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Posts posted by TullyBBurnalot


    Do not post in Admin Complaints unless you have information relevant to the situation at hand. This is not a discussion thread.


    After taking a look at the situation, I do not see any wrongdoing on Kluys' part. While the Rules do not specifically tell you that you aren't allowed to pull "pranks" as an Engineer or turn off the Gravity Generator, doing so does not constitute a "prank" as much as it is Self-Antagging, which is explicitly against our Server Rules.


    You admitted yourself that you were doing it to be an ass, which is not an appropriate excuse for turning off the only thing that lets people walk normally on the station. Just because other people destroy or sabotage things does not mean you are allowed to do so; the others may very well be Antagonists, and if not, they would be receiving a PM as well.


    What you did with the Gravity Generator constituted an act of Self-Antagging, and a quite severe one at that considering what you did and your reasons for it. And because it was the first of its kind, you were issued a warning and a Note was added to your Ckey. This is meant to serve as your one warning to read the Server Rules carefully and never break them again.


    Considering what happened, I see no reason to remove the Note, as what you did was, in fact, Noteworthy.





    First off, let me just paste the full conversation here...


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): why did you reset the timer on cell 1?


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): One sec


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): Suspected cult


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): Thats not a crime. release them.


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): We are trying to find a way of testing


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): In the mean time, release them. dont keep people in like that.


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): Oh so we have to release suspected cultists


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): What the hell is that


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): Yes, unless you have proof of some crime, you dont throw people in the brig.


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): Well they were in brig for kidnap first of all


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): And why would anyone in the right mind release a cultist


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): they did time for that. unless you have a crime to extend it on. release them.


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): Because they might not be, and you're not above the law.


    ADMIN: PM: Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus)->Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer): Ok then, well


    ADMIN: PM: Kluys/(Tony Wayfarer)->Linukas/(D'jarr K'azerus): if you wait any longer Ill be forced to actually step in.


    Now, there are few key points in my own reply that I would like to highlight:


    If you have any legitimate evidence of them being an EOC, you prosecute them according to Space Law.


    "Legitimate evidence" of someone being a cultist include either possession of a tome/cultist materials, their blood on a drawn Rune, or direct witnessing of cult activity. None of these were present. The person did not have anything cult-related on them, nor did they have their blood on a rune, nor did they do anything cult-related. Therefore, Point 1 does not apply.


    If you have very strong, but not definitive evidence, you have the right to hold them up to ten (10) minutes in Processing. If you find no definitive evidence, you have to let them go.


    They key-word here is Processing. The issue here is that this person was already detained. They were already serving time, more time, in fact, than what would be allotted for you to hold them in Processing if you had no evidence. Which, in fact, you did not. You based your assumption that they were a cultist entirely on them kidnapping someone. Which leads me to:


    If all you have are suspicions, you leave them alone and just investigate on the side.


    You did not have any actual evidence of them being a cultist. You are not to treat everyone who comes into the Brig as an Antagonist just because there are Antagonists around. All you had was a cloudy suspicion because they kidnapped someone. They did not have any cult items on them, or commit any cult activities. It is suspicious, yes, but that is all it is: a suspicion.


    So yes, Kluys was perfectly justified in telling you that you could not just hold them until you finished your investigation. This person had already served time for their crime. At the end of their sentence, they are to be released, not kept in the Brig because you have a suspicion they might be an Antagonist.



    If you have any legitimate evidence of them being an EOC, you prosecute them according to Space Law.


    If you have very strong, but not definitive evidence, you have the right to hold them up to ten (10) minutes in Processing. If you find no definitive evidence, you have to let them go.


    If all you have are suspicions, you leave them alone and just investigate on the side.



    I honestly do not understand how you think premeditated murder is not your fault. According to what you yourself said, all this person did was order weapons. You decided to respond to this by seeking out and murdering them without them laying a finger on you.


    If you are honestly going to sit there and tell me that was not only justified, but right, then, again, I have no idea what to tell you. That is just ludicrous.



    When i started playing admins were cordial part of community chatting with players and having fun. Now it seems like admins and community are on two sides of barricade where admins act like lifeless machines towards comunity there is less communication and even less understanding between the two sides. Admins refuse to take any action that could possibly harm them in even a little way.


