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Everything posted by liran424

  1. like anyone uses syringe guns... But for the argument sake, if you remember the game Team Fortress 2 the is a class named "the medic" and he has a rapid syringe gun that fire poison syringes at enemies for a short distance. The same logic is applied here.
  2. My guess it's because they're new. Or just don't know how to share words. You just need to get OOC on them for a second and be tutorial guy. Explain to them HOW to do the stuff (like how to share words or imbue talismans) and leave the rest to them to figure out.
  3. Charging for repairs? do you want a derelict space station, because that's how you make a derelict space station. no one will pay for repairs.. they'll just fix it themselves, plenty of metal to go around. not to mention that if they don't repair they'll have nothing to do. it's their job... it's like saying doctors should charge people for treatment (thanks Obama).
  4. No mask... welp, never used anyways (it was used but I never noticed it's influence.
  5. Really nice round-up work with pictures and examples. Love it
  6. Haven't we already done that? oh wait I`m mistaken with shadowlings. pthhhh
  7. As I read this post I really like what you're cooking here... of course when you think you're about done or need any help in revising the work (if you think it's unbalanced or just want an opinion) just post it in points and we'll comment. My thoughts so far: I agree to this. Keep the Yin controller as a structure (a reskin AI core if you will) and keep a Yin inside it at all time. Coding reason, it's just more simple. Lore reason, the Yin ship doesn't have an "autopilot" or anything automatic at all seem that everything is already run by them anyways. So you would think they'll need someone keeping the ship stable in space and make sure to keep everything working smoothly at all times (may it be the life support system, coolant injectors, magnetic cuplers etc.). So they just sealed a Yin inside the Controller Core (I guess the only way to get him out is by destroying the thing). meta/player reason, it's basically an AI that can only interface with Yin tech. And on another note: We'll need a wiki page for this, just tell us when you're finished or about to be.
  8. Just to clear things up, it was a joke and yes I was referring to that. And it's not fluff it's more like.. novelty lore if you look at it in my perspective. You're right that we should fill the wiki with useful information but a little "fluff" won't hurt anyone. Not to mention that I`m not in charge with regular wiki updating... I just add stuff from time to time.
  9. the page is already in. man up
  10. I've done it myself http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Event_Page I need help in hauling and writing all the events in the page. Feel free to ADD and SHARE events that HAPPENED in the page.
  11. Post the link so I could see it. please.
  12. So are we going to put an event page in or not?
  13. put it inside a safe and they'll never guess where it is
  14. I think it should be: The Captain must keep the Nuclear Authentication Disk in a secure location or on themselves at all times or, failing that, in the possession of the Head of Security or HoP I see no reason to give the blueshield the nuke disk because he's in charge of protecting the heads... not the disk. In case of a nuke ops invasion the blueshield first priority is to the heads not that damned disk.
  15. fixed This is the general roll for all terror spiders.. all terror spiders FEED ON THE LIVING FLESH... but if you say so fixed more then 75% of the rounds will be the queen ordering abductions... so enemy. It's supposed to be something sharp, punny and describes the job in 3-4 words, give me a break. As the players will experiment with the round I'm sure will find something better.
  16. Yes, the plan is to do a PR and get it merged in once I'm satisfied with it. It is taking some time because it is complicated. For comparison, Xenomorphs reproduce in one way (facehuggers), have 7 types (facehugger, larva, drone, hunter, sentinel, queen, empress), and one event. Terror Spiders reproduce in 3 ways, have 10 types (red/green/gray/white/black/purple/mother/queen/prince/empress), 3 events, a gateway mission that revolves around them, and are designed to have AI smart enough to be a genuine threat to crew even without player control (though equally, they're also playable). Terror Spiders will not be as polished as Xenos upon release. But they should be at least as deep as Xenos are, mechanically, and just as interesting, both to fight and to play. That's what I'm aiming for, anyway. Yes, the spiders can hold their breath in space. RL spiders can survive being underwater for literally hours. These are space spiders. To have space kill them seems silly (and bad gameplay, it encourages people do do things like bomb areas / depressurize rooms to try to kill them). As for the wiki, check out: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/User:Tzo Not final, but it is where I've been working on the documentation I will add as a proper wiki page when they're merged. They're looking forward to it too. Excellent. Just copy paste it to the terror spider wiki page when you're done and everything is implemented. And the wiki team will take care of the rest.
  17. What? Are we making it a thing? Could the spiders breath in space (they shouldn't)? Should I start a wiki page? So many questions so little time... EDIT: making the wiki page...
  18. We used to have that. Here is an accurate representation of me while fighting player controlled facehuggers: That's why I mention it.. miss it very much
  19. Will you add controllable facehuggers or we aren't allowed to speak of it?
  20. Read the thread dude. I say in the very first post that the 'final' objectives would have to be nixed. It'd be a worthy tradeoff. Oh didn't notice... still don't like the idea. You aren't considering some important stuff. First, from what you wrote... you have 5 traitors who get no end objectives that have the option to get more objectives if they complete their original objectives at a press of a button . That means 5 potatoes running causing havok. how? apart from their original objectives they can assassinate extra people, which is kind of murderboning giving all the taters have the option to kill more than one crew member (not to mention when they'll get "hijack the shuttle" objective and to be honest I prefer a wizard with no cooldown on EI NATH running around) .Also, they could break into places and steal really valuable shit like the captain Unique Gun.. adv mag boots.. and whatever the HoS, RD and CMO have. It means that all the heads are basically a target cause most likely they'll have the stuff on them. Furthermore, you are completely ignoring security. let's say we have 3 active taters and 2 officers, of course the round is quiet what did you expect the taters going gunz BlaZing 360 No Sc0ping their targets?! at best one of them will use an E sword or a revolver but that's it, security is lacking coverage and there's nothing to do about it except getting more officers which kind of happening but the taters are cycling them so... yeah. And you want to add more objectives to that?! that's mad I tell ya! mad!. That's tater round in a nutshell and if it's "boring" focus on your job and don't be butthurt about it.
  21. The problem with Cargo isn't Cargo itself but the other departments... As stated above the departments are too self sufficient to get outside supplies (from cargo) because they can make everything on their own. [spoiler2]I remember rounds when robotics actually went and ordered boards for their mechs... nowadays it's "let's just wait 5 minutes so R&D could get the tech for us"[/spoiler2] and that leads to no requests for supplies which leads to bored cargo techs. Additionally have you seen what cargo has to offer? Shit... absolute add ons to whatever department they're supposed to go/be (with a few exceptions like virus crates, glass, metal and maybe beekeeper pack). The only thing we need to change is our in game schedule to go to cargo and order stuff... doesn't matter just order something.
  22. More objectives? I don't see how this would work... what if I get "die a glorious death"? how could I complete the "new objectives" if I diedededed Or "highjack the escape shuttle"... it's a round end objective, you can't really click a button and have extra objectives. In my opinion we don't need extra optional objectives... not to mention the strain security would have. -1
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