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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    nah on the mailroom part


    Cargo = mailmen, but with fancier clothes. Don't take their job. Scream at them for not doing it.


    It's pretty much the literal definition of what the Cargo Technician does, yeah.

    Load and unload crates and deliver them, either by MULEbot or by Disposals.



    Mostly what Squid said on my front.

    While I would feel like something of a vulture for just ripping into their leaked code and running off with bits of it, I have no problem with LOOKING at it and LEARNING from it. Those are two entirely different things in my mind, taking it outright and learning how to improve your own codebase by looking how another one works, functions or combinations you never thought possible before that now you know going forward.


    If they give permission to take bits, even better, but I see nothing wrong with just using it as a sort of learning experience.



    Kidan have a single weakness; they can't wear eyewear.


    If they could wear eyewear, they'd be completely, totally, and utterly overpowered.


    Kidan weren't allowed to have glasses for balance reasons, not because people were unwilling to make sprites for them.


    Grey def need better glasses sprites, eventually.



    But as faras I'm aware, Kidan's innate armor was removed wasn't it? Or at least lowered dramatically? I was nearly positive I remembered that being one of the first things to go when a lot of the old racial stuff went out the window, like Slime's being able to vent crawl, Vox Leap, all that noise.


    If it HAS been removed then... well the no glasses thing is kind of overboard for claws (Something Tajaran/Vulpkanin have.)

    If it's still there, then..... welp.


    They have built in 20% brute resistance.







    Kidan have a single weakness; they can't wear eyewear.


    If they could wear eyewear, they'd be completely, totally, and utterly overpowered.


    Kidan weren't allowed to have glasses for balance reasons, not because people were unwilling to make sprites for them.


    Grey def need better glasses sprites, eventually.



    But as faras I'm aware, Kidan's innate armor was removed wasn't it? Or at least lowered dramatically? I was nearly positive I remembered that being one of the first things to go when a lot of the old racial stuff went out the window, like Slime's being able to vent crawl, Vox Leap, all that noise.


    If it HAS been removed then... well the no glasses thing is kind of overboard for claws (Something Tajaran/Vulpkanin have.)

    If it's still there, then..... welp.


  5. Some Mass Effect-esque Thermal Clips for laser guns might be neat. If the problem is that people just stock up on a billion clips, why not increase the size of the thermal magazines, so they can't fit in a backpack, but instead have to be put in a suit storage slot? Because then it's a choice of what to dump into that slot, an instant reload or something with more utility.


    I'm of the opinion everyone is knee-jerking due to salty bias and it was fine how we had it before. It's so incredibly easy to counter a rogue geneticist, easier then everyone thinks, you need 1 mutadone shot. One. Uno. Singular syringe applied at safe range.


    Any time you try to lock someone into their work space, I'm sorry, but what the fuck? You are actively telling people "You did your job, so now you don't get to RP anymore, because I don't like the job you play."


    Let's go over this:


    "Hulk can be super easily acquired like 10 minutes into shift."

    Absolutely. It also could be your sole genetics goal and you never even find it in the average 2 hours a round takes. RNG melting into more RNG. It'd be like if RnD, everytime you tried to print something with the protolathe, there's a chance the protolathe would use up the resources but malfunction and just do fucking nothing. And if you say "But Genetics doesn't use a resource that's not a fair comparison."


    Then you have never had a random mutation fuck up one of the powers you DID have over DAC and not had to spend another 5 minutes wrangling with more RNG to get that one back in place.


    "It's OP, breaking walls, stun immunity, like what the fuck?"

    Mutadone. Syringe gun. RnD can even print RAPID Syringe guns for en masse dispersal to the crew and mutadoen is a literally harmless and even beneficial chemical, so also distributing it if needs me, is pretty harmless. Very mild brute damage infliction I believe.

    You have the tools to stop this already on hand. you just never bother to USE them or to talk to the people with equipment.


    I have been a geneticist when my partner was a rogue one and ran around with Hulk. Not once was I talked to about what I was doing or if I could help, Security just busted in and mutadone'd me and then arrested me. Instead of saying "Counter hulk with hulk!" or "Can you give us X-ray to help catch this prick" They tried to solo the world, and got stomped.


