having to go up ASAP really, you need to get one up -now-, no time to build fancy shit.



    Not to mention it's all really easily avoided by PDA-ing the CMO/Coroner "Dunt cloen that fuking caorpse, I am spr srs"


    If Sec doesn't want their Taitor-tot cloned then Sec can be assed to at LEAST send a PDA, because at that point a DECENT Coroner/CMO will probably go mark that body bag as "Leave it the fuck alone" in giant red marker.



    Also the crossbow should have the plastic requirement removed since plastic is a cargo only product since it is a left over from the old mining system. To balance this extra wood would be needed in place of the missing plastic.


    Not that this has anything to do with the issue you're trying to address, but Botany can also make plastic.


    wait botany can make plastic?


    Plastellium shrooms. The reagent you get from grinding those up can be turned into plastic via chemistry. (IIIIII forget the recipe though.)




    The problem with this is, Infections are Satan.

    Which, sure it makes it more imposing, but keep in mind any time an organ gets infected, it takes so much Spacecilin to treat the infected organ, it can sometimes be factually IMPOSSIBLE to cure without a medical cyborg to infinitely synthesize and inject Spacecilin into someone for a duration sometimes going into 20-30 minutes.



    I could swear that I had buffed spaceacillin to 6x intensity - how recent is your experience of treating infections with it?


    Not very recent, admittedly, after my first expierence I pretty religiously wash hands between surgeries and clean the OR rooms like a hypochondriac now. I take as much effort as I can to prevent it from even popping up and Medi-borgs don't have that worry at all.


    If it HAS been buffed then you can kinda disregard that point entirely.



    I really have to point something out here. Have you seen the pictures of what fire can do to human skin, human bones and nerves? I find it odd that heavy burn damage does not allow for infections. Once your skin is gone, your body is exposed to all kinds of nasty shit that will cause sepsis


    The problem with this is, Infections are Satan.

    Which, sure it makes it more imposing, but keep in mind any time an organ gets infected, it takes so much Spacecilin to treat the infected organ, it can sometimes be factually IMPOSSIBLE to cure without a medical cyborg to infinitely synthesize and inject Spacecilin into someone for a duration sometimes going into 20-30 minutes.


    Infected organs make a completely shattered skeleton look like a breeze in comparison in terms of time spent in medbay.

    And if you have no infinite spacecilin, congrats you're fucked, go to cloning. There is not enough of the stuff in medical to cure it at times, especially more then one case and sometimes even chemistry can't make enough using the space fungus there is only so much fungus on the station period.

    It can take easily 50 units to cure MINOR infections, acute infections, well god have mery on your soul.


    And with how common Burn damage can be (Electrical burns from hacking, E-guns, fire, etc.) If those all led to massive infection outbreaks, nobody is ever going to survive them unless infections are DRASTICALLY nerfed/brought in line in terms of meds required to cure them.




    I think Broken bones need a threshold before there's a CHANCE to break, and maybe a high enough damage point will finally be a sure fire thing. Breaking a bone in sometimes lultastically easy, even beanbag shells break bones.


    AS for embedding, Iunno. I mean it makes SENSE for the most part, but it's also pretty fuckin strong as a mechanic.



    Quite frankly posibrains probably shouldn't have binary, period---also ones that start in IPCs probably shouldn't be able to talk unless a manual switch is thrown on them or something--otherwise "HALP HE EXTRACTED MY POSIBRAIN AND ITS IN HIS BACKPACK" with literally no way of shutting the damn thing up (unlike a brain, which can't talk unless it's in an MMI).


    Androids, of course, would be ejected with their posibrain talk-switch turned on, for consistency with cyborgs ejecting an MMI with a brain.


    If I recall, back when Phoenix wasn't so shit and I frequented the place.

    IPC posibrains were not actual Posibrains but "Cyber-brains"

    Child of the normal brain items but they look all sleek an metal an shit, so they acted like normal brains just with robotic fluff an flare. No Binary, no talk ability, none of it. Could try that route?



    When you pull self-antag BS like busting your meta-bro out of jail, you are diverting resources that could otherwise be used in ye olde antag hunting.


    This and the fact, it doesn't take me out of a round, but it can absolutely ruin it for me.

    Have you ever had some jagoff clown do jagoff clown things, shit he really SHOULD be brigged for and everyone KNOWS he ought to be brigged for it, just to have someone bust the little shit out of his cell so I have to spend another 20 minutes or more hunting the little bastard who has gone RIGHT back to terrorizing everyone again?

