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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. Considering that this entire system is from Goon, and they have very short, extremely chaotic rounds, yet chemistry works fine, this complaint stems from inexperience of the new system, not an actual issue. i used to be on goonstation and the last thing i was trying to learn was all the chemistry secrets before i dropped out... ....even some of the non secret chems more are devastating as people get more experienced
  2. just throwing stuff to hope it would stick... what if IPCs had something in them that would simulate the effect of the drug on them? ...mostly booze. anyways, what will happen to the bartender and botany and vending machines and the food and anything that puts any reagents into you?
  3. i might be able to pull off a cargo hauler version of one of the ships submitted here.
  4. we could fit some dorms and supplies for extra janitors in the empty room of engineering. if not we could squeeze a extra locker in the janitors office if we made the walls extra rectangular.
  5. ...well WHY NOT! i dont want to run out of things to do as a antag and beg the admins for more objectives or...call the syndie strike team for fun. anyways here is a minor suggestion: for each objective turned in you get a ''objective point'' in your traitor PDA for buying more items or items that cant be bought with telecrystals or just turning them into more telecrystals. should give a incentive for syndies to get more stuff done for more fun things to play with. edit: oh i know! a get out of jail free card for 3 objective points!
  6. we need a clearer line on what is permitted to be permabriggable or worse... there is like...so many sentences stating that alot of items are not exclusive to the syndicate right here. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Identifying_items
  7. whynot make security officer jumpsuits only have two settings: almost max and max this is so incompetent officers dont get killed and stranded as easily or for competent officers being able to click on something once, before they get into trouble.
  8. This so much. I don't really believe the Revolver is so integral to the power of the security versus the Nuke Ops since it has Rubber bullets any was, making really worthless in a lethal battle. So please stop talking about losing the revolver and more on this, as it's a much better idea and fits into the settling far more then Noir Detective. foouuund iiiiiit http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M ... tureIsNoir edit: i picked this one since it has the most links to alternate or similar settings, like cyberpunk
  9. this may seem stupid but we could add a ''inner monologue'' mutation blue text pops up during your routine as if you were dreaming
  10. my solutions 1.give detective the stun revolver except its reskinnable and renamable 2.put the revolver in a case like the fire exthinguisher showing a sign that its only for emergencies 3.red alert lock it
  11. im just going to put alot of different torture methods in here and hope one of them makes it. probably would need somebody to be buckled for them to work make people eat glass! more things applyable to eyes! (cigs,scapel,welder,etc) mis-aimed laser scapel! stuff paper into peoples mouths! (HoP/IAA/NT reps worst nightmare) apply screwdriver/knife to fingernails when they are buckled to a chair! put glass and/or pointy things in their pants put ice in their pants hit their funny bone bucklecuff them to a mulebot!
  12. just going to add that explosions will be useful for completing a ''make an example'' objective
  13. just happen to have some VERY broken screenshotlike footage of it...
  14. wait, i think there is a reference here, we are not alone. new gamemode plz
  15. *get shot* *groan and yell as you slowly die like in real life* 1+ for immersion
  16. >wizard round >spawn as Nat Adams and hope i get EVA access from HoP >wizard spawns everyone a magical item >i snatch a book of smoke bomb and a wand of death >assumes wand of death = sarcastic wand of death like the other magical items from those arcade machines >times passes and freinds are made >i use wand of death on HoS and unexpectedly get the wrong result (it wasnt sarcastic) and get EI NATHd by a wizard(dreadweaver) who later gets killed by a staff of change >chaplain freind collects my remains and clothes and does a reviving ritual >i live again...as a crab >time passes and i start dragging around my head >i tell chaplain freind to get my head on a humanized monkey >we get into medbay and make more freinds >we go into the surgery room to attach my head on the humanized monkey and try to bless the body and my crab form to increase the chances of success >OH NO! THE LAG AND AGONY!
  17. this convenient suggestion really lines up with some of my sprites... yea we need this for more snowflakery.
  18. replace art storage with something else and put the vending machine in the storage room.
  19. nobody calls me a nerd for a reason, they get whacked with my bling. i am the king of the fort!!! (im the guy with the skull mask) the puush didnt work so i did this instead. if you cant see it right click it and click on view image.
  20. i think this is how you get admin only items.
  21. voice: draw it and be happy since you probably dont have anything better to do me: yea voice: more details... me: mkay voice: you done? me: not sure what it is... voice: just put it on the forums
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