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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. the last time i grinded rice stalks i got plant matter...which was a while ago. the last time i needed the rice from mr changs is when me and the bartender were making sake to get drunk on...
  2. you need to be able to produce pure rice and then turn it into fried rice if you want to make some sushi from the recent sushi update. the need to go to mr.changs every time to get a tiny amount of rice isnt really ideal.
  3. i have a another idea, there used to be ''expensive mineral water'' and it was removed due to goonstation saying we stole their memes. that expensive mineral water had iodine, and when that is mixed with potassium, it becomes potassium iodine, which is anti rad medication, but when water and potassium mixes, it blows up. so, heat the water enough to make it disappear! and have a steam effect. bananas should have potassium in them too, vaporize the water in the ''expensive mineral water'' and then inject whats left into the banana, now its a anti radiation banana!
  4. i already said that, and the third one is in the kitchen, not gonna mess with the crazy chef.
  5. Page in question (optional): Guide to genetics Role(s) involved (optional): geneticists and whatever mad CMO/RD decides to hang out in there. Brief description of unclear/missing info: the UI info is a bit lacking, it only says mostly inaccurate stuff, it only displays 13 UI blocks but theres actually around 16 of them. a small example is that the wiki says you can change beard color by altering the blocks 8-10 but all that does is change fur/skin color for non humans. its the most trivial thing in genetics but who is going to ruin fix your hair color?
  6. you could always ask R&D for sec huds that arent sunglasses...if they are not lazy, otherwise, just keep a stock of non-sunglass sec huds somewhere in the brig for kidan or when all the usual sechuds run out of stock. hud implants sound nice.
  7. why should we do it? for more ghetto chemistry. saline glucose solution: salt + sugar + water charcoal: salt + ash + heat twinkies have sugar, specific hot chocolate turns into sugar in your system. any soda can can be refilled with water from a water cooler. ash: just burn paper and scoop the ash up for 10u of ash. salt...cant really be bought and is limited outside of chemistry, theres some in the bar but just 40u total.
  8. With this logic we could just replace all those airlocks with doors that everyone could just simply open, because we supposedly have armed guards everywhere ready to chop you up. No, the people that try to ''chop you up'' are just people that hate greytide and keep on tools just to kick them out easily and i did mention something about luck before putting the list down, and being a naked slime person kinda makes it hard to tell if you are a greytider or not, but being a naked thief is kinda worse. Pretty sure that you would need two people for this, i might be wrong though. you need two people, and cargonia always works together in some way.
  9. i think high secure pipes w/ lasers would be more accurate, after exploring the vent system a bunch of times as a mouse, most departments have about 1-4 pairs of red/blue pipes, most of which run under easily hackable doors and that means BOTH the red and blue pipe go under the door, and if there are 3-4 pairs, due to the nature of atmospherics, one of them is likely to end up short and only touching one room of the department. commonly broken into areas like the tech storage or arrivals sec checkpoints have one pair. single rooms will easily be secured since each room usually has a scrubber and a vent, so we can obviously just have command areas, that vault, the chemistry lab, etc. be secure if somebody enters the department itself and tries to ventcrawl from there. the brig...just slap 2 sec pipes per cell plus permabrig and solitary and nothing can get out, unless some virus attack happens. as for the bridge, just need about 4-8 pipes with security. its not quite almost everywhere but honestly, here are some likely scenarios you need luck to avoid. -if you somehow enter the chemistry with two people in it, you will be forcibly disposaled, if you are lucky. -enter the kitchen and you will probably get knifed, -sneak to the bar backroom and you will probably be shot, -somehow sneak into science and then get mobbed by A. a bunch of people with shields and blunt weapons B. a guy with a sedative syringe gun C. a powergamey RD with legit guns -somehow crawl into the IAA/NT rep/Magistrate office and you will be complained at and sec gets to chase you without feeling bad about it if said pissed off people decide to write paperwork about you. -somehow get into the sec locker room and risk being harmbatonned, (i have like four other ways to enter it anyways so i dont have to take off stuff due to ventcrawl) -crawl into botany and maybe get either chopped up or nettled. and to top it off, would sec trust a naked slime person in a restricted area or the guy that actually works there, and ventcrawling can be nullified if you stick enough implants into the slime person so the implants get in the way. and if nobody is working in the not so important places (bar backroom/kitchen/botany/IAA office), then who cares? -- oh...incase the vents dont have power to keep the lasers up and all the loot gets thrown down disposals along with the theif... you can already do that, just mail yourself to a place where you want to loot and loot it, except if you have ventcrawl you can do it on your own, but you dont get to bring anything with you to said location.
