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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. Escape pod fun! Garoon did turn Nat into Natalie way before that...
  2. we used to just simply just have swapping batteries and that happened to be a issue and it was removed. having magazines instead could make things better but thats unlikely unless we do something right.
  3. A you say? what about the non-robotic mini-demon spiders that skitter. we could also give it to swarmers and spiderbots though.
  4. only worth it if there was a spooky *skitter sound effect
  5. just my two cents... you wont be able to buy ingame money forever, this game does have a planned economy with 90% of the economy being NPCs and being able to buy a significant amount of ingame dosh is bad for it. as for the Pay2Win, you can just earn ingameingameception cash to rent whatever you want, including things that you cant buy with money as of now, and you can extend your rent as much as you want. well, you just have to actually play it to get points and then get the ingameingame cash for renting, dont worry, you get extra points from "underdog bonus" for defeating a superior ship. also, like greentext, winning is subjective...
  6. I've got an aurora LX with 3 months insurance. Bought the anniverary pack in 2014 for 13€ and then upgraded to lx for 6€ more... so i've got the full game. With singleplayer and multiplayer, with a limited edition ship (that will ofcourse be availbe in-game, but for now it feels good) For not even 20€. I always laugh when i see people spending 4,000€ on digital spaceships. But i'm surely interested to fly with you, do you have acces to the mini-PU right now? Because you can already play the little there is with friends. UPDATE, i also now have a 325a. doing corkscrews while fleeing combat is !!FUN!! and full of PRAYING TO RNGESUS
  7. OBJECTION! As a slime person that drinks 1000u of non-alcoholic liquids at a minimum per shift, i can confirm that they do give nutrition and i will never need to visit a vending machine again for the rest of the round if i manage to drink around 600u, provided nobody hits me with lipolicide.
  8. Dreamy Bubbles is...bubbling with dreamy drunkness. Badumtss Give Natalie a watertank, she will finish all of it.
  9. it could be argued that people karma the second place guy first, before stumbling about the even more standoutie person... not that it matters...For Fox
  10. Well, there are alot more slime people players on the server now... i think only 1-3 people dislike the slime hair.
  11. the bald option looks more like the human bald version... still dont want my hair reverted ;-;
  12. Context pls. I want to know who was the whore and why they weren't dying first. They are on a spoopy gateway mission and start talking about horror movie death tropes. Plasmaman says: THE PLASMAMAN ALWAYS DIES FIRST! then luca said that
  13. i have no idea if anyone outside of blueshield players would want this...
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