    Because it is a special kind of hell and more often then not I go cryo at that point because the station deserves to burn and it's just not worth my time anymore.


    Lemme put it in terms of other departments to try and draw a comparison.

    Imagine as a virologist, everyone blames you for every single virus that happens, RNG event or no. (This is pretty common.)

    You take the time to cure this virus.

    You almost have the cure and are ready to deploy it an keep people from a fresh hell that may not be LETHAL but will make rounds so very annoying for the people infected.

    And then. Someone decides "LYNCH VIROLOGY!" They come in and fucking steal the antigen vial, and space it, and space the monkey too for good measure. Why?

    Because they can.


    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    And just because something doesn't kill you, or remove you from a round, doesn't mean it's not ruining someone's fun or souring someone's round for them.



    Milfs can shunt and blobs can move their core. If it got spotted right after the blob burst then no wonder the blob got rekt.


    The problem is, how can you move your core, if x-ray lasers annihilate all blob tiles?

    You move it to somewhere the crew, and especially the AI, doesn't know. You're not dodging xrays, you're relocating, so that, by the very least, you buy time.


    Something you can't do without nodes/resources (A lot of them, 100 to relocate)

    Which is extremely hard to gather up, considering nodes have to be X distance from core to be grown. And if the crew has spotted you at this point, expansion is somewhat of a trial since they're shooting you in all your gooey bits at once with an X-ray laser rifle.


    Relocating is not an easy option to do unless you're already very established or the crew is understaffed.



    The problem is it's too powerful for it's availability, perhaps have it require illegal tech to make?

    It'd still be makable once people figure out how (if you know where to look ;)), and it'd put pay to all these 30 minute blob rounds we've been having.

    Not only it's availabilty, but it doesn't even take any serious materials to create, just gold and uranium.

    Even the top tier stock parts take a little diamond to make.



    IT'd be nice if we could like... divvy up ghosts somehow. Like instead of EVERY ghost having all the knowledge, forever you could be able to choose to be much more limited in sight and hearing to being local only or whatever, and getting more spooky shit in return.


    Sorta like an IC ghost and an OOC Ghost

    But I really doubt that'll come to pass.



    Where to start?

    Firstly... R&D got X-rays 20 minutes into the round? I don't recall getting minerals on board and shipping them to R&D was so quickly... but lets say you're right and minerals actually do get in a blink of an eye to R&D. Second, good job in getting the research levels maxed out I must say but I think you're missing the point of the X ray gun or just don't know the stats of the gun so I`ll list them:

    1) It does 15 burn damage on hit + radiation damage (causes toxin damage and random mutations)

    2) passes through walls (as you already know)

    3) killing someone outright with it will empty the power-cell (the starting power-cell.. I think you can replace the power cell to a one with higher capacity)


    So you see you can't nerf it because it already has low damage compared to other laser weapons, the X ray is the perfect weapon against the blob (you can see this in the wiki) and generally if there's a blob event mid round you can't blame the crew for having a head start :P


    I can assure you, RnD is almost always maxxed out within 20-30 minutes of round start. It's actually, shockingly easy, there's I believe a third-party tool for it in General Discussion somewhere, and if not I know there's a spreadsheet someone made of the exact list of items you need to deconstruct, twoin fact, one if you have Robotics help and one if you do not.


    And actually just after I made that post, there was another blob round, A Game Mode type blob. Sure enough, in 20 minutes RnD Had X-ray lasers available. The only reason the crew never got to use them was a lack of uranium because science was too lazy to go mine it themselves and most the miners had left to go fight the blob (And died.)

    Even WITHOUT MINING, they STILL Got X-ray lasers in roughly 25 minutes.


    and in the end the Crew didn't even NEED them anyway, the Blob was shit fucked because it got spotted relatively early, it couldn't expand because the crew basically penned it in and it's resources were not enough to let it rebuild and expand, and it HAS to expand a certain distance from the core to be able to build a node to get more resource blobs.


    Killing someone with an X-ray gun emptying the Cell out is not really a downside, when you can fire the weapon, safely, from an infinite distance away. There's no counter measure to it, no real DANGER to yourself in using the weapon. To use an E-gun, you have to be a visible threat, you have be RELATIVELY close (At least on screen, to aim it.)

    To use an X-ray, you can safely be behind two walls and still empty that clip and what is anyone gonna do about it?