    While it is true that we have veered towards becoming much more like our great overlord the Answering Machine, I find that it works best in most situations. We are here to enforce the Rules and provide a nice playing experience.


    And. Not or.


    If it feels we are behaving like "lifeless machines", then it is most likely because we are on the tail end of Greyshit #12316238123876, and after a while, the ability to be jovial dies in a fire, which then burns to cinders itself.


    EXAMPLE: If i would unfairly die 2 years ago in accident caused by other player and not by my own fold i would get revived and told: You have your chance show us you are not scrub. Now it's more like: We don't have to do shit if it's not our fold you died.


    It isn't our fault you died. You are not entitled to a revive just because you screwed up. You might get one if it is legitimate grief, but getting a free revive is a privilege, not a right, and has always been so.


    Also, "unfairly" has a strictly personal definition. I have seen plenty of people demand revives over "unfair" kills that were perfectly legitimate.


    Admins used to interact with players in funny ways and have fun doing so nowdays i would call the situation "stale"


    Such is what happens when most of our time is spent actually Adminning, rather than running Mini-Events. A sad consequence of a lower number of active Administrators.


    That, and whenever we try a large Event, something always goes wrong. Kinda demoralizing.


    Even the players who know the space law and SoP and do the best they can get shunned and shamed by community veteran players became in many cases complete shitters which do nothing more then annoy to point where you not only hate them but yourself as well.


    I can assure you, those greyshits are not "veteran players".


    They are week-old accounts made by bored people. If you are legitimately shunned and shamed by people for trying to follow Space Law and SOP, those are not "veterans" talking to you.


    Admins do not apply common sense anymore.


    Read: "My" common sense.


    When i was robbed in maint i had such issue at the time i was staying in one place and could not move which essentialy made "AFK/SSD" when i finally managed to reload the game i found myself robbed of all my belongings when i asked for help in Ahelp only thing i got back was basically You were not actualy SSD so we won't do a shit about it.


    Being AFK never gave you any special protection. Ever.


    Yes, it is a dick move. No, it is not against the Rules. We have no real legitimacy to tell people not to rob others if they just find them standing around, considering it is not in the Rules.


    It would not be "common sense" to tell that person to return your stuff. It would be a deliberate case of Admin Abuse for the sake of one player's minor inconvenience.


    That was the last straw. Unluckil for the guy and for me i had maxcap bomb in my backpack which i wanted to use for CC grief. I PMed kharshai with i got enough do what you have to and hit the button. I at least went away with boom.


    And here we see you responding to theft by blowing up a maxcap bomb, despite the Administrator handling the case telling you, twice, that doing so would result in a ban.


    Do not blame your decisions on others. This one is entirely on YOU.


    Unban Requests. You know what is best way to get unbanned?

    LIE. Humiliate yourself.


    If you call "Apologizing for breaking the Server Rules" humiliating, I honestly have nothing else to tell you.


    Plenty of people have appealed bans, only to go on and never break a Rule again, not even gather another Note. Believe it or not, we are actually quite good at telling when people are lying. Trying to do so is a quick way of getting yourself permanently kicked out.


    My first perma was unfair and illogical ban placed on me by IcyV. I got banned for killing him basically, what i did was disrupt his Tajara clique while he loaded his QM office with shitload of guns.


    unfair and illogical


    I got banned for killing him basically


    Stop poking holes in your own argument. That's my job.


    Whether or not you think your actions are justified is irrelevant. Everyone obeys the Server Rules. Period. We do not open exceptions because people feel what they are doing is logical.


    I knew i was in right but what i had to do to get unbanned?


    You killed someone with no physical provocation. The fact that, after this long, after so many Notes, Tempbans, Jobbans, Temp Jobbans and Permabans, you still think you were right, is astounding.


    Really, I am legitimately astounded.


    Tell them i was wrong


    Which you were.


    I had to humiliate myself just so i can play on server i love.


    Again, admitting to a fuck-up is not "humiliating" yourself. If you think it is, being banned from a 2D Spessman Farting Simulator is the least of your troubles.


    It does not matter if you are right and you were banned unfairly if you bring up admin being the one wrong your unban will get denied.


