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  1. That makes me sad that Drask lacks a JUSTICE sprite.
  2. The cart used to have a cell in it for power, when the power was out you had to open it and replace the cell. Also the cart lacked a open sprite so you had to do that on a invisible cart. But I digress, fuel would be fun if it was Hollywood style fuel.
  3. Wooden bats made out of wood planks. The use metal rods and the bat on a table to make a spiked bat.
  4. Maybe we should add back rev just so the murderboners can get it out of their system? And not becuse I like rev....no not at all nope
  5. Lets just look at the Dead Rising games and use Improvised weapons from there, like the knife glove.
  6. Ain't the malf-round explosion just the ai selfdestructing the station and not the nuke going off?
  7. Triggerd when hugged? Sweet I can explode myself when hugged!
  8. yes I did mean that, we just need something more interesting in the library... A librarian would be nice Or books.
  9. The feeling I get from several jobs is that you have to "powergame" or you will get yelled at or fired. As an example the chemist, if you don't fill the fridge to the top fast the CMO will go insane at you. Atleast thats how I feel it is.
  10. Well super heroes is somthing Ponnies was making after he returned, then he went away again.
  11. Change name to Nuke Inspector.
  12. Well with LINDA they won't.
  13. Or just get atmos to build a working quickboard system.
  14. Spears,picket signs,pneumaticsomthing Canon, flamethrower, shotgun Shells.
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