    And make no mistake, I don't BLAME the crew for doing their job and starting in late generally means you're gonna have a hard time. But at the same time, what is the point of the random event if it is LESS impactful then Revenant spawns, Swarmer Spawns, Virus outbreaks, Vine outbreaks, spiders or radiation.

    Spiderlings and Radiation storms have more chance to kill crew then a late round blob, because the blob can't even get started and even if it DOES get started, you have the X-rays. There's ZERO danger, ZERO threat.

    People flip the fuck out more over non-lethal Swarmers, because at least Swarmers have a meaningful impact on stuff by nom nom nomming their departments.




    With yes this is kind of an 'i ded pls nurf' in that I just got done being a random event blob where my salad was thoroughly tossed by about 4 X-rays.

    Also dis gon b long

    I'm sorry for that. Sort of.


    But. That aside. Let's kind of do a small review here of the X-ray laser and why this is a lot of shitting bulls in one location.

    What does it take to MAKE said weapons.

    It takes 5 Material, 5 Biological and 6 Combat research to unlock the X-ray laser. The hardest part here is the bio research, honestly.

    It takes only Gold and Uranium to print them.

    Stuff's common as cookies to anyone who spends 5 minutes on an asteroid.


    What do X-ray Lasers DO (AKA: Why are you taking the time to even type this shit up?)

    X-ray lasers fire a nigh infinite (If not infinite) traveling projectile that travels through all the things. Walls. Entities/Mobs. Blob tiles. IF you knew the exact compass direction, you could fire an X-ray from RnD and hit a blob over in the turbine. You'd also hit a lot of OTHER people, but you absolutely CAN do it.

    An X-ray fired from the Bridge, can reach Arrivals at the very least (Seen it happen.).

    See the problem?


    Almost infinite distance, goes through EVERYTHING, and the only partial limiting factor is, they take charge and eventually have to be recharged. Not that that EVER comes into play because unless your have a hard time clicking on a thing, you're not going to miss because you can just shoot people/the blob through a wall, from down the hall or from back at Sol Central. Especially a blob, because it can't move, it is a stationary entity.

    They deal regular laser based damage in addition so just a few shots and you're in a bad, BAD way.


    So my question here is: What REALLY limits these things? Why are these still untouched, when we just got done having people go up and down about how BS Phazons are at being able to just lol through walls and go wherever you please and destroy people whenever you please, to the point they now take an anomaly core to make?

    What defense -is- there to this? And don't just say "lol suk less and blob" because it doesn't matter what you do, or what you play, there is NOTHING you can do to defend against this, unless you kill the people shooting you. Which. They can do through walls. And down the hall. and through your blob spores.

    Doesn't precisely seem entirely fair for something you can get in 20 minutes of round start. "But wait! this take the help of a lot of crew to make!" I hear many Scientists cry.


    It doesn't.


    It takes someone to go out into Xeno-Arch, Which can be the RnD person themselves, To get ore. Which they have supplies to do at the old Xeno-arch labs. That's it. Robotics helps speed it way up, mostly in the biological research with mech syringe guns. Actual miners means it gets sped up cuz Science can focus on the RnD part while miners mine. Science -can- and -does- do it all itself on a regular basis if the "Cooperation" is inconvenient or unavailable. Hell, you can get the stuff to print mining drills with the bare starting equipment to Research if you really want. I've USED those drills to GET Research levels before, without mining.


    Science can, all by itself, make unholy death weapons, with zero effort that the only counter-play TO said weapons is "Don't let them get those weapons." And if you're a blob spawned in engineering or the turbine, good fucking luck doing anything to inhibit them in that goal.

    So. My proposal is this. Don't REMOVE X-rays. I think they're a valid weapon and a vital counter play to blob (Which can end a round in record time sometimes due to a low win requirement and the fact that once they hit a certain size there's so many spores it gets to be fuckin hard to fight back at all.).

    But for the love of Cthulhu balance them, please. They either need a short range, short enough a blob has a chance to at least smack people around and defend itself, or it needs to have A LOT of Damage fall off when it goes into those obscene long range, maybe doing less damage everytime it penetrates something.


    Because right now, any random event blob is just a neat side note that is instantly annihilated, and any round start blob has to win in 20-ish minutes or just ghost, because they got those 3 x-rays printed, you lose. It's not interesting or fun, for any party involved and it encourages ALL KINDS of shitty gameplay.

