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Everything posted by Plotron

  1. Since the Autolathe interface revamp - we've lost an invaluable tool - we can no longer make clothing. Tribble farming has no point now. Please restore. It's a little feature that was really cool.
  2. Valid reasoning. I grab the jackboots when I can (from the Autodrobe) - I see no need for more of 'em.
  3. You have to give all your heart to win. Do your best. Antags do not play lightly and neither should you. At least on this server, that's what I've learned. Be merciless or face chaos. Personally I CAN'T imagine giving more leeway to antags - the mechanics are there and they're doing just fine even without all this "oh, it's an antag, I'd better not spoil his fun!" shit. Not with this community. And you can't just change community.
  4. Definitely not healing instantly unlike the trauma kits. This means that if you accidentally hit yourself with an ID card, you have to find something to eat to heal the damage and the bruise pack won't even heal it (fully at least, if it does heal at all).
  5. They're a waste unless applied to a bleeding part of the body. Make them return an error message when applied wastefully since they do not heal actual damage anymore. Discuss.
  6. I find this behaviour rather rare. Your AI and RD are supposed to supervise robotics or hell, even a security officer with camera access. IMO all such offices or workplaces deserve privacy shutters - and maybe a holosign - to tell the people that they're either busy or that the shop is closed.
  7. It's kinda hidden. Regarding your map: it's fantastic! I'd love to see more varied floor tile types, though. Cryopods standing on wood? No! Also the wooden tables everywhere - make it a bit varied, especially in the surgery room. Metal tables would be preferred. You could add some windoors or tiny windows inside to make the ship look more segmented. I'd say: remove about 60% of the wooden flooring in there and replace it with something more ship-worthy. It looks like a wooden cabin. IN SPACE. Also the washroom could use a free locker or something. It looks kinda... dull. Maybe a tiny shower room?
  8. Heh, currently I am seeing that the AI core is indeed one of the least safe places on the station. It keeps getting blown up during nukies and even gets meta'd in xeno rounds. Not fun dying 10-20 minutes into the round.
  9. It's all about putting things in boxes. You can carry as much shit as you want - it just takes MUUUCH more effort to take it all out and use it.
  10. I want briefcases in other places too. Useful for storing DNA syringes - this way at least they won't be ditched like trash.
  11. The red pointing arrow can actually be seen by the AI even in areas that are not covered by cameras. That's how you can spot shady activity in derelict bar, for instance.
  12. It's not caused by lack of inventory slots. It's caused by the greytide that joined the server. They're new. They're terribad. Clowns are usually played by robust players. They're smart. Skill>gear in this case.
  13. Security is NOT getting wrecked. The balance is currently okay in most cases.
  14. It's been discussed already. There is at least one discussion thread somewhere. Pre-inventory nerf when I was a bodyguard I used to carry some medical supplies, a pair or two of handcuffs and all the security gear from the locker you could imagine (I loved the hailer) + a pinpointer in the webbing vest to quickly locate the captain. Now? It's either put everything in a medkit (takes extra time to get these supplies out) or skimp on your handcuffs (and pepperspray, and a bunch of other things). It's rather hard as there isn't much space (if any) remaining for vital shit. Well, at least it's harder to be a human supercop now. Also: since when do tasers and batons NOT take a single hit to stun? Were these changes reverted already?
  15. The cryo room is too big, for instance. Cloning room could use more space. It sucks to be working there during emergencies.
  16. I talked about it some time ago in OOC/deadchat and the rationale behind this hole is... well, it's there so that you can bomb Medbay and effectively cause a life support failure. So far I haven't seen anyone taking advantage of this place. I agree with you, it should be filled. Medbay is cramped as it is. I wouldn't say that we need more storage space (the secondary storage is used mostly during viral outbreaks), but hell - even making the maintenance a bit bigger and putting some racks in there would've fixed the problem. How about additional medical lockers for newly appointed doctors? I could even see Virology access hallway shortened (these chairs are useless and are plain ugly) and a new room added.
  17. I want this AI sprite. It's cool and hi-tech!
  18. 1:0 The win goes to Fox. Eloquent, comprehensive. big picture, good counterexamples. Little if nothing to add.
  19. Well, you can no longer laser nukies through the windows... blame the consoles. Can anyone make Fruerlund's version live?
  20. I always tell security/heads to report unauthorized shit and arrest the offenders. You have to understand that knowledge = safety and that the AI/Captain are supposed to be the most knowledgeable beings on the station. Sometimes a simple "Hey, I am doing this and that" in the appropriate communications channel is enough, sometimes it is not. A PDA message goes a long way.
  21. It's not like the gamemode isn't completely broken at the moment. It is broken. I can't really tell how valid my technique is. Currently there isn't much strategy involved in this gamemode - aliens are way too powerful 1 vs 1. Regarding door abuse: I loved spamming the doors as alien when the crew wanted to bust in. Every door they took down was replaced by two new doors. It made breaking into the hive a bit harder. AND you could simply use a backdoor and stab the person in the back if the guy went in too far. Now it's more like "Oh, they're shooting. Pooping a wall here!" - and you're done, they can't reach you and you can hide. Or even make a maze and lure them into it. But that's the point of drones, isn't it?
  22. Gotta catch 'em all! A little feature. Quite niche. Liking it - why not make laptops even more useful? I am afraid it will be shot down, because [balance].
  23. Currently instead of building walls all made of doors (a huge door resin mass), I build wall mazes that force people into CQC. Sure, it is a bottleneck for 3+ aliens, but it works wonders. And I find it way more useful than doors.
  24. The telebaton has a longer cooldown to prevent the person wielding it from stunlocking two people. The flash change made it harder to handle shit in departments - true. It's easy to lose your telebaton. All in all, I find it fairly balanced. Also: haloss telebaton sounds interesting.
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