    "But we have laws to stop Security from striding out with guns in hand, they should get the same treatment."

    Security also didn't spend almost an hour into a round building that tazer that they then get told "If you ever leave brig with that gun, you're fired and arrested." They get it from the jump, free of charge. Genetics had to play the slots and see if they luck into having it at 5 minutes or 125 minutes. 'Skillz' no, but neither is security, it's who clicks first and who has the lesser ping so they can react faster.


    TL;DR: IF you're going to push for such a heavy handed, and outright oppressive change, think first how YOU'D like it. This entire topic has been an endless stream of bias and in some cases outright salt. Think about how -you'd- enjoy it first. "WELL I JUST WOULDN'T DO IT!" is not an answer, because sure. Maybe not as genetics. But what about when you play Sec? Or a Doctor? or Science?

    Imagine if you couldn't take any sentient gold slime mob out of xeno bio? Which DOEs happen a lot. You basically kill ANY reason for it to exist, and fuck over a LOT of players in the process because you just "Don't want to have to handle it", tough nuggets that's the job.


    I don't wanna have to handle potentially rogue mechs either, and I don't get to tel lthe roboticist he can never set foot out of his lab without any mech ever. (And before you point up new robotics SoP, you ever loaded an Ody ((Which is unaffected by military restriction)) with some of the non medical shit before? Because let me tell you, that gets to be !!FUN!!.)



    Hell no.


    Goofchem is super powerful, to remove the small amount effort it takes to shit out murderkill chems is just a bad idea.

    You can't really blacklist the killy shit as almost everything IS killy shit.


    All in all, this is just a way for chemists to be even lazier.



    Chemistry is not really that hard, hell most chemists who actually do their job, end up having all the meds by the half hour mark, and then just sorta faff about with nothing to actually do. Giving them an ability to completely negate their own job isn't gonna help that.


    In addition to the fact, this only factors in medical chemistry, Science also has a Chem Lab, and god only knows how much Phlog they'll spew forth from that thing if it was able to synth it like nothing.

    The mixture time on chemicals is usually that way for balance reasons to offset how potent the chemical actually is. Odysseus Death Mechs are usually unholy abominations for just that reason whenever they use the syringe gun to infinite synth mixtures that outright kill you within 2 seconds.

    I'd rather not have that mechanic given to ALL Traitor scientists/Chemists.



    The tubes need to be directly adjacent to the console AFAIK, so you could 'techincally' have six and the scanner though it'd be heavily clustered.


    I prefer clone shunting, personally (which is toggling the APC to force a clone early, then shove them in cryo to finish them).


    Genetics should be able to perform hyper-cloning without the need to diddle with power/APC, via their ID card to unlock the Cloning tube, and forcing the ejection early. (At least that was something they USED to be able to do, maybe it got removed?)


    Anyway, back on topic: I like the layout, personally. The doors are a big deal, more then what some people seem to think, just last night, I had been handling cloning a few poor fucks, that had some issues in the engine room. Guy immediately runs in, loots the Engineers stuff I left by cryo for his goodies and takes off, while I am right there shouting at him. And after that was similar, but with a Sec officer.


    If you don't need to be in Cryo (Or medical in general. Aside Surgery observation for your buddy that is.) You probably shouldn't be IMO. Speaking form experience it can do a lot more harm then good with people clogging up vital areas like Cryo, because it disrupts my grab 8 times out of 10 and makes everything take longer.


    Doctors exist for a reason, and if there AREN'T any doctors, you should probably talk to the HoP for a job change, or help from the AI.

    Or. Y'know. Just break in.



    I also want Greys to get some attention.

    I saw nothing wrong with the long-distance project mind, though, and I'm not sure why it was nerfed to shit - You couldn't use it when knocked out, so don't any of you dare say "muh traitor lol," any competent traitor knows to sedate their target if they're going that way.



    Also, now that we have reagent-species-stuff-things, we should try adding the sulfuric acid = safe and water = baaaaad stuff. And yeah, the hive-mind would be nice.


    I like everything within this.


