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Everything posted by Cupcakes_n_Hacksaws

  1. Because it's useless in it's current state, if you removed it I doubt anyone would complain, if they were adamantly against changing it.
  2. Pickpocket gloves' description states that they allow you to see into your target's pockets, as well as silently remove their ID and pocket items directly into their hands. It was nerfed to only allow silently removing their items onto the tile they're on, it doesn't even allow you to spy into their pockets. This was all nerfed without having its TC cost or description changed.
  3. I thought attempting to scream when that's happening just gives the "X makes a loud noise" text
  4. Ghosts are spectators, they're not supposed to affect the round as-is at all. If you're bored, I can see asking for things like an always active thunderdome or something, but I don't think the admins/mods are ever going to go for that.
  5. Sounds good, I see no reason why not. People here acting like it would suddenly make someone who has access to deathsprays OP lol
  6. It'd be similar to opening up toilets and placing items in them, only instead you cut a hole into a regular wall, essentially creating a cavity. To cover it up, you can place a poster on the wall, which must be removed/torn off to access the hole. Simply using a welder on a wall usually starts the welding process, so maybe it can instead be a right-click option with a welder in your hand.
  7. It's no different than performing a brain transplant on a non-IPC, which occurs quite often when someone gets gibbed.
  8. The temperature gun's only real use is for culling slimes in xenobio, and even then it's only useful if you're somehow unable to trap the slime between you and a wall. No real point in making it fairly difficult to obtain, the damn thing only deals like 10 burn damage *overtime*, can't be put in a bag, and can't even shoot through windows. Hell it even pisses beepsky off.
  9. Replace the shitty strange objects with exotic material would be a good start.
  10. I don't really see any reason to remove it, what's so bad about it.
  11. I think the round just needs to end faster is all, maybe have the shuttle call vote happen earlier. It'd encourage speeding the round up a bit, but at the same time not encouraging people to murderbone to grab the objective so quick.
  12. What exactly is the point of this mechanic, anyway? It can't be to prevent infinite storage, since you could simply just make it impossible to put one into another, or delete it when you attempt to. Why a singularity? All it does is ruin the entire round, especially if an admin can't get to it in time. IIRC, there's not even any examine text referencing it either, so new players wouldn't think twice about placing it in one. Writing this up because of a round today, where I was doing fairly well in research. Maxed, upgraded everything around the station, handed out equipment. And then I accidentally forgot to drop the bag in my hand, before picking up another, spawning another singularity, destroying all of research. Just like that, a simple misclick destroyed an entire department, more damage than any plasma bomb could do. I was even warned by the the admins to not do it again. It's such an easy mistake to make, so why does it result in catastrophe akin to the worst grief? I propose simply making one unable to place a bag of holding into another, or simply delete it instead of spawning a god dang singularity. The negatives outweigh any positives ten fold.
  13. I think some new vending machines would be nice, maybe even add some things to the vendor in cargo. As far as an actual economy, I don't see players wanting to have to exchange money between each other, especially things that are currently free, like the booze-o-mat. One idea I had though, was that using credit chips on IDs added that amount to your account. Credit chips are pretty useless atm, as they're hardly used, and can't be stacked.
  14. Currently the biggest pro with stims right now is, I believe, being completely immune to stuns. It doesn't shorten them, you just can not be stunned as if you had Hulk. IIRC, you also can't take damage while its in effect. There is no defense to this, other than having to wait it out. Whatever happens with the TC cost for it, I think instead of invulnerability, it should just cut all damage taken in half.
  15. Some way to prevent instant-death by EMP would be nice, whether through an item or an upgrade from robotics. Borgs aren't harmed by it AFAIK, only stunned in the same way a flash stuns them. Even humans with robotic hearts don't die instantly, they're alive long enough to tell people.
  16. Support, no real reason burn damage can't be healed in sleepers except for omnizine, which is basically a god tier chem.
  17. Just now, we had a round where xenos were involved. Security and other personnel were equipped with weapons from RnD, captain had a durand, and me and another had an x-ray gun. Cleared the nest in chapel, killed the queen, no problem. Some random assistants got infected during the assault, and ran off who knows where so they could burst. Survivors from the assualt/New bursted larva form another group on Turbine Access, no problem. We clear that nest, kill that queen, done and done. Some crew got infected during THAT assault (including me) and some run off who knows where so they can burst. Survivors from the assault form a NEW hive with a THIRD queen... it felt like we couldn't stop it (until Lord singuloth broke free and consumed them all) If the Xeno mode is staying, I think it needs some nerfs. Here are some that I propose: 1: Remove Xenos' ability to freely traverse space. It's incredibly annoying when we have their backs against the wall, they can just waltz into space, travel around the station, and start somewhere else anew. Very few crew have access to EVA gear, even fewer who are immediately ready to chase them into space, and even fewer with jetpacks needed to out-maneuver them. 2. Increase the time before a hugger successfully infects you, or/and the delay to burst. I was facehugged in the second assault, and only seconds later was I successfully implanted before my partner ripped it off my face. I immediately made my way to medbay, where it was understaffed. I was forced to do surgery myself (as chaplain) on the detective as no one else was around to do it. I was then going to have him perform surgery on me, but I bursted immediately after finishing up his operation. The time span between infection/bursting was most like no more than 2 minutes. Surgery exists to remove embryos, yet rarely is someone able to do so, what with how quick the bursting is. 3. When the first queen dies, that's it. No more queens. Remaining drones can no longer evolve into a queen to replace the dead one. This makes the queen a high priority target, much more so than it currently is. If the crew wants to end the xeno threat, the queen MUST be killed. This would force the queen to play more reservedly, taking more caution in its actions, and trying to evade being spotted. The xenos would feel more inclined to protect the queen, instead of just making sure a single drone survives any skermish. Perhaps the queen would want to prepare for its demise, and creating multiple nests for its spawn. All in all, I'm pretty unhappy with how xenos currently are. They have a high stun rate, can survive space, crawl through vents, and are such a pain in the ass to get rid of, it makes me cry. It's very easy to tell if the other antags are whiped out (blobs can't change location; easy to spot, round ends when other antags are eliminated), but, AFAIK, we're unable to tell if we've COMPLETELY eliminated the xeno threat. We could kill them all, and spend the next half hour in maint looking for nothing, or believe they're all gone, only for them to have been breeding in the old bar. With the way things are now, Xenos just feels like a broken, tiring event.
  18. Pretty sure my incident earlier today is the reason for this post. Gotta say, I'm for it. It's not even necessarily about the chainsaw I guess, but how stimulants make you stun immune/damage immune for a significant amount of time. And with the stimulant/chainsaw combo, how you deflect shots and can't have the chainsaw removed from your hands... you could whipe out everyone in the escape shuttle and no one could do anything about it. Not to mention chainsaws seem to push people to the ground in a single hit.
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