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Posts posted by johannhawk


    i think the crew would definetly want to barter for one of these...


    or just have the visitors put a defense against the crew who want their dakka with infinite amounts of relatively squishy projectiles that can only be recharged "in the right hands" *inb4 district 9 style arm chopping in order for the crew to get the guns to work for them, only for the arm to decay in 20 mins or so* egh, too much coding.

    Clown Cult.zip





    Do you mean just using the tajaran hardsuits that kinda look like the slimmer tails without the fur? If not, I absolutely don't get what you mean.


    Well kinda sorta that. The third one I was meaning some sort of bag-like thing that the tail goes in and the bag is vacuumed of air so it hugs the tail no matter what type of tail and its connected to the suit. And of course I don't mean just any bag like a trashbag.


    Though first one is probably the better.


    Reinforced elastic space proof tailbags, should function like the namesake of terrible command staff, except its intended for space.



    The issue is that for a lot of antags, their objectives are exactly that: binary. How would you incorporate a percentage rating for the objective to steal item x, or kill person y?


    we kinda...dont.


    while its a theoretical step in the right direction, somebody with 2 objectives can only get a range of 0%, 50% or 100%


    here is a example of somebody with a steal item and escape objectives with this system.


    Sure, you escaped the station but didnt steal that hypospray, but you get to live to serve the syndies a another day...eventually 50%


    ok, you stole the hypospray and the round ended with it in your inventory and you are super dead to boot, at least the syndies will find your body quick enough to get the item, just like those "glorious death" objective antags. 50%


    welp, you are super unrobust and didnt get anything done, 0%


    yay, you did everything, 100%



    theres also the "overall" thing.

    All antags get half their objectives done by the end of the round.

    overall marker thing says 50%


    well, percentages in the overall thing should be more like vox heist or nuke ops win conditions except a bit longer and avoiding the words "win" or "lose", since in the end, its just a 2D spessman simulator.


    again, the overall thing is optional and if its implemented, it will be alongside all the individual antags rating.


    just realized most of my post didnt cater to your question...



    EDIT: maybe have a higher than 100% thing where you use a emagged fax machine or comms console to message the syndies for more objectives, and push your rating over 100% if you pull it all off.



    oh look, you did all your objectives plus the couple of extras, but you died and so on, well, syndie undercover agents are disposable anyways! 150%



    Sorry for the stupid thread title......altough there are admins that send the worst possible ERT if somebody does a stupid sounding ERT request during blob rounds...


    Anyways, i propose that we should replace the super binary red/green text that most antags gets and have something more like the heist gamemode, or just a percentage.


    individual and separate for every antag of course.


    as far as the non-antag crew is concerned, we COULD have a another percentage and/or voxxy (major/minor/win/loss) that shows the overall objective completions that the antags as a whole did, along with the individual completions.



    It might be worth dispelling a common fallacy here. Having fur does not necessarily mean a creature is from a colder environment. Fur can also develop (and has developed) as a method for drawing body heat away from the body and protecting it from direct sunlight in hotter climes. A good fantasy example of this is the Khajiit from TES because I'm an elder scrolls nerd - Similar to tigers, their habitat is hot and humid, and their fur is meant to draw heat away from the body. This was the subject of many slap-downs when I saw people confused all like, "Why are khajiit in skyrim really cold when they have fur?! Nonsense!"


    So, don't fall into the logic trap of "fur = heat retention" - we might be able to expand into more interesting areas this way.



    My suggestion though, make them come from a cold planet, arctic conditions. Fur wise fits that, other than that I don't really have much input to be honest. Somethingsomething rawr.





    In iceland, prisons are of higher quality than retirement homes...




    ANYWAYS, one time dumbdumn spawned me a foodbomb and a cardboard stealth box in permabrig for ending up in permabrig 3 times in a row as a peacetag slime person that cant digest the food in the prison vendors...


    it ended up to be more fun than normal brig, which is how it should be.




    -Use the coat and then make everything fit onto my catfolk anatomy

    -discreetly grab a hatchet

    -wear a fedora

    -implant as many heads as possible, except the CE, while gathering gear.

    -go to medbay for gear, scanny things

    -go to R&D for gear, ...dont ask

    -go to brig for gear, zipties to fill that empty space in my belt and jack sandals

    -may or may not make the edgiest announcement

    -shoot at nerds that try to harm command staff

    -do things to them that i said in the edgy announcement, within spess law


    -get to shuttle

    -shoot everyone when it lands at CC. and nobody gets to go outside the cockpit


    Hair Stylist:


    -get coin and pAI, dash for a toolbelt

    -if not antag, label ALL THE THINGS so sec will have a harder time hiding it from the IAA. and making it easier for detectives to connect dots.

    -put stuff in a locker

    -put locker in barbershop and relocate the dye machine into the bar

    -begin the neon/highly saturated/bubblegum hair dying


    -get stronger stun gear than antags when the need arises

    -try to not get killed by the neon pink things



    I had some accidental undressing going on as the captain trying to hand out medals because of this. Poor blueshield didn't know what he walked into.


    edit: This may or may not be the situation Johann mentioned.


    we REALLY talked about that for a while....



    i made a new disabler gun...thing with a collapse-able stock, its somewhat aimed for the bluesheild to use incase if there is a lynch mob of cultists or similar.


    But Johann, there's no recoil to compensate for!



    ill tell you what the stock compensates for, its the faces of syndicate and greytide scum.


    Apply the butt of the stock into undesired faces.







    and its also sprited in a way that flashlights wont look wonky when attached.



    i can also agree with what plotron said


    Issue again with that is, you can't replace the Revolver with a pure none-lethal weapon, it just wont work. Blueshield needs to be pack a punch if he needs to, i.e against Mobs, Nukies, etc.



    dreams already crushed anyways ;-;





    i have this scene burned into my mind when i was playing as a blueshield.


    The detective suffered some minor wounds after cremating a ling and the captain decided to give him a medal for personal reasons.


    When i walked into the captains office with some personally heated coffee on a plate, i saw the captain strip off the detectives clothes just to put on a medal.


    But for my blueshield character, it was out of context, he left the coffee on the table, said something and then left.


    adding this will make things a little better in general.


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