    I barely play my Grey anymore because it's a pain in the ass trying to keep to the whole 'telepathy' thing, It's FASTER just to talk normally, and I can't talk to people with it once they leave my screen, so...



    I agree it should be part of MEdical, they're in charge of far more medical related tasks then Science, and frankly, Science doesn't need superpowers in addition to all the other OP shit they get.


    And for everyone saying "lazy genetics never clone nobody or give out SE's, they're barely medical"

    Genetics CANNOT SEE into Medical. Unless I stumble into the X-ray powers, I can't SEE what's going on in the cloning lab, because there's a fucking wall in the way. The view throug hthe glass airlock let's me see the very upper part of Cloning, like I see the door to the morgue and that's it.


    You want Genetics to do Cloning and stuff, slot a window where the good for nothing Wall is, and I'll happily take care of all cloning or SE related needs, but until then Doctors have to actually TALK to me to get those. You got a headset for a reason, use it.

    Or replace the wall IDFC



    For me, it's a biiiig "No glasses" thing

    That axes so many jobs, or is such a huge inconveniance just to be bug dude, that I may as well save the karma and get Slimes.


    That's no Mesons, so as an engineer the singularity and such would make you blind. As a Miner, you can't see minerals.

    That's no Health HUD which is a big thing for any medical position. Not REQUIRED, mind you, but it's important for prioritizing patients.

    No SecHUD, so no flash protection, inability to set arrests or see Wanted status/Loyalty implants, etc.

    No Science Goggles for Chemistry (Though you have a PDA reagent scanner I guess.)


    Personally I'm not sure why there's no method of altering glasses to accommodate Kidan eyes, in the same sense as any Unathi/Tarjaran can snip gloves/Jackboots. To best my knowledge their super cool armor perk got removed/nerfed as well, so... If it's a balance thing it doesn't quite add up.



    What Tasty said, pretty much.


    Unless the prisoner is, himself, in imminent danger, if he orders you to release him and cites Law 2 (Serve) you can over-ride that with Law 1, That releasing a brigged crewman could cause physical or MENTAL Harm to the majority of crew.

    And because Law 1 over rides Law 2, due to numerical priority, feel free to *buzz at him continually on your way out of security.



    There's a large difference between asking and thanking someone than from wordlessly poaching their work while dead without so much as a single word. I guess it is selfish to ask for a simple "thanks", but I still want one regardless


    If this is all it amounts to, then have you honestly gone out and thanked anyone who has provided the lists or guides that are up on the Wiki? The people who provided that gigantor list of chemicals, how to make them and their effects or really any guide in any department?


    Because personally, I'm not seeing any real difference between "People/Ghosts watching me work in-game and seeing me make my mixtures and not giving me a word of thanks" and "My mixtures are on the wiki for people/ghosts to read and not give a word of thanks."



    I"m 100% for this, it's really easy for non-sci players to say, "muh chem circlejerk", but many of us have put many, MANY rounds into perfecting our formulas. Half of the fun of science is taking time and experimenting, anyone who wants to forgo this is just in it to irresponsibly abuse the power of the science department.


    This is gonna come off as a hyper dick comment so I apologize in advance, but...

    Good for you, do you want a medal?

    I put a lot of rounds into learning construction and half the Medical department, and like Shadey referenced earlier I've known about the screwdriver to fix false walls thing for months, and had I known that wasn't common knowledge, I'd have shared it. Because there literally no reason not to.

    You spent a lot of rounds mixing chemicals that are blatantly described on the wiki. Chemicals whose creation is clearly laid out for all to see, so all the "Secret" really is, is the rates you're combining said chemicals. Whether it's 20 this and 10 that or 5 this 5 this and 15 that.


    Secondly, that's VERY insulting to assuming people wanting to look at a machine and lazily look over what a chemist/Chem Researcher is doing, are just in it to be abusive greytiding shitters. As someone who observes an awful lot of rounds, maybe it's just cuz learning is fun or getting context in a round is nice when I got antagHUD on and I know a shadey science bro is up to nefarious chemical based shenanigans.


    There's also the fact most of us will reveal our recipes to anyone who asks nicely if we feel you will use them responsibly.

