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Posts posted by johannhawk


    female sized clothes without fears of clipping through them

    Male and female humans use the same sprites. So long as this torso follows the same shape as a human torso it should be fine. Even more, IPCs use those same sprites so it should be fine no doubt

    i followed the human torso very closely when spriting this, its practically a fancy resprited human female torso...




    Not enough silicone.


    For reals though that looks fine, although the vast majority of the time it's just going to be covered by a jumpsuit.


    i think its at least 80% more silicone than a normal IPC has.


    Also, IPC's could just decide to roll down their clothes...or find rare female sized clothes without fears of clipping through them.


    or get updated to be able to wear underwear like humans can.



    i have been contemplating contributing to fluff.


    Kluys approved of my headcanon fluff text files on items found on the station, i mostly made them so people will feel stupid for yelling bluespace while i have a entire text file detailing how that mysterious item works, also to rub it in the HRP surgeon so he wont strip my clothes before surgery.


    I think we need to copy pasta this into our lore, since news about almost every location listed in that page show up in newscasters.



    edit1: we could need some newscaster editing, since baystation lore spacestation names show up in there and also mentions of Centcomm being attacked by rogue AI's, this could use some fixing later down the line.


    edit2: *lifts general lore fluff carpet*

    *watches in horror of all the hodges and podges!!

    ok, first off, i think we should replace the "other life" section of this page http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Backstory

    with a link to this page http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Species


    secondly, this page has some unused and possibly obsolete links at the bottom of it, http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Tajaran

    tully only managed to label one of them as obsolete....somehow

    skimming over some old crew records on the forums shows that this was used on our server AGES ago.


    thirdly, if you scroll to the bottom of this page, you get something named as the fyrsskar http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Skrell

    who the hell are those guys?


    a large scale rework project is in order.



    Oie, I lay falsehood on your reporting. "First tail transplant" my ass.


    Though is nice to see an IA do something.

    If it makes you feel better, i mentioned that you showed Eli Randolph on how to do the surgery on a later shift.



    A regrowth option would be nice but have it so they have to have the connected region ( upper and lower body) need full health and full nutrition. Takes much concentration so no moving for, idunno, five minutes?


    Freely able to change hair/cosmetics on the fly after standing for several seconds.


    i can fully agree with those options, IPC's can change their monitor whenever, and it should be easy codewise, just give them the morph (not polymorph) mutation at roundstart.


    and the regrowth option...more slimepeople limbs to pass around for more *squish emotes for the entire crew!



    I have to seriously wonder whether or not Jonah is actually into Zeke, or whether this is all fanfic.


    Everything I know about Tully is being brought into question.

    Just be a ghost above Tully for long enough...no wait, he can see ghosts as an admin, be like me and suddenly show up in the middle of their actions.



    Oh yeah, the picture has a typo.



    People are probably turned off by the no-glasses thing?


    I don't play it despite having the species mainly because playing as a bug man doesn't really suit me, so personal preferences might also be a reason. (Although that can be said with any species with any one.)


    And behind the karma thing: You can be diona when you first start. You need to get 30 kp for kidan which takes some effort and they may be trying to buy something else first.

    actually, i just simply changed the title.




    CC had a mentoring on the subject of medical and chemistry event, and one of the subjects was surgery. We dissected a Syndicate agent[spoiler2]and ate his burger remains later[/spoiler2].


    This is Jane hugging Jenkins.

    i feel so wronged...i dismantled the unused chairs before the surgery table showed up there, and then i almost got hit by a pulse laser and then kicked back to CC. and then they were going to remove the chairs ANYWAYS!


    i needed the recycled chair metals so i can make a wall that accepts newscasters, so i can spread the seminar to people who didnt manage to show up.


    and i tried to record it for later too...



    well, time to make ghetto grade KO pills, so i can force a guy to pass out from a 50u vodka pill after tabling them.


    and then choke them in maint!...or just feed them two more pills for the toxin damage and blame it on the drinks to avoid suspicion!


    just hope i dont get hit by that 2-5% drunk-fu uppercut that does 12 damage


    EDIT: on a more serious note, we should also add cybernetic livers...for once.



    it has always peeved me that the highlander round isnt actually highlander, its just people dressed as scotsmen while wielding swords, trying to beat each other while music plays in the background.


    where are all the immortality stuffs!


    i would also want them to have a changeling self revive, and it wouldnt work obviously if their heads are chopped or the body is destroyed, just like in highlander


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