    (And let's be honest X-rays are -only- used for the blob and rarely at best for anything else)



    I'd think that something like 150 karma would be required to unlock the role, and admins can decide to refund the karma if you don't follow SoP to the letter.

    There should be a separate application form alongside mentorship.

    Giving typical players access to official CC comms is a bad idea.


    Agreed. Even a very high Karma gate won't do that much, it'd be much better off to be a whitelisted thing if at all.



    I kinda agree with Fox.

    I've done a LOT of Chemistry rounds and aside a few special occurances of soem Grade A dicks.


    Most people are pretty content to lemme do my Pharmacist thing. I've never even had anyone ask me for drugs, I feel somewhat insulted by that notion.

    What are my drugs just not fucking good enough for you people?!



    I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore.

    Resist break out of banana slipping


    Alternatively Crew could just not try to steal Security's weaponry as a Non-antag just because they think it gets a giggle.

    There's no reason to do it, as a non-antag you gain nothing from it but pissing off a department and being an irritant to a player for no real purpose then to just be an irritant.


    Clowns are supposed to be funny and do hilarious hijinks, not just be an asshole.

    And in what sane world does a random botanist or whoever, look at a cop on patrol and go "YEAH I CAN TOTALLY SHOVE THAT GUY DOWN AND STEAL HIS GUN AND PEPPER SPRAY THAT'LL GET A RIGHT PROPER GIGGLE" and then have the audacity to be fucking confused and scream about "POLICE BRUTALITY, ABUSE OF POWER!" when they get arrested for it?



    They've powered up enough as it is with the telebaton and such, making them flashproof as well is just gonna bring us a step closer to judge dread MD.


    They're a Head of a Department.

    And one who works in a medical wing that has a psychiatrist/handles Psychotic patients in a sector of space known to have syndicate operatives, changelings, vampires, blobs, Wizard Federation activities and so on. Baton and Flash is not that much when you consider that.



    I don't think xeno should enter into the philosophical discussions about its own presence.

    I don't think xeno should act out hurt feelings about being ostracized.


    If you insist on RP'ing the Golem/underling/thrall "I will do as you command, master" as a xeno, please use the mind-whispering spell/thingy.


    Xenos should not default speak common.


    So lemme drop some knowledge here.

    1: They aren't really 'Pets' Because the thing you make in Xeno-bio that makes them playable is a 'Sentience Elixer'

    They literally become as sentience and cognizant as any human being. Now whether that includes similar emotive states or not, fuck if I know but that is a VERY important distinction that nobody ever makes.

    It has become SENTIENT. You wanna push the thing around, go for it but you can't be surprise when a SENTIENT creature tells you to fuck off or is irritated for being treated like a wild animal.

    If I blew a dog whistle at you and said "C'mere boy! Come get a treat!" You might be somewhat insulted.


    2: (As far as I know this is true, unless an admin changed/fixed it.) The Xenomorphs created by the Gold Slimes aren't the same as the xenomorphs that spawn from the random event. They actually don't have half of those fancy abilities. They cannot Whisper or do most of that fancy shit, at MOST they can drop resin, but even that might just be something the mob poops out on it's own.


    One of the things I HATE about Xenobio is when another player turns it into a goddamn petting zoo. The resin that Xenomorphs shit out randomly spreads all over the place and looks terrible. If someone wants to play a tame Xenomorph go find a Xeno suit and mask and run around with that. Hell, I did that once, but I was still doing my actual job as well. I was "Xeno with a day job: Hiss hiss, skree skree, sitting in the morning rush hour to work, hiss hiss."


    Opinion piece now that the facty shit is over with: If I wanna play a Tame Xeno I'll wait for Xeno-bio to make a tame one and not make an exodus to a mining asteroid as a wholly unrelated job to meta-game out a single suit on a busted up station people aren't that well versed in ICly (Since we wanna bring in IC lore into this). I don't go around being annoyed when Toxins makes bombs and fucks up and blows up half of science, I don't go around being annoyed when Botany experiments with plants and makes kudzu or some insane space lube tomatoes and I don't go around being annoyed when Cargo and Engineering decide to renovate half the station with floor lights or wood tiles or whatever.

    It's a fun little feature. It's a game. Stop being so serious.



    The only place that would even be remotely balanced would be to put telescience in the bridge teleporter room or nearby (shunting gravity back to engineering maybe?)