    They why bother keeping ghosts from viewing a machine?

    If almost all of you are willing to spill the "Dark Forbidden Lore" Of Chemistry, what is the point of making it a secret from dead fucks with nothing better to do then watch people work?


    There is, factually, no good MECHANICAL reason to keep this information hidden. None. The reasons provided so far really just amount to "I don't want people to know, I worked hard they should have to walk uphill in the snow both ways like *I* did!" and "WHAT IF THEY METAGAME!" or "WHAT IF THEY GRIFF WITH IT?!"

    And if we're gonna spend all goddamn day on 'what ifs' then what if people use singularity to grief? Or what if people abuse genetics to get greytide hulks? or what if people pick security just for guns to greytide with them?

    Almost every aspect of SS13 can be used to grief if you really want to, that's no excuse for a 'secret, members only' clubhouse mindset.



    I kinda like it.

    I think if they got fleshed out enough, I'd almost prefer these to the Xenomorphs as a replacement, given how fucky Xenomorph infestations go (Either they lol destroy or they just get asploded at the start.)


    Though, I doubt that'd ever happen since most the server based likes Xenos so much.

    Still it'd be a neat alternate infestation alongside Cortical Borers and Xenos.



    /tg/ uses slime people hair. (At least if you enable slime people to be chosen in settings.)

    It's as transparent as their bodies. Same color too.

    I can get a screenshot if you want one.



    .... Why do we not have those.

    Coders pls.

    I'll pay in hugs.



    it should also jam pAIs!


    pAIs as it stands are a traitors worst nightmare.


    Something to counter them would be great.



    pAI's use an in-built Station Bounced Radio for communication whenever they talk over comms.


    If this theoretical items squelched radios in general, it'd by proxy do it to pAI's too, they'd only be able to scream locally and not over the radios or anything.



    The reason this thread exists is because someone was running around acting like a shit/ abusing it yesterday.

    There's a fine line between 'silly' (fat people plus mints) and 'haha let's randomly do this thing to ruin someone else's fun time for no reason'.


    Except that fine line is subjective. (Frankly I find the mint thing stupid myself. And the super-fart power which people literally only use to fuck with people, but I digress.)


    Whether or not this happened yesterday/recently is fairly moot, because it clearly happens infrequently. This is not like the bag of holding singulo spawner, where it really did happen all the time, this is a very infrequent occurrence using the spans of -months- just to get more then a handful of incidents to bring up.


    There's so many more abusive things that DO get abused more and to a greater degree then this feature, that frankly deserve MUCH more attention then this.



    I have never gotten a complaint, question, situation, etc., in which fat people eating people had ever been any problem whatsoever by anyone in over a year and a half. (This doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it just means I haven't seen it happen.)

    It's just as stupid as a fat dude eating a mint and exploding into a pile of gibs. It's rare if it happens at all anymore, and I'm really surprised if it's that big of an issue considering that I just flat out haven't seen it abused first hand or complained about. Seems that this kind of removal thing that I can't understand is happening a lot recently


    So much this.

    "This is silly and dumb" is not a valid reason given 'silly and dumb' are purely subjective points.

    By that logic, you have to remove Fartonium, Fliptonium, *flip, *snap-ing your fingers off, the Super-fart genetic power, the Clown-bomb, HONK mechs and HONK Squads and the list just keeps going on.


    SS13 is silly. If you have a problem with silly, then let's not be hypocritical and let's not half-ass it, rip it all out and become Baystation II and go high-RP, because being medium RP you're gonna get silly shit happening and silly/fun features being made.


    I have heard NOBODY even mutter an ill word about this let alone seen it happen in over a year and a few random shitlers out of a span of several months is not a valid reason to remove things/code, and again, by that logic, RIP Atmos, Engineering, Science, Security and Medbay because shitlers abuse those areas too.



    Fox has provided enough explanation here. Too bad you don't accept it.


    Enough coder-bashing. This is shameful and unbecoming of members of the Paradise community. If you must have a server your way, run your own. Otherwise you won't get everything you want. Ultimately, we can't customize everything, we have to rely on other good code and the maintenance made to that code by those devs.