    You are not right. You think you are right, which is immensely different.


    Do not blame this on the Administrators, the community, or the Server, Beoni.


    You fucked up. Not anyone else.


    And until you realize that, and are willing to apologize, the door will remain closed.



    I've had plenty of time to mull over what my decision for leaving the Mentor team and the server as a whole were. Because oftentimes I found myself angry at the state of affairs without really knowing what exactly I was directing my anger at.


    Thank you for injecting some much-needed rational critical thought.


    Allow me to take a short moment to praise LifeWeb in regards to this point; dying should act as a deterrant, not something that you have to try prevent from happening. By this I mean that changes such as the ability to tap a lightbulb and burn yourself should be possible, but there should be a real tangible consequence for doing something so monumentally stupid. Death is meant to be an end, and in LifeWeb, it mostly is, unless you're lucky enough to be buried, however in SS13 it's seen as a minor inconvenience due to the myriad of ways an idiot can be revived.


    This is something that we tackled over in Staff Chat a few times, and is indeed something that a lot of people have an issue with. I recall when I first found out that defibs had a 10-minute range of action. Even I thought that was patently ridiculous and forgiving for what was, essentially, supposed to be an emergency measure. It has, thankfully, since been reduced to 3 minutes before the defib becomes useless, which I believe was a nice step.


    However, when it comes to the cheapness of death, the issue is: cloning. And because of that...


    I'm not asking for something ridiculous such as "remove cloning and defibs ree", but perhaps the defects of resuscitation and cloning should be more permanent. For example, let's say Urist McGreytide dies in a fistfight, which is a pretty stupid way to die in the first place. He should be cloned but suffers problems as a result of dying. By that I mean for instance the brain damage caused by cloning is permanent, therefore making him hard to communicate with.


    Cloning is an issue when it comes to how cheap death is. As long as your brain remains intact, you can shove it into a fresh body, press a button, and you are five minutes away, tops, from being back at full health, or seconds if you have enough upgrades, with no permanent downsides.


    Being defibbed stops working after 3 minutes, and even then may require extensive surgery to keep you alive.


    Strange Reagent can outright gib you if not used properly.


    Cloning... has no downsides. You get cloned, get a Cryobath, get some Mannitol, done. No inherent danger apart from coming out of the tube naked, and assuming you are getting cloned in the first place, it is likely your killer, if there was one, can do little to nothing to stop you.


    One proposed solution was to have Cloning permanently reduce your maximum HP, making it much easier for you to die once again. And, after a few cycles, your clones would simply become too "corrupted" to be adequately cloned, and you would be permanently removed from the round. Personally, I would love to try this out, perhaps in conjunction with an increase in cloning time.


    I've made my point on this so many times now that I really won't focus on this point entirely as trying to change the administration's mind on this matter is like attempting to draw blood from stone. I see a net loss of valued players from delisting, I'm not denying some good players arrive as a result of listing, but at the same time competent people are burnt out after their third liver surgery because Urist McAlcohol can't stop wasting other people's time.


    I can understand, and I agree. Fundamentally, however, Paradise was meant to be listed. I remember back when I started playing regularly, and even joined the Staff, that we were listed. We were only ever delisted because we had an alarming shortage of Administrators to handle the potential influx (which, admittedly, is STILL an issue), with the server often going adminless for long stretches of time.


    Of course, this ended up resulting in a rather stale, predictable, and outright boring environment, and soon enough, we were getting people clamoring for relisting. People who, hilariously enough, then turned around to demand delisting soon after.


    The Fountain:


    The issue here is not creativity, but labor.


    There are plenty of ideas floating around in dozens of heads. But the problem is getting dedicated people to actually go through the process of coding them. I see many, many individuals throwing phrases like "Someone should do X" or "Someone should get on Y" or even "The coders should make Z".


    We do not pay our coders. They are volunteers, with their own lives outside this game. If we did pay them, I may actually agree, but we do not.


    This does not, however, mean I am dismissing these ideas. Many of these could be fun to try out, and with our new server situation, patching and rolling back the codebase is utterly trivial, so experimentation can take a much heavier role in Paradise. But the issue remains that, at the end of the day, if you want something implemented, the best, simplest and quickest way to do it is to code it yourself. Otherwise, that is all the idea is going to be: an idea.


