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Posts posted by johannhawk





    Time of writing:[field][br]Location of writing:[field][br]From:[field][br]To:[field][br]



    thats it, thats all i need for NT repping, and i can format it to add more detailed and precise stuff later.








    Name(s) of complainer(s):[field][br]Name(s) of issue(s):[field][br]Time of writing:[field][br]Relevant location(s):[field][br]
    Actions needed:



    here is the thing i carry around as a IAA...





    b-but~, what about if i want to be a antag, but its sooooo easy for me to do it that i forget that i was a antag...



    Very nice explanation.


    One thing I've been meaning to ask is: what's the primary difference between communication console messages to centcom and faxes to centcom?


    One main difference is that, the captains direct line will almost always be responded too, by BSA or by an actual message / action.


    Going "Hey NT, how are you?" will most likely result in a demotion notice, because you just wasted very VERY expensive equipment on doing fuck all.


    its about...this expensive to buy a kit

    https://www.google.com/search?q=quantum ... iment+cost


    and about...this possible IRL

    http://phys.org/news/2014-07-scientists ... ified.html

    i realise im not adding anything to the conversation



    Also, I don't get the extreme restrictions on constructing mecha weaponry, when they're completely useless without the combat mecha you're not supposed to construct in the first place...


    That's... actually a good point, it's incredibly redundant. I'll be removing it.


    As for your other point, here's where I have to reiterate the point from where I stand: Robotics has no real reason to be making fully armed military exosuits just because it can. The "but something antaggy might happen" argument should have no bearing on SOP.


    That said, here's what I'm going to do: rather than written and stamped permission at Code Green, I'll swap it over to merely verbal consent from the Head of Security and/or Captain. That way, there's still a restriction, but all you literally need to do is ask "Yo, Cap/HoS, can I make them Durands?".


    ill just leave a reminder that using a emag on a mech enables it to be able to equip ANYTHING, even combat related things...or that dreaded mech bike horn.

    i hope im not wrong, but still, its kinda redundant either way.



    Coming from someone who plays Medbay a lot, I'm going to have to say no.


    First off, it would mean that a lot of players would basically be stuck in a literal "GG no re" situation unless Science upgrades the cloners (flip a coin). A great many people play Vox and Slime, primarily, so removing the ability to bring them back after death, or making it even harder, is just unnecessarily unfair.


    Secondly, the procedure to bring back one of these species is hard enough. You need:



    1. A competent Surgeon;


    2. Competent Geneticists that aren't just sitting their ass looking for Hulk;


    Biomass in the cloner



    Then you need to perform one and a half brain transplant surgeries, hope the person is still in there, drag them off to Cloning, clone them, give them all their stuff back, and make sure everyone involved knows who that person is.


    Even with a competent Medical team, it can take upwards of 10 minutes between a dead Vox/Slime showing up in Medbay and them leaving in a humanized monkey/farwa. Compare that with the minute amount of time it takes to shove any other species in a cloner and get a perfect copy.


    Leave it as is. It's an amazing procedure as well, and serves to break the monotony that is Surgery.

    And people call me shit for NOT sitting on my ass all shift looking for hulk...like, thats boring and superpowers can get anyone screwed over...



    I don't think an option to give the patient a rename is a good idea. That can be easily abused...imagine if it was the clown being worked on?

    Also it isn't just a name or voice change here, but actual face appearance being changed.


    Antags trying to impersonate would have to find a way to change their hair or cover it.

    Another downside to doing this sort of thing on the unofficial but cheap side.

    well, giving the doctor the option is even more easily abused...


    could we just have it so that the patient gets the control to use or abuse it only if they are awake?



    Anyone else wanna pitch into this kind of idea?


    I really don't see it as becoming an issue on being abused.

    Got the right tools and (Photo/ID/Records)? Easy face and voice change for surgeons.

    Antags? Screwing up results in messing up the face and have to face and voice reconstruct steps to fix it and THEN retry the steps to change it.


    That way those fancy voice changer devices and disguises can still retain their value and place while opening up additional options.

    Can also fix issues the cloner/DNA scanners can cause as well as a solution to a changeling messing with other peoples looks.


    This could also be used if security wants to do any undercover work.


    i know, let the guy who is taking the surgery to the face have a message that gives him the option of letting the surgeon give them the name, fixing the name themselves, or fix it automatically back to what its supposed to be.



    I've tested what plotron said, and it seems to be false:

    1: Summoned a player

    2: Killed them, put a mask on their face, they show up as unknown

    3: Put the ID of another on the body

    4: Scanned their records into the DB

    5: Cloned them, still has original name


    Did I do something incorrectly?

    First of all, it's not my exploit. I was unaware of it.

    I think you messed up - I think they mean that you have to put someone masked (and perhaps still alive) into the GENETICS DNA MODIFIER where you will copy the UI + SE to a buffer. And then you can apply a syringe with the voice data to someone else.

    in a nutshell, he used the cloner but not the DNA modder



    Mmm, there should be a way around a mass-overwriting of genes, yes...? I think I'll look into enhancing facial reconstruction surgery, so you can use faces other than what your DNA originally says so...

    At least keep it simple and doable with 2-4 ghetto tools. Altough doing anything related to vocal cords is complicated and might need specialized tools...


    also make it fix the voice!



    and the DNA modders scans from the ID if it cant see their face...


    Kinda stupid, eh?

    There's one 'but' - what if you lose the original ID? A new one shouldn't contain biometrics.


    Your medical records would still be valid, though.


    just the name dude...


    but its fixed now, thanks to crazylemon.


    What will we do when changelings get their identity stings working and turn everyone into the same person! WHAT CAN THE GENETICIST DO ABOUT THAT!



    I'm not saying that cloning should work with a brain, and only a brain - rather, that it should have the ability to draw the genetic data from the brain, rather than the body, so that if some unfortunate twerp gets gibbed, that they still can come back as the person they were, rather than monkey (742), when the genetic data to reconstruct the person is still present in the brain. This seems like something that'd be an upgrade from the norm, though - I'll be sure to leave that in upgrade territory. Since this still requires surgeons to transplant the brain to that of a cloning-viable body, I'm not sure how this invalidates their work...


    As for the difficulty of implementation, that's on me - I've coded a bunch of features before, so don't worry about who on earth is going to do it.

    bro, all i takes for me to fix people being monkey (742) is to tell them to show up with me in genetics with a mask and their correctly named ID on.


    shove them into the DNA modder, scan UE+SE , eject, inject from scan, done.


    and the DNA modders scans from the ID if it cant see their face...


    only takes some seconds + the time needed to get the ID and mask + getting into genetics incase im not the geneticist...


    THEN AGAIN, most people dont know how to do that incase of a mass changeling name changing bulma apocalypse...



    i can fix this in fukken seconds if i was a geneticist and found somebody with a MONKEY XXX name.


    Sometimes you don't have the required DNA data. You could have lost it somewhere along the way; one mislabeled DNA syringe and suddenly you're Bulma...



    i just need a ID with the right name on it, i can trick the DNA modder to scan the ID instead of the face if i use a mask on the patient along with the ID.



    Yeah, and you can fix the name issue with a mask, ID, and a genetics machine.

    Last time I injected someone with his own UI taken from his body post-brain transplantation his name was still messed up.

    At least his hair was back to normal!

    thats not how it works!


    its UE + SE not UI that changes the names!


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