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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. get the ability to slam tables with a sound effect, but only when you are wearing something fancy or formal, your table slamming abilities regenerate according to your clothing, maybe even different kinds of table slamming but thats a bit too much coding... i might need to sleep now...
  2. everyone in this escape pod except two people are polymorphers that turned into Josiah Young. OOCly admins decided to point out the fact the pod is locked in unless somebody opens it from the outside ICly, CC closes the pod from the outside
  3. i was the NT rep that round, faxed CC (Regens) a similar photo and got him to fax back this. later the RD took off his labcoat to rub the poorly drawn star all over him at round end.
  4. found like...four sunglasses in maint and a advanced trauma kit and a couple of multitools and this toolbelt. praise RNGesus then helped decorate the MOST PIMPIN OFFICE ON THE STATION! then AI nuked us
  5. made possible fluff items for Kharshai, came out ok.
  6. only downside is coding difficulty, we barely managed the ventcrawl when they tried it in the first place. well, this suggestion is only a guideline if somebody wants to try to pull it off.
  7. it would still be nice if the default channels still had /something/ in them... or at least let them announce larger scale random events or specific rounds.
  8. make one of the ''default'' newscaster channels have a forecast for viruses, meteors, meaty ores, carp migrations, ETC along with percentages that state how likely they are to be true (or just a Y/N for impending doom like meteor rounds and adminbus) if its true, then it states the possible symptons/severity along with the percentages of them being true.
  9. make EFTPOS thingies be a component of them
  10. also this: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5325 well, Bulma breifs was ventcrawling into places [spoiler2](altough that was partially adminbus...or genetics)[/spoiler2] and during that i got a idea. high security vents w/ lasers. slimes,diona,monkies,genetics,etc wont be able to pass through them...cuz lasers. as for mice and other harmless critters, they are small enough to fit through the gaps of the lasers. as for xenos, they can pass through but get scorched in the process. - the high security vents will draw their energy from the same category as the doors draw on from the APC [spoiler2]i think its equipment or enviroment[/spoiler2]. so if engineering is lazy and no power gets made, the ventcrawlers can get into the bridge or escape sec...while other people can just crowbar into the same places without taking all of their items off. when this gets added (probably not) we can SAFELY re-add slime ventcrawling
  11. perfect explanation! not kidding.
  12. you cant kill bulma if he is on meth.
  13. im going to need some guidance before i screw literally every single plasmaman helmet sprite...since i dont want it to be static but i dont know how to fix it, unless everyone else wants to have it static, im fine with that. meanwhile, have some of this silly thing.
  14. not sure what you are using, nor am i good at animating, but .gif's are you freinds
  15. OH GOD PLEASE NO. Why not? i already made a one example.
  16. i dont know anymore... Clown Cult.ziphallway brawler scroll.png[/attachment]
  17. Wiki says nothing about that we dont have many wiki maintaners so im just going to post in a screenshot from our github (where all the coding happens)
  18. the captain finally has something to do other than keeping his disk and hat safe! i approve.
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