    Is it easy? No, not really. And, admittedly, we have never been that friendly to new coders, for which I do, in fact, personally fault a few certain individuals who shall remain unnamed. But if you want to learn how to code, ask. Keep asking until you get someone who teaches you how to get started. Then... start coding. Even simple stuff like changing a value here, or a word there, adding flavor to this or that. Do not be afraid to ask questions regarding code work; hell, most of "my" bug fixes were almost entirely based on information I asked from the Coders/Maintainers. Most of the time, they know how to fix it, but are otherwise busy, and simply asking can do wonders for both the codebase, and your own experience.


    Remember: determination. Be the change you want to see.




    Very true. But i think this is more about coders|admins listeting to every part of community which let's be honest is one of the problems.


    I will echo Necaladun here. That "poll" was mired in vitriolic drama not unlike the one we regularly find on r/ss13, not to mention the fact that yes, we had a bunch of new accounts join up to vote after the poll was announced on Reddit. And "Yes" still got more votes.


    That was not a case of the Coders/Admins not listening to the community. It was a case of them seeing active bias at work.


    And as horrible as this sounds, listening to every part of the community is a terrible idea, because that would mean no consensus would ever be found in a workable amount of time. The "community" is an incredibly diverse cast of characters with their own likes and dislikes. The easiest way to annoy everyone is trying to listen to everyone at the same time.


    At the end of the day, having a set direction and investing in it would be a far more efficient solution than taking in all the noise and trying to make sense of it.



    Can we go back to issues that are both relevant and liable to being worked on, as opposed to a one and a half year-old PR that is most likely never going to be reverted and is doing nothing except stalling the discussion and diverting it to places that are everything BUT productive?


    The amount of focus on Vulpkanin is ridiculous. They are not going away. Deal with it. If you cannot, no one is forcing you to stay. But this discussion has been derailed enough. So, for the love of our collective sanities, get back onto the topic.



    Vulp lore has already been updated, as per the efforts of the Lore Team. That said, Lore has never had as much sway here as it did elsewhere, and we have never thought about actually enforcing it. Rather, use it as something of a foundation, from which individual players may choose to build their character on.


    For all this talk of cliquish sex-freaks, I've yet to encounter one. If it is a real phenomenon, it certainly hasn't ruined Paradise for me.


    As I noted before, we have legitimate clique issues with species other than the ones this thread was railed towards. While we certainly did have issues with metacliques, these were a lot more noticeable when we were de-listed.


    I have a nasty suspicion that when the Vulpankins' lore is improved, it will do sod all to quell the complaints about their existence.


    Pretty much sums up this entire situation.



    I don't know that limiting heads to skrell and human is a good change, either. But it is done on other servers.


    This is the 26th century, not Reconstruction-Era Deep South.


    While I am always open to the idea of IC racism done right, I have yet to see a single instance of it that was not, in fact, obviously contaminated by OOC prejudice. And that saddens me, it really does.


    People get upset when they die, and the same people who would have flavor text about things like "deep wisdom and empathy can be clearly seen in their azure eyes" are the same people screaming over ahelp when they get dunked by an antag.


    This is more true than I am comfortable with admitting, and has caused me, and the rest of the Staff, no end of headaches (not to mention the perennial "Was that legit").


    That said, it is hard asking people not to develop an emotional attachment to a character they spend a prolonged amount of time playing; it is just human nature to get attached to what we like, and I would rather we find ways to channel that energy into more productive venues than to try and cut the flow.


    The reaction is likely to be violent in both cases


    I have actually been surprised at the amount of legitimate furries who have outright said that even blatant stuff like "ligger" no longer gets to them. Whether or not the character is their fursona matters less than, say, the thickness of their skin. Not all of us have the same resistance.


    I have done pnp-style RP and played on neverwinter nights persistent worlds for years, and I don't reuse characters, play myself, or play the same style of character twice in a row because it adds variety and is best practice because the people who only play the same character in every environment get upset when they die and if the environment is persistent, have nothing else to play. It's bad practice.