  10. i vaguely remember Zeke getting stuck in a airlock as the escape shuttle with a handful of cultists running around in it was leaving, at least i managed to forcefeed a few of them with pistachios, donuts and ramen all filled with holy water.
  11. have a dead puppy/kitten/parrot/crab/monkey on your hands and nobody else to blame but the chef and/or clown? slap the dead pet with a autopsy scanner and results will instantly come! no more lack of evidence and easy body relocations just to pin 5 minutes (plus shitcurity time) on some dude that had nothing to do with it.
  12. but does it have more than two different lights? for example it will have a different light than red if there is a pAI instead of a AI, or two different lights if both are present.
  13. im pretty sure it isnt a vanilla job, at least its a non-vanilla title but that is why the rest of the people posted here. after checking over both TG wiki and bay wiki there isnt a coroner title or a coroner focused job, ergo, its a non-vanilla doctor title, so this thread is valid! http://wiki.baystation12.net/Jobs http://wiki.baystation12.net/Medical_Doctor http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Jobs http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Medical_Doctor but hey, at least we know now that the clown or captain will never be karma locked.
  14. well, if the brig has flashers set up, just walk instead of run, then the motion sensors in them wont pick ya up.
  15. *AKA the short story of the situationally blind officer that killed himself AKA a another messy shift. it was the shift where tg mining was first implemented. genetics were not making a spare body for a person without a head. HoS demoting CMO for making a hypocritical joke. engineering doing a bad job. CRYO ISNT SET! Ce'st la vie i guess near the end, a officer was badgering the chemist to let him out of medbay...and the door power was out... officer called the situation ''mind numbingly dumb'' after the former CMO and a another officer crowbarred their way out. then i promptly told the officer the door was already open...then he killed himself with a taser, his last words, im a idiot. gave the taser to the chemist and walked off to put him in a body bag. the end
  16. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M ... veCaffeine all i have to say.
  17. at least we could push for only implementing the table slams...
  18. now i can use ''minor assault'' to make the lines of acceptable self defense clearer, and also get people arrested for pushing me onto the ground ''cuz they can'' also, if i can flip the tables, i could somehow get Ian's murderers to get DOUBLE the jail time (5 for killing Ian, 5 for lying about me killing Ian) if i manage to debunk their accusations against me. EDIT: oh nice, there are now separate perma crimes and capital crimes
  19. i think we are onto something, we already have a frikkin GAVEL, why not go all out. Make some E-folders and a witness recorder, some in the IAA and magistrate office and one in the detectives office. be able to make separate cases in the folders and relevant evidence for each case, being able to accept evidence (presented in evidence bags, pics, papers, recorders) needs the right amount of access (magistrate, detective, HoS, warden) anyone without the access can still try to put it in but it still needs to be accepted. in court or on crime scene, judges or detectives can hand witness recorders to witnesses and get them to say what they saw, it will be recorded ace attorney style. when doing a trial, the judge/tribunal will hand out the folders to the defense and prosecution, if the judge or the three members of the tribunal (pretty much the three highest ranking people in the trial) has the right access and there is at least one lawyer, the trial can ''officially'' begin. within the trial (or anywhere), the lawyers could slam tables and make a sound effect with the following: -both hands -one hand (incase you lose one) -your face (incase you are a crippled, seizure filled, obese lawyer with no limbs.) -claws (paws are too fluffy, scratch the table) -mechanical hand/s (the sound of hydraulics and metal sure is epic) -a drink container (then crush the soda can, glass, cup, beaker full of acid, etc for dramatic effect) -the gavel (don't care how you found it...) -a telebaton -the chain of command -bottle of something (drunk bastard) -those handcuffs provided by shitcurity (make a dramatic snap effect if you manage to uncuff yourself) also, the witness can get a breakdown button within the trial... oh, and incase NT supports having a jury (they dont), have a jury floor tile and all chairs next to said floor tile when it gets installed will count as jury chairs, people buckled into them will be a jury, if enough of them push a ''rabble'' button at the same time, a another sound effect will happen. thats about it... at least it will encourage trials to be done properly...maybe EDITED to fit within SoP, the tribunal thing where three command staff or other high ranking crew decide the sentence...but on the other hand the magistrate still has more legal authority than anyone ON the station...huh. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Leg ... _Procedure
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