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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. what about syndicate strike teams and deathsquads? they could also use the rankings and character slots.
  2. i haz reliant with LTI...that is all ;-;
  3. will this happen? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LongBusTrip or this? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BusCrash or maybe this one? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M ... usCameBack
  4. i have a couple of insignificant recordings of adminland on youtubes :3 and i think you entered the aftermath of two admins fighting each other on it, maybe.
  5. i made a new disabler gun...thing with a collapse-able stock, its somewhat aimed for the bluesheild to use incase if there is a lynch mob of cultists or similar. its not finished, i need to make the ammo counter still we got three availible modes but to spare on coding and spriting i only made two sprites. semi-auto, pews a disabler beam one click at a time, normal disabler beam range. burst fire, shoots three disabler beams at once. tazer range. shotgun mode, three disabler beams except its spread. tazer range. --- i could make a .38 version of it or one more sprite to fit all three modes...or alots of spriting to make it be able to be changed like the revolver skins and named too! i need criticism, pls.
  6. I was that cultist. All of Grugg's jobs are taken. Decide to play as M'rasha, Grugg's sister. Join as botanist. Go to pick up gear at locker room. Get ganked by cultists and converted. Just want to grow plants and shit. Nar'Sie tells me to get my ass in gear. Assemble the cultists. Nobody has a frigg'n tome. Nar'Sie says kill Max. Damn. Get named the Champion of Nar'Sie. Lure Max into maintenance. Failed banana slip. Wait for negotiations. Silent b'zap. No, "SUBMIT TO WATERING." Point out violation of SOP. Get forcibly de-converted by Max while cuffed. Lose memory of cult. Start walking to bar. Beat by a combination of security and greyshirts screaming, "cultists." Bucklecuffed to insertion. Bleeding pretty bad. Ask the officers to talk to Max for alibis. Shitcurity A hobbles out with cane to get holy water. Shitcurity B that I need medical attention. Shitcurity B bandages me and takes my radio when I try to call for Max. Shitcurity A commes back and smashed glass of holy water on me and gives a few jolly stabs with broken glass for good measure. Dying. HoS comes by. Plead for life. HoS tazes me for being a "cultist." Captain shows up with 12 gauge and asks, "Shotgun to the head or holy water?" Beg for life and tell him to talk to Max. Condom counts down to zero. BOOM, HEADSHOT! Still_Alive.mp3 Slowly die in horrible agony. Never found Max. i feel extremely shit now... and there were three HoS's on manifest... im sorry ;-; next time i shall try getting a bunch of stamped papers for diplomatic immunity just for the deconverted antags... edit: the biggest mistake that i did was to do all of that stuff without being security...but they werent so keen on going to the library and actually picking up a bible, and the chaplain farted on his.
  7. 5 am when the round starts be bluesheild and get your things packed around the station. chat with the NT rep...about the heads probably going to be incompetent. get reports about cult over radio and push the heads towards red alert. finish getting my things packed and moving things alongs, like a null rod since the chaplain farted on his own bible so hes useless. kill slime infestation and give NT rep a stuffed animal and a pet rock. go around searching suspected cultists, IE people that got reported over radio by random people who yelled for help. and it worked if cultist does not have contraband, give cup ramen filled with holy water as a apology, they drank it. one of them tried to slip me, i yelled: SUBMIT TO WATERING and tazed him and watered him with the holy water. singulo gets loose...and i push the captain into blue alert... me and a bunch of doctors and the NT rep fled to the research outpost. the round ends and it turns out i was their sacrifice target...and i deconverted every single one most of them except the two who were eaten by singulo
  8. pls, put one in bar backroom, or preferably in south maint once its expanded.
  9. put 1 blank bullet in gun the rest are live, make everyone see you put them in and and shoot yourself, and you live. your target blows their head off.
  10. dave...did you steer the pod to carpland?
  11. well, considering you can make spaceacillin for free if you have some time and a multitool, this isnt terribly OP in any way.
  12. to people worried about over the top greifing implications the glue will only work with clothing items and i will tone it down from 2 minutes to 1 minute spent trying to get it off on your own, water and space lube still has same effect. you at least need to be sprayed with a fire exthinguisher to be able to take off items with superglue on it.
  13. new idea: SUPER GLUE only unstickyable by space lube or acid.
  14. having somebody else take off the clothes/gear is faster than doing it yourself, especially if you add water.
  15. johannhawk


    apply glue to the worst clown mask, kitty ears, the horrible tie, a mime suit, etc. then make a guy wear it, now its stuck there until he spends 2 minutes getting it off or some other person helping them out. alternatively just apply water to reduce the time needed or apply space lube and it will only take seconds!
  16. what does the abbreviation A.N.N.O.U.N.C.E.R. stand for?
  17. Are you still doing requests? If you are, could you do something like the football jacket from hotline miami? https://d1vr6n66ssr06c.cloudfront.net/w ... ket640.jpg pretty sure they got something like that on bay (according to reddit at least) , just PM me later, i need to finish off this homework.
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