    The issue is, our server is not a persistent world, nor has it ever been. While I can understand you, and in fact respect you for abiding by the age-old motto of "Variety is the spice of life", some people prefer to play the same character. I would prefer to focus our energies in making sure they can enjoy the experience, as long as they abide by the Server Rules.


    The result of that sort of approach is the toxic kind of snowflake characters that are grating on the rest of us.


    I can personally assure you, that person you are (obviously) referring to does not even rank in the Top 100 Worst Snowfleks once you actually get to interact with them in-game. In fact, they are actually immensely competent at their chosen jobs, and legitimately fun to interact with.


    It is easy to make sweeping statements based on superficial evidence. It is harder to get through the surface and actually gather information relevant to the discussion. Blanket statements make for horrible arguments when you are dealing with unique individuals.


    When you break it down, most of those races are just humans+ in a suit mechanically. Weakness to heat or cold the way those races currently are set up are meaningless because generally if you're cold it's because you're in space, and if you're hot you're on fire. If environments varied more things short of immunity would matter, but they aren't so they don't.


    Lack of variety is an issue. Hopefully we can start working on it Post-Freeze, assuming we can come up with interesting ideas.


    I played on para pre-tesla, and did engineering before and after. I don't understand why the tesla hasn't been disabled or nerfed. It's been an obvious problem with the community being vocal about it for a while, and yet there is no change. The people who have the power to change that don't appear to care enough to do so, which is concerning.


    While I cannot speak for why it was shot down, we did in fact have a PR that severely nerfed the Tesla to make the Singularity relevant again. Again, why it was shot down, I do not know, but I do not think anyone believes the Tesla is in any way a balanced addition, considering it is, in every way, objectively better than the Singularity, as opposed to an equal alternative.


    EDIT: Fox has since informed me that the Tesla has actually been nerfed and now produces LESS power than the Singularity.


    Goes to show my entire argument about information, really, even if it is at my own expense.


    There were some modifications to atmos that were common for increasing efficiency, but absolutely no changes or setup were required. The only unique thing about Atmosia is that they have pipe dispensers for air, and thus are needed to repair broken ones. You could merge atmos and engineering with very little issue because in many rounds neither has much actual work to do.


    To be fair, even back in ZAS, very little setup was required unless you wanted to optimize efficiency, which was not really required as long as you kept breaches closed, and the Air Mix Loop intact. Atmos has always been a niche job that could be described as "Engineer who understands basic fluid mechanics". LINDA just made them even more irrelevant than they already were.




    - Someone who mainly played Atmos Tech during ZAS times. Never forget.


    I said that if you're playing your fursona or yourself, that's not roleplaying. The difference is of identity.


    On a technical level, I absolutely agree. Issue is proving if they are playing themselves or their fursona.


    Not all vulps are playing their fursona. Some absolutely are. Canid and feline fursonas are 100% the most common http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/List_of_most_popular_species. In fact, they're 5 out of the top 10. This is not an impression that isn't based on data. Paradise added by far the most popular type of furry race (vulpkanin means foxwolf. The coder that added them uses the handle fox Mccloud on multiple media. The most popular types of fursona are fox, wolf, dog. It doesn't take sherlock holmes or B.F. Skinner to understand that when you make a race like that, you attract furries specifically.


    Not even going to question the validity of this statement, since it is valid. Just pointing out I, too, dislike the name Vulpkanin. Though I would attribute that mostly to lack of creative imagination than anything else.


    (Sorry, Fox)


    Vox are screechy shitbirds who are played with all the charisma and concern with collateral damage of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty


    This actually made me chuckle. Stopping the text wall here just to say that.


    I love seeing them around because their players genuinely play them to be hilarious and the roleplay is very much non-human and consistent.


    The issue here is that this is wishful thinking. From personal experience, as an Administrator, Non-Vox player and Vox player, a large portion of the Vox characters you see are a single gentle push away from acting as a species-wide metaclique to the nth degree. In all my time here, I have had infinitely more issues with Vox players acting like Speciestide than anything remotely related to any of the more "traditionally" furry races.


    And before that, it was Slime people. Compared to these two, Taj/Vulp are tame little babbies.


    flock to areas that cater to them, often unintentionally by simply allowing anthropomorphic animals as a lazy way to portray alien species.


