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Posts posted by johannhawk


    if we try to implement the goon system, the extra work we have put into the current UI system (snowflake bodymarkings...) will need to be integrated into the goon system somehow.


    Also, if we do have the goon system, i want the research budget thing so non-RP oriented people will see worth in it for once.



    I really don't see what the big deal is about giving traitors more objectives without having to have admins intervene, honestly.


    Giving them 5 and then letting them cherry pick any 3 for a minor victory would be a great system, and doing all 5 would be a major victory.

    I can't argue with that.


    In fact, i support this.



    Give Vulps a verb where they can smell another character or spot of blood with a verb, which gives a scrambled version to the dna given by the forensic scanner. This means that a vulp can smell their coworkers and if a ling comes in disguised as one, it will return a different 5 digit value.

    Changeling: Yes, i shall miraculously kill one of them and infiltrate their clique and then convince them to convince my vulp target in a mech to get out of the mech.

    *Gets literally sniffed out*

    Changeling: ...welp



    More objectives? I don't see how this would work... what if I get "die a glorious death"? how could I complete the "new objectives" if I diedededed

    Or "highjack the escape shuttle"... it's a round end objective, you can't really click a button and have extra objectives.


    In my opinion we don't need extra optional objectives... not to mention the strain security would have.



    You probably wont get more "final" objectives, that would break alot of things.



    Do they start with backpacks? Because the Vox would be 1000% less unrobust if they just had backpacks.


    Yes please all the same, the omnipresence of player vox kinda ruins the feel of traiders for me anyway, keeping them as a mid-round side-antag would be nice though.

    They do start with black webbing vests, under all those spare spacesuits.


    satchels are more useful of course.



    in a nutshell, assisted organs alot of damage from EMPs, and can withstand 5 more damage before things start to break down compared to normal organs

    mechanical organs get so damaged they are unusable due to EMPs, and can withstand 10 more damage before things go bad, along with infection immunity compared to normal organs.


    you can start the shift with those organs in you, regardless of species, and i think you can't make more.


    i have a question about recent changes


    So, things have been changed, getting a EMP on a mechanical heart will only give it a heart attack, and getting rid of it requires a defib, but...what about assisted hearts? you would need surgery or mitocholide to fix that, altough it kills you alot slowly.



    and a more important question


    cyber assisted/mechanical livers, lungs and brains when?



    comment away, forums...



    Maybe if there was a button you could press that would give you one or two additional objectives after checking your progress?

    Don't we have enough buttons already? Additional objectives beyond your initial set would be optional - and awarding them automatically would be just a good way to nudge people.


    There was talk awhile ago how more antags would be created if other antags were killed/completed their objectives, I'd prefer that imo.






    Oh look, a sweater.


    Heeey, I just made a pr on Urist for a pink sweater.

    blame NTSAM

    Also, i used some of your unsused poster sprites to put on boxes...


    EDIT: wow, you pulled off a pattern on the pink sweater, i didnt manage that...



    swordbreaker? does that break the holy sword and cult sword?



    It has massive rows of teeth made to catch blades and other weapons and once the opponents weapon gets stuck on yours, you can twist their weapon of out their grip due to the leverage the teeth give you.



    i just wanted to point out the ingame evidence of how much a "unit" of something is.


    based on the ramen cup instructions, 1u = 1ml


    based on doing math from blood scans of people its 1u = 1.5ml


    50u X 1.5ml = 75ml


    75ml = 0.075 liters


    and for americans that dont use this metric system, just google it and google will give you a calculator.


    there has to be something SERIOUSLY wrong with you to pass out from 0.075 liters of beer


    it's pointless to do this---trying to equate units to any real world measurement is...well, again, pointless, because there's no consistency--especially when you start factoring in syringes blood amount on a person, etc.

    I know its pointless, but what else do you do when you are bored and want to contribute to something?


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