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Everything posted by liran424

  1. I don't see a reason why should we remove germs and infections. Why? everything that's stated above. Also because it's not that hard dealing with them... unless you're not medical personnel. Apply a full syringe of spacechilin in the infected area and BAM! infection gone.. or reduced so you'll have to inject another syringe.
  2. So we can't gib people anymore... damn. Welp... no one asks where you got those human burgers anyways. Oh and I know it's kinda late..but, add permission to the medical staff to gib morgued soulless corpses if there's no biomatter in cloning.
  3. This thread shifted from lock boxes to SOP to ethics and back to lock boxes and finally to pins? Well in my opinion we shouldn't import them.
  4. Why not just keep gibtonite as is? we need a poll or something
  5. alright that should do it.. now it needs a language overhaul to be more like a vox is reading it to you
  6. I kept it on the forum as it was because the tags were infrequently referenced (seeing as there was nobody working on the wiki in a dedicated manner), and the wiki was edited more or less by a hodge podge of random people interested in doing so occasionally (save a handful of dedicated persons) up until this point. I'll stick with updating the wiki randomly thank you very much
  7. oh.. I think I know what you're talking about. I play as a medical doctor and from time to time miners come (pulled) along with missing limbs bleeding all over my clean floor. Really annoying to say the least.
  8. I'll add some missing things to this page
  9. it pronounced scurb not scrub [spoiler2]I`ll let myself out[/spoiler2]
  10. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Honk_Squad needs alot of love
  11. Basicly a chemical implant that's already loaded with mutadone. I don't know guys... I feel this is going out of hand. I mean... I see the reason to control "combat genes", but why should we allow having them in the first place? In my opinion, "combat genes" are like the illegal R&D tech. No ones carries (or admit carrying) illegal research gear because they know they'll get a tool box to the head for that. And the same mentality should be with "combat genes"... if you see anyone hulking and grunting around (even if they did nothing wrong) they should be shot down and thrown into a tiny cell for even thinking of injecting themselves with the genes. HERE PROBLEM SOLVED.
  12. Can anyone make a sprite of God Emperor of Mankind? In man form and skeleton? I'm mainly asking this because I know there's a unique disk somewhere in space that turns you into him (in appearance not in power. which is very cool if I do say so myself) but it gives you a shitty ass appearance. I hope you can relate and sprite a new.
  13. Still supporting hulk staying...
  14. not to mention that with great power comes great [spoiler2]murderboning[/spoiler2] responsibility.
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