    They key-word is cater, which I believe is wrongly chosen. They flock to areas that accept them.


    The SS13 "community" is a fantastic example of that. In most places, simply being a furry is enough to get you singled out for behaviours that range from simply being treated like a second-class citizen, at best, to having screeching insults lobbed at you and outright lynching, at worst.


    For a personal preference.


    Can you blame them for flocking to places where that won't happen? Because I can't. And I won't.


    The ridiculous comparison I think is being made as a subtext is anti-furry sentiment as racism or being homophobic.


    It is still treating someone negatively based entirely on a harmless personal preference. Which... yes, in my opinion kinda ranks it near those two things in terms of how irrational it is. Someone simply being a furry in no way impacts anyone. Acting like their mere existence is unwelcome is exactly why they flock to places where people act decently to them.


    But I don't want or need to know who you are sexually attracted to while playing a 2d farting spessman simulator


    I can assure you, if anyone does that, we ban them.


    Unless you are making an assumption that because someone is a furry, they are sexually attracted to anthropomorphic animals by default. If so, see my "blanket statements" statement above.


    Vulp in particular are a huge magnet for furry fetishists


    [Citation needed]


    Dumbed down mechanics


    The issues with overall game design and code direction are being handled Staff-side. While we cannot provide details, if everything goes as planned, we will be seeing an increase in experimentation and overall innovation.




    As long as they abide by the Server Rules, these will not be issues. Refer to the "blanket statement" statement.


    ban-happy policies


    Our ban policy has actually gotten more lenient as time went by. There are several bans from early in the server's history that would be unthinkable today, and as I mentioned elsewhere, there are several Staff Members that will go to the ends of the Earth to avoid giving you a ban when a warning is enough.


    Once again, it is easy to draw conclusions based on incomplete information. Its treating those conclusions as ultimate fact that leads to drama llamas like the ones in Reddit.



    I would like to point out, I am actually always open to re-draw the lines in the sand as to how SOP operates. I never intended it for it to be "IT IS DONE, FINISHED, NEVER TOUCHING THIS AGAIN", as even a teeny tiny PR can force it to adapt.


    Case in point: energy bolas. STILL have not gone around to adding that to "Things Officers can carry", and I have actually seen people wonder aloud if SOP allows it.


    Not even kidding. Actually proud of that. Good on you, goodcurity.


    And yes, I will admit I had a set idea of what I wanted SOP to be. But the threads stand there as evidence that if nothing else, I am open to have people nitpick the shit out of what I create, and adapt accordingly. In fact, I welcome nitpicking; I respect Tzo immensely for, at the time, basically going up and saying "This is bullshit, here is why."


    If it at any point felt dictatorial, I apologize. As I noted, if there are any points you would like to readdress, with valid reasoning of course, I am open to discourse.


    IN REGARDS to my recent shutting down of the ZAS thread, it was entirely because every last one of those we had descended into thinly veiled hostility, misinformed shitslinging, and overall saltiness. Seeing as going back to ZAS is no longer an option at this point, it was the consensus of the Staff, online at the time, to not allow the thread to progress to its logical conclusion.



    The admins are either apathetic or favoritist, giving special attention to oldies and their own friends, or giving zero attention to anyone at all despite the circumstances.


    This is so false I will not even bother going into why it is.


    Suffice to say, if you want to spread lies and misinformation, this is not the place to do it.


    EDIT: And if you have legitimate evidence of favoritism and the like, we have an Admin Complaints Forum, and I highly advise you to bring that evidence to our attention.


    There has been many instances back when I was more active when some infractions would occur, whether it be non-antag murder or even just simple LOOC harassment, (I assume that no action was taken here. Apologies if there has been but this quote retains relevancy later.) the admins just would never get to it, no matter how many are online or whatever else is going on at the time.


    This is something that we often have to point out: we rely immensely on Adminhelps.


    Maybe we are playing the game, maybe we were not paying attention at the time, maybe it got buried in the logs. Fact of the matter is, no, we are not omniscient, and yes, stuff sometimes falls through the cracks.