    Make it a Bridge/Command access room, So Captain, Heads of Staff, Blueshield and NT Rep (And Magistrate?) would all have access to it. Protocol would be much how gateway is now, Captain's permission should be sought before fiddling with it, but if someone wants to fiddle with it they can request access to the room. Would make for a very interesting play if a Blueshield knew how to work it (or had someone show them) so they could recall heads to them as needed (so long as they don't have the disk)


    It's not terribly hard to hack into teleporter or gravity generator as it stands right now, so an antag that wanted to use it could easily bust their way in, but the close proximity to the bridge and tell tale sound of the telescience gear working would make it likely HoP, Captain or anyone on the bridge would hear and be able to investigate.


    I sorta like that idea, actually. Given how high profile T-sci is, it does fit to put it on the bridge and if it's related to teleporting would make sense to put it next to the Teleporter, as one would assume the two systems are somewhat related.



    Why not put it in Engineering?

    They have a total of 3 Non-karma jobs (Engie, Atmos Tech an CE.)

    And if they can make a fuckin contained singularity for the purposes of generating power, I dare say they are probably smart enough to know how to work bluespace a little.


    Can even dump that where the assembly line is.

    Main problem putting it outside science is really just proximity to Bridge and Armory, you need less upgrades to reach that far. Bridge would probably even be available at round start unless you REALLY crippled it.



    Personally speaking, T-sci is a problem right now on many fronts and this is gonna be a Wall o' Text, so... apologies.

    Prefacing this thing with I really like T-sci, but it is a balancing nightmare

    You can't have it at round start because then people just steal whatever with it.

    You can't just lock it off like this either because then it may as well be removed, frankly, it BARELY sees the light of day. I Can count on one hand the amount of times I have seen T-sci rebuilt. It's a pain in the ass just to USE, almost requiring a seperate tool to make the calculations in any kind of decent time. It's not fun.


    It's gotta change on a more core level and I'm not wholly sure how, but this is just an idea I had.

    The idea I always had was it was more of an engineering thing then a science thing and it was more 'Star Trek'-ish. By that I mean, currently teleporting something is pretty much instant. It takes a moment and then the Teleport happens which is instant.

    What if instead it took time, again like a Star Trek transporter? A channeled effect that is very visible, like when Swarmers are eating an item.

    If the object/person moves form the very obviously being Teleported coordinates, then congrats you get empty air.


    To make sure T-sci doesn't just "Lol rob the bridge" at round start, could make an alternative version of the bluespace beacons, that interrupt the Teleport in an area around it. Dump one on the bridge and congrats, you cannot teleport into or out of the bridge using T-sci.

    On the FLIP side though, you could maybe, finally make those bluespace beacons not totally worthless and give RnD a REASON to make them, make it so T-sci machines can "Lock onto" them for a Destination.


    Right now, you have to do asinine calculations or drudge through a third party tool to make said calculations just to teleport one item. And if you're trying to be helpful and teleport that Miner's corpse/dying frame to medical bay, you then have to make a SECOND set of calculations to plonk him into medbay, which is something you can't really do unless you have a coordinate map of the station. If he wasn't dead before, he probably is now.

    By making T-sci take a channel time to teleport AND making it incredibly obvious it's happening, I feel it's not that bad of a crime to make teleporting to a location a bit easier to off-set the loss. You could additionally make T-sci able to lock onto GPS units in the same way, I'm sure miners would be thrilled.



    Give T-sci a channel time instead of insta-ports.

    Make it super obvious T-sci is trying to teleport stuff when it's being channeled.

    Anti-Bluespace Beacons that can put a stop to T-sci shenanigans in an area around them. Probably put them on bridge and armory at round start. RnD can make more for people that want them, like in brig cells probably.

    Bluespace Beacons get a lot more use, can become easy lock on points for T-sci to be a destination.

    Maybe do it for GPS units also, or maybe special bluespace GPS units, fuck if I know. It's an idea. Probably bad.

    Maybe put T-sci into Engineering (Under a new name) to not give Science all the power of the universe. (Or not, I mean I don't really care, people just said they don't want Science to have all the things.)


    Again sorry for wall of text, buuuuuut. There it is. Probably a nightmare to code, but I honestly think Telescience needs more in-depth changes to make it more possible to balance, because as it is exists in it's current state, it's not only overpowered but it isn't fun either having to use third party tools to just slog through shit on every single fucking teleport, even when you're not being a shitter.


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