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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. we COULD reduce the murderboning if there was a jedi guy but the greytide would side with the jedi dude always which makes the sith guy kill them all...so just send two sith guys to duel to the death on the station while finishing their objectives.
  2. since im going to buy IPC soon* [spoiler2]*when i get the karma[/spoiler2] this is important.
  3. this is based on my knowledge and im very bad at making guides anyways. might even call this a generic guide. Is there impending doom coming? Or just shitcurity. Either way i got you covered. [spoiler2]this guide will mostly cover security and antagonists but not so much about fighting back or getting out of the brig. or this guide might just be complete nonsense[/spoiler2] nanotrasen men Being a fugitive. right...something angered security and they are after you...you have some options. have a wall breaking set handy: the security can tell the AI to bolt you in a room so being able to break down simple walls is useful. hide: find a locker and place yourself there or ask a department to let you in and hide in a different locker, just hope the AI isnt watching. tasers: those tasers will be your undoing, once again a closed locker comes in handy to block them while on the run...or a human sheild will do. lethal force: if security/secborg is using lethal force (harmbaton) on you in the hallways yelling for help is more likely to get a bored civie (or a group of them) to come to the rescue. being prepared: being prepared beforehand is the best way to get away...but to avoid admin wrath im not going into any details. deathsquad welp, deathsquad is here to kill everything and everyone and nuke the station. there is still hope. lockers are thermal-proof: their thermals cant penetrate lockers so having a good hiding spot and a locker is great! same with disposal chutes. get away from nuke radius: use the research shuttle, mining shuttle, engineering shuttle, security shuttle or just make a space pod to survive the nuke just by being on a different Z level. Antags those antags want yer stuff or just have a objective related to you? well this might help. general stuff cablecuffers: these antags have taken your radio and cablecuffed you and then dragged you into maintenance. to deal with them just spam the resist button and if its a ling it will eventually try to grab you and thus cancelling the pull and if you are still pushing that resist button you will also cancel the grab and be able to run. run to the door before it closes or find a dark corner to undo the cablecuffs. optional step: if you REALLY want to screw them over just bring the cablecuffs to security...and probably ruin a guy who hasnt been a antag for months. if its not a ling...its going to beat you up to death/broken limbs unless if they try to get a grab on you. good luck. antag with a very strong melee weapon: just run and type for help at the same time, also try to disarm him if he gets close. evil borg: same as above but no disarms, having a flash will stun them for a while giving you time to weld it in a locker or get help. provided if you keep flashing. ITS A GUN!: run dammit! if the force is with you (aka byond lag) you could dodge the bullets. otherwise having being in crowd or having a locker is also good. obvious antag standing on a table: flip the table for insta bone break. virus of DOOM!: get a your own personal room welded and barricaded and wear internals and avoid contact with others. or get lucky and just happen to be the species that is unaffected. changelings so these new TG lings are after you? well i could help...just kidding, i have no idea what they are truly capable of. XENOS! oh noooo OP aliums r after u, but with this survival guide you will say something much less whinier! strength in numbers: having more people (preferably with weapons) will increase your chances and make you more likely to kill hunters that use the so called OP leap attack. not so good for hiding depending on how many lockers you got. lockers are your freinds: no matter where you hide or barricade, their acid will break it all down eventually...unless you got a locker to hide in so they wont even bother since they cant see you. [*]escaping them all: they might be on the mining asteroid and are obviously on the station...getting a space pod is a good idea to escape both those places until they are gone/deathsquad kills them all/shuttle finally comes. rouge AI its colored rouge. deal with it. giant blob! AI has bolted the shuttles leading away from the station and the crew is forced to fight the blob...in this scenario the blob isnt a poor guy who hasnt been a blob in months and has eaten a good piece of the station. five options: 1. kill blob 2. hide in arrivals where admins banishes the blobs away from 3. build a pod and gtfo 4. hack your way into a shuttle and camp on the mining station. 5. get a EVA suit and camp in a different Z level. cant think of anything else to put into this pointless guide. anyway i hope you enjoyed it.
  4. got two more ideas i guess. write a diary in a laptop! send PDA messages!
  5. right, so when you get cloned you get only your default underwear and lose your IAN T-SHIRT and there is no way to get it back since its part of the dead body code-wise, or when you go for a particular style of clothing but the underwear breaks it, either a silly T-shirt showing trough your jacket or a lack of a T-shirt. i know that warddrobe is somewhere in the code and i want it to be put in the toilet room!
  6. from popular demand i have made a IPC medkit toolbox thing... Clown Cult.zip
  7. right. four rooms that engineers can mess with: that broken bar in maint, vacant office, Ex-gravity generator room, old assembly line. make the old gravity generator room be the new old assembly line and make the older assembly line be something a bit more useful. just a thought
  8. how about whitelists for better alt titles? if you are good enough at a job and get admins to put you at the whitelist of said job you get a option for a better alt title that shows you are good at it! should at least reduce the amount of people that calls you a comdom for no raisin.
  9. as a frequent greytider and robuster of shitcurity. i will approve of this if: if the weapon backfires it should also stun the target you were aiming for...resulting in two guys laying on the floor.
  10. well... i guess we can leave a one use custom gun kit hidden inside the stations walls that makes a gun look like that gun.
  11. even if it defeats the point of removing stun weapons (also ling stun powers dont work on other lings as far i know) that way the only way to kill with that sword is to decapitate your opponent check the bottom of this pic. if you get injured and get away you get alots of health regen from the ling powers. im also saying that just recycling the ling powers is easier than coding stuff for a ''round ender'' maybe im just a guy that waves around lore to get things his way but honestly this would be more fun.
  12. at this point i just want it to be stuck into the game anywhere...
  13. just having the station there to prevent spawn killing is good enough for me. the best part is we can further improve it from there.
  14. *starts drawing fan-fanart* [spoiler2]dont take it seriously...[/spoiler2]
  15. its just a extra skin to choose from. anyway, in what way is it extreme?
  16. greyshirt mc.antag joins the game and becomes a traitor. all he has to do is to steal the HoP jumpsuit. early in the round he managed to cleanly take the HoP jumpsuit without any problems or spawning any antag items and stashes the HoP jumpsuit. he forgets the HoP jumpsuit and the fact he is a antag and loses. pretty much just want a antag UI or some sort of marker that reminds you that you are a antag. for every antag.
  17. i shall bump cuz i can! also 69% of the vote.
  18. right so...i got word the detective is supposed to be a Noir character...but the reskins are only a OPTION and we still got the bluesheilds custom revolver availible.
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