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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I just find gasp gasp gasp gasp gasp a little boring. Crying was just an example, it could be anything really.
  2. Ex: "X shivers !" "X starts to cry." "X yells out in pain !" Every few seconds (5-10 maybe). Hippie or goonstation style. Could be a problem with some species though, like IPCs or Dionae.
  3. I'd be fine with it if they exploded instead.
  4. Please no. It's one of baymeds most fun features. Removing it will just turn it into a quasi-TG "slap a bruise pack on it". If anything, just bump up the threshold needed to break bones.
  5. I mean, they bleed it, so they should just be able to drink it right back up.
  6. You can already take cover behind walls, but nobody ever uses it. Let's say that there's a firefight in a hallway. The guy behind the wall can shoot at the guy in the hallway all he wants and he will hit him But if the guy in the hallway shoots at him, he will never hit. Illustrated: http://imgur.com/TPJYWQb http://imgur.com/tyHR047
  7. Here's a small list of items that I find would be pretty cool to have, some will probably be OP or too hard to code, but I thought I might aswell throw some ideas at the wall. #1 Chakram (Bladed frisbee) This video pretty much sums it up ( Skip to 1:15 ) Pros: - Cuts off a random limb - Lots of damage - Badass Cons: - Slow throw speed, somewhat easy to avoid. - If you miss, you're fucked. (Perhaps it could only be picked up by the traitor ?) Cost: 8 crystals. Available to: Anyone. #2 Random superpower syringe Contains one random power from genetics. Pros: - You might get something badass, like hulk, or TK. Cons: You could get something totally lame, like cold resistance. Costs: 5 crystals Available to: Anyone #3 Tesla gun Pros: - Same damage as the laser - Knockdowns the target - Self recharges, like the advanced egun - Essentially a taser and laser gun combined Cons: - People with insulated gloves are immune to it. - Auto recharge can't be relied on too much, as It takes time. Cost: 8 crystals. Available to: Scientist/RD #4 Syndicate hand teleporter A black and red version of the hand tele Pros: - Can set a custom location to teleport to, no need for those annoying beacons ! - Can be used for a quick escape, or sending people into space Cons: - To set a location, you have to be standing there. Cost: 6 crystals #5 Jump boots Space acrobat ! Pros: - Allows you to jump 3 tiles ahead of you, over any obstacles, such as tables, bananas, people. Cons: - 10 second recharge time Cost: 2 crystals. #6 Illithid ( Mind flayer ) Now, a bit back when Nox was still active, you could get an ultra rare syringe in one of the syndicate bundles. It transformed you into this http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_flayer Pros: - Comes with two spells: Mind blast and Mind flare - Mind blast stuns anyone in your vision for a short time - Mind flare causes major burn damage - You can eat peoples brains to regain health ( Like a fat person eats another crewmember ) - You can speak directly into people's minds, and it appears the same as when an admin sends you a subtle message, perfect for manipulation. Cons: - 60 second recharge time for each spell - Your new look is rather obvious, most crewmembers don't have tentacles coming out of their face. - Very small chance of getting it in a syndie bundle. Cost:10 crystals Well, most of these ideas are probably shit , I might add some more later sometime.
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