    This thread was resolved 30 posts ago. It's been whining ever since.


    Locking this thread does a favor for our hard-working coders and common sense.


    Okay. See. I recognize the intent of this post and message. Btu this is going to the opposite extreme and it is equal as unhelpful as the opposite extreme of just being like 'YALL CODERS JUST MEAN'.

    Neither is true, both are somewhat antagonistic.


    This is clearly a very tense topic to touch on because of the nature of what it is. Touching Atmos is touching basically the ENTIRETY of SS13 in some fashion and touching the entire server (Because if done improperly, the server will die to lag.)

    That said.

    We've established just about everyone would like it if we could push LINDA to do a little more. The problem for the Maintainers/Coders is, doing that without gutting performance or causing drastically increased CPU usage. (At least if I am grasping that correctly.)

    The problem for people that WANT to touch Atmos is, those restrictions are felt to be somewhat draconian and nebulous. (Must have Parity AND not effect performance AND not increase CPU cycles.) ((PS: Not saying they ARE, just that this is what is clearly coming across.))


    Now. Someone has an idea that only touches 2 lines of Code in LINDA, hooks to make some totally seperate shit work. And yet Mainters are saying otherwise. Whether there is a disconnect here, or what they mean by 'don't tamper much with LINDA' is just not matching up with that description, I don't know. The final say DOES belong with the Maintainers who know this code very well, they've been with it for a lot longer and can kinda get a feel for it.


    On the OTHER side we have statements like:

    "Again, if you're hellbent on making changes to LINDA, I highly recommend you get it past LINDA's original coder and creator, over at TG, first (and even then, there's no guarantee will backport it)."


    That's BASICALLY saying ' Even if you get the -original system creator- to implement this as a better solution, we might not do it anyway cuz of reasons.'


    Which is basically shooting a GIANT "Why even bother" Message all over -ANY- effort to even TRY and sort out a better Atmos system. Why TRY if even the original developer saying 'yeah this is better' is not enough to get it implemented? It's not entirely fair to say "Asking coders to do all this work is a big deal" when you have someone who WANTS to do that work but is being told "Even if you do all this work and even if the creator says it's better, we might ignore all that work it was originally intended for in the first place." Because clearly we're not here to upgrade TG station, we're here to upgrade Paradise Station, and we're sharing/offering to give it to TG in the process, if they want it. Doing al lthat work jsut for a 'maybe' is not a fair ask either.

    That might contribute to -why- nobody wants to do it.


    It feels like we've hit a point where both sides are exasperated, everyone is frustrated, it's been argued and now it's gotten tempers kinda risen. Going back and forth on what -has- happened isn't gonna benefit anyone here. Just locking the topic and sweeping under the rug to pretend it doesn't exist, ALSO doesn't help anyone, and both ways are not gonna fix the problem.


    There's GOT to be a sit-down somewhere. Maybe all the Maintainers can get together to work out -exactly- what their criteria is for a change to the LINDA/Atmos system. Exactly WHAT bullet points need to be met for serious consideration, because right now it seems like nobody has that. They have what they DON'T want, but not what they WANT from a PR on this subject. And once people have THAT, then they know the tools they can work with, they know what their parameters even are.



    - Traitors can already pretty easily store things in undiscoverable location with the flatpack satchel if they want to.


    While true, they also have to hide that satchel and return to it at a late date to retrieve the items within. It's not a permanent secret stash that is undetectable but accessible at will. It's a secret stash that you have to actually stash away and walk away from.


    Because there's no reason NOT to get that particular item if implants are almost wholly undetectable. If you need to assassinate someone, stuff your tools in there, if you need to steal an item, stuff it in there and it's genuinely impossible to ever find, unless you do exploratory surgery on random body parts to find the implant.


    Basically, the problem I have with it is that there's... no counter-play to it. The 'counter play' being surgery means Sec just starts randomly cutting traitors open to check for implants, which will go over like a fart in church, or they just sorta give up. They can't carve open every suspect when the CE's blueprints go missing etc.


    There's gotta be SOME sort of middle ground between "Lol body scanner found it" and "I hid the Captain's Laser in a pocket dimension."


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