    Sexual remarks and emotes, for instance, while a clear breach of one of our Server Rules, is something we cannot actually find out by ourselves unless:


    a) We are on the receiving end;


    b) We are observing and found that one line amidst the Chat Log Spam;


    c) Someone Adminhelps the situation


    It is easy to point out at stuff like this and claim nothing was ever done, when it is entirely possible that the Administrators online simply did not see it. This is why we constantly tell you to Adminhelp things. Not doing so is potentially letting rule-breaking behavior go unpunished.


    That is the entire point of the Adminhelp system. If we could preemptively react to every single instance of the Rules being broken, we would need the system. But we do.



    Also adding his own fluff race with speshful snuwflake backround no one can touch...


    The "original" lore was (thankfully) shot down. The assigned Lore Team has already produced something new and (hopefully) better.


    No offense intended to Fox, but, well... yeeeeeeeeah, not the best loretobethrowingaroundinitially...




    Tully, i liked tully more when he was not admin. Since he became admin it went bad... his PMs are usually passive aggresive and i do not like it one bit.


    Please do not mistake legitimate passiveness for passive aggressiveness. Yes, I tend to treat every PM Exchange in the exact same manner: clinical, unfeeling, and focused entirely on extracting as much information as possible.


    As impersonal as it feels, I find it leads to the best overall results. I have also, in conjunction with the rest of the Staff, begun to start addressing original Adminhelpers to inform them their case has been handled.


    Though, admittedly, we still have a lot of work to do in that area. We often forget to get back to people, and for that, we apologize.


    Regens. Regens who will most likely remove this post and bans me because of either being mentioned here or what he will read. He is passive aggressive in not only PMs but in almost every conversation i have ever had with him. And that should not be.


    Absolutely no offense intended to Regens, but I do not think you know what passive-aggressive means.


    Regens is usually quite blunt.


    I would like to actualy commend behaviour of Dum and Rumi (actualy the youngest and the oldest admins as far as i know)

    they are the ones that you want to be PMd by :)


    Can confirm. Dumb has, on one occasion, spent two entire rounds talking to someone over what was a clear-cut case of rule-breaking.


    Where they find their patience, I have no idea, but I want me some.


    What is problem is actualy veteran players... Yes you hear that right. "Most" of the veterans play either command or security... security was almost always balanced half by half by veteran and new players... which is not happening anymore, because the other half of veteran players are playing civilians as security it is easy to deal with newbies since they have really no skill to compete with you. But veteran players who annoy security to lenghts where i am becoming hopeless is kind of sad.




    Thank you.


    I am amazed how long it took before someone brought this up. Yes, Security turnover is a massive issue. It was already an issue back when we were unlisted and things were, by comparison to what they are now, comparable to Shangri-La.


    Before, at least, we had a dedicated cadre of Security regulars who at least ensured some quality remained in the Department. This compensated, somewhat, the naturally high turnover of Security, the reasons for which are obvious enough and will not be discussed here.


    But now, that cadre is gone. And we have Security being staffed almost exclusively by new players who will have one taste, then run off somewhere funner. And that is a great issue that, frankly, cannot be solved easily apart from going, and going, and going, and working towards making sure Security works properly each round.


    The fact that Greytide is at an all-time high does not help, that is true, but we are working towards cracking down harder on it.


    Same for heads... good players get bored with being head all the time since they have to deal with all kinds of stupid stuff and that is bad.


    Also completely true. See above.



    Vulps not being fox's baby is a lie. Someone else might've suggested it, but the coding done was minimal but he made the art. It was not a popular addition nor was allowing neon fur due to adding nothing new and being snowflake bait.



    Once again, Fox did not create the art for the Vulpkanin race. All everything aside, it was actually a completely different artist who created the original sprite set; and even then we had to wait about four months before we got proper hardsuit sprites.



    Wait, hold on, are you sure wiretouch zapping got removed?


    I need to test this, hold on...


    EDIT: Well damn, you can no longer accidentally zap yourself by touching a wire. Colour me impressed. Still works if you try to add wires, though.


    EDIT2: I am aware, Tristan, but frankly, I am getting tired of seeing legitimate points and discussion be sidetracked with utterly pointless references to "furry pandering" when there are, in fact, plenty of